1)点击左侧的Processes,选择菜单中的process Overview
3) 单击你要查看的流程,可侧会显示出此流程正在运行的流程实例。
To manage your process instances, click on the "Processes" tab at the left an select "Process Overview". After a slight delay (if you are using the application for the first time, due to session initalization etc.), the "Process" list should show all the known processes. The jbpm-console in the demo setup currently loads all the processes in the "src/main/resources" folder of the evaluation sample in "jbpm-installer/sample/evaluation". If you click the process, it will show you all current running instances. Since there are no running instances at this point, the "Instance" table will remain empty.
3) 点击Diagram按钮,查看当前图表状态
4) 点击Instance Data按钮,查看流程实例数据。
You can start a new process instance by clicking on the "Start" button. After confirming that you want to start a new execution of this process, you will see a process form where you need to fill in the necessary information to start the process. In this case, you need to fill in your username "krisv" and a reason for the request, after which you can complete the form and close the window. A new instance should show up in the "Instance" table. If you click the process instance, you can check its details below and the diagram and instance data by clicking on the "Diagram" and "Instance Data" buttons respectively. The process instance that you just started is first requiring a self-evaluation of the user and is waiting until the user has completed this task.
1)点击左侧菜单中Tasks,选择Personal Tasks,右侧将显示自己的任务(如果查看不到点击Refresh挥刀刷新一下任务)。
3)再次在Process Overview中查看自己刚创建的流程实例,查看当前信息。
4) john/john登录,在Tasks中点击Group Tasks,选中要执行的任务,点击Claim领取任务.
在Tasks中点击Personal Tasks,选择要处理的任务,点击View,填写信息后完成。
在Processes的Process Overview中查看信息
5)用mary/mary登录,方法同4. 即完成了此次流程。
To see the tasks that have been assigned to you, choose the "Tasks" tab on the left and select "Personal Tasks" (you may need to click refresh to update your task view). The personal tasks table should show a "Performance Evaluation" task for you. You can complete this task by selecting it and clicking the "View" button. This will open the task form for performance evaluations. You can fill in the necessary data and then complete the form and close the window. After completing the task, you could check the "Process Overview" once more to check the progress of your process instance. You should be able to see that the process is now waiting for your HR manager and project manager to also perform an evaluation. You could log in as "john" / "john" and "mary" / "mary" to complete these tasks.
**JBPM5.4 SSH 完整项目整合案例** 该案例是基于JBPM5.4、Spring(SSH框架的一部分)的集成应用实例,旨在展示如何将业务流程管理(BPM)系统JBPM与Spring框架无缝结合,实现企业级的业务流程自动化。SSH,即Struts...
**JBPM5.4详解** JBPM,全称Java Business Process Management,是一个开源的工作流管理系统,专注于业务流程的建模、执行和监控。JBPM5.4是该系统的某一版本,它提供了强大的流程定义和执行能力,适用于企业级应用...
**JBPM5.4工作流例子详解** JBPM(JBoss Business Process Management)是一个开源的工作流管理系统,主要用于处理业务流程的自动化。JBPM5.4是该系统的一个版本,它在之前的基础上进行了优化和增强,提供了更为...
SSH整合JBPM5.4是将Struts2、Spring3.1、Hibernate4.1这三大主流Java EE框架与业务流程管理(Business Process Management,简称BPM)工具JBPM5.4集成的过程。这个整合旨在提供一个高效、灵活且可扩展的企业级应用...
基于java及JBPM5.4流程引擎技术开发.鉴于JBPM5.4版本较新,而目前网上基本上没有对应的简单实例,更不要说负责案例及项目设计。 本课程是在国内没有任何中文文档的情况下,完全靠翻译国外的英文文档并结合项目应用... 是一个包含开源工作流引擎jbpm的版本3.2.3的压缩包。jbpm(Java Business Process Management)是一个强大的业务流程管理系统,它提供了完整的业务流程建模、执行和管理能力,特别适合于需要...
SSH+jBPM5.4是一个基于Java的企业级应用开发框架组合,主要涵盖了Spring、Struts和Hibernate这三大组件,以及业务流程管理(Business Process Management,简称BPM)工具jbpm5.4。这个项目组合提供了从表现层到数据...
jbpm5.4与Spring MVC的集成是企业级应用开发中的常见组合,它结合了jbpm(业务流程管理)的强大功能和Spring MVC的灵活控制层架构。以下将详细阐述这一集成涉及的关键知识点: 1. **jbpm5.4**:jbpm是一个开源的...
你可以通过Eclipse的"Help" -> "Install New Software"菜单,然后添加JBPM的更新站点(如来安装。 **3. 安装Eclipse流程插件** 在Eclipse中安装了JBoss Tools后...
首先,让我们详细了解一下如何安装JBPM5.4: 1. **下载JBPM5.4**:访问JBPM官方网站或通过Git仓库获取最新稳定版的JBPM5.4源码。确保你下载的是适合你的操作系统的版本,例如Windows、Linux或Mac OS。 2. **解压并...
- **jbpm-console-ng**:新一代的Web管理界面,提供更丰富的功能和更好的用户体验。 - **API与服务**:讲解如何通过RESTful API和JMS消息服务与JBPM交互。 - **集成工具**:包括Maven插件、Eclipse插件等,便于...
SSH2结合JBPM5.4是企业级应用开发中的一项关键技术组合,主要涉及Spring、Struts2和Hibernate这三个核心框架与Business Process Management System (BPMS)的集成,特别是使用jbpm5.4版本。SSH2提供了强大的后端服务...
jBPM is a flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite. It's light-weight, fully open-source (distributed under Apache license) and written in Java. It allows you to model, execute and monitor ...
**JBPM5.4及Eclipse流程插件安装** JBPM(Java Business Process Management)是一个开源的工作流管理系统,主要用于业务流程的建模、部署、执行和监控。版本5.4是其历史上的一个重要里程碑,提供了丰富的功能和...
CSDN首发jBPM5.4 API文档,带索引
例如,你可以利用jbpm-human-task-core来设计和实现涉及人员交互的任务流程,通过jbpm-bpmn2解析和执行BPMN 2.0流程图,借助jbpm-persistence-jpa将流程实例持久化到数据库,同时使用jbpm-bam监控流程的运行情况。...
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