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"SVM are some of the most ...
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我现在在做sentiment analysis的,看这方面的p ...
classifier算法优缺点 -
Rails Rumble -- 48小时内完成的131个 application
XRuby 0.1.2 is now available for download from the project download page: http://code.google.com/p/xruby/downloads/list
This latest release contains more built-in libraries and a few bug fixes for the compiler. We expect to release a new stable version every month.
Last week, Antonio Cangiano did a very interesting job to compare the performance of different ruby implementations using YARV's benchmark suite. XRuby is not included in his test as Antonio may not know our project exists. For people who are interested, here is the XRuby's performance data (due to my limited resource, only ruby 1.8.5 interpreter was compared):
>java -Xmx512m -jar xruby-0.1.2.jar benchmark\run.rb
The test environment is Intel Pentium M 1G CPU, 1G Memory, Windows XP SP2, Java 1.5.0_09. It may be worth to mention we have done almost nothing for optimization, not even a simple method cache. I think it is quite possible for a JVM based ruby compiler to beat the classic Ruby interpreter on performance, while YARV's number is going to be very hard for us to reach.
This latest release contains more built-in libraries and a few bug fixes for the compiler. We expect to release a new stable version every month.
Last week, Antonio Cangiano did a very interesting job to compare the performance of different ruby implementations using YARV's benchmark suite. XRuby is not included in his test as Antonio may not know our project exists. For people who are interested, here is the XRuby's performance data (due to my limited resource, only ruby 1.8.5 interpreter was compared):
>java -Xmx512m -jar xruby-0.1.2.jar benchmark\run.rb
Test | Ruby 1.8.5 | XRuby 0.1.2 |
bm_app_answer.rb | fail | fail |
bm_app_factorial.rb | fail | fail |
bm_app_fib.rb | 20.42 | 33.84 |
bm_app_mandelbrot.rb | 7.270 | 15.33 |
bm_app_pentomino.rb | 294.2 | 956.9 |
bm_app_raise.rb | 4.906 | 4.597 |
bm_app_strconcat.rb | 5.917 | 5.858 |
bm_app_tak.rb | 26.46 | 38.95 |
bm_app_tarai.rb | 21.08 | 35.51 |
bm_loop_times.rb | 14.83 | 93.55 |
bm_loop_whileloop.rb | 26.26 | 76.5 |
bm_loop_whileloop2.rb | 5.327 | 16.15 |
bm_so_ackermann.rb | fail | fail |
bm_so_array.rb | 19.35 | 300.2 |
bm_so_concatenate.rb | 5.868 | 26.58 |
bm_so_count_words.rb | 2.253 | 46.43 |
bm_so_exception.rb | 9.893 | 9.973 |
bm_so_lists.rb | 3.696 | 41.04 |
bm_so_matrix.rb | 6.328 | 21.29 |
bm_so_nested_loop.rb | 15.38 | 68.20 |
bm_so_object.rb | 21.97 | 20.77 |
bm_so_random.rb | 6.269 | 15.69 |
bm_so_sieve.rb | 1.992 | 5.476 |
bm_vm1_block.rb | 65.67 | 98.91 |
bm_vm1_const.rb | 48.05 | 82.31 |
bm_vm1_ensure.rb | 46.19 | 75.38 |
bm_vm1_length.rb | 55.62 | 105.6 |
bm_vm1_rescue.rb | 36.47 | 80.91 |
bm_vm1_simplereturn.rb | 57.12 | 88.16 |
bm_vm1_swap.rb | 76.21 | 85.73 |
bm_vm2_array.rb | 18.64 | 19.65 |
bm_vm2_method.rb | 33.41 | 35.32 |
bm_vm2_poly_method.rb | 45.42 | 47.78 |
bm_vm2_poly_method_ov.rb | 12.81 | 25.98 |
bm_vm2_proc.rb | 21.54 | 31.23 |
bm_vm2_regexp.rb | 13.40 | 52.35 |
bm_vm2_send.rb | 11.87 | 31.60 |
bm_vm2_super.rb | 13.98 | 20.25 |
bm_vm2_unif1.rb | 11.46 | 19.95 |
bm_vm2_zsuper.rb | 15.84 | 21.92 |
bm_vm3_thread_create_join.rb | 0.120 | 1.402 |
The test environment is Intel Pentium M 1G CPU, 1G Memory, Windows XP SP2, Java 1.5.0_09. It may be worth to mention we have done almost nothing for optimization, not even a simple method cache. I think it is quite possible for a JVM based ruby compiler to beat the classic Ruby interpreter on performance, while YARV's number is going to be very hard for us to reach.
2008-01-04 01:12 2839有关编译器的书中"Dragon Book" ... -
2007-12-04 06:13 2299Antonio Cangiano今天在blog上更新了各种ru ... -
xruby 0.3.2发布了
2007-11-29 06:00 1571基本和上一个版本(0.3.1)相比变化不大, 大多数都是bug ... -
2007-11-27 20:44 1106用年假回国了一趟。由于时间太短,只在北京和兰州各待了几天。家里 ... -
2007-11-05 12:45 1440sishen在xruby mailist提到YAML项目很可能 ... -
2007-11-01 02:05 1985Strongtalk项目的Dave Griswold几天前发了 ... -
2007-10-29 22:52 1102上周加入了三个和日期相关的库: time.rb parseda ... -
2007-10-23 13:24 1328刚才发现google code最近做了不少改进,其中的就是一个 ... -
2007-10-19 13:48 1295支持ruby on rails是xruby最重要的目标.我最近 ... -
rails application和web server
2007-10-17 01:31 1437部署到apache/lighthttpd的rails appl ... -
2007-10-16 00:01 1160上一周的时间,基本上都在争取让xruby能支持singleto ... -
2007-10-10 00:36 2309这个javaeye上的blog本来是利用rss导入做的在国内的 ... -
xruby 0.3.0 released
2007-08-08 05:02 1705I am pleased to announce that X ... -
ruby -y
2007-06-12 15:14 1258For people who are interested i ... -
XRuby 0.2.0 released
2007-05-15 15:15 1184I am glad to announce that XRub ... -
InfoQ article on XRuby
2007-04-17 11:16 924Werner Schuster from InfoQ has ... -
XRuby 0.1.0 released
2007-01-29 22:32 1285[Link of this article: http://x ... -
On-Ruby interview
2007-02-19 03:33 1177Pat Eyler recently interviewed ... -
XRuby is faster than Ruby 1.8.5 in most benchmarks
2007-03-12 03:02 1757Two weeks ago, Antonio Cangiano ... -
Ruby builtin in pure Ruby
2007-03-12 12:50 1548[Update 03/12/2007 If you know ...
开发指南 软件依赖项 (OS X) $ brew install postgres redis imagemagick pkg-config 设置 $ bundle install $ cp config/application.yml.example config/application.yml $ cp config/database.yml.example ...
做电影Curso Ruby on Rails 5.x-执行本操作安比恩特RVMListar todas无React,无争议$ rvm list known列表$ rvm get headLista作为本地安装人员$ rvm listInstala umaversãoescolhida $ rvm install x.x.x.xRuby,...
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本地安装要求Linux,Unix,Windows或Mac OS XRuby在Unix上安装ruby: yum install ruby (或sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1 )在Mac OS X上安装ruby: curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby 请访问...
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