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Some thought about my job during recent months



Here is my 4th month in OZ, and everything seems work well now. And the recent 2 months I was so busy with my job. And I felt better.

However, during the phase of fitting into the pretty new working env, I endured a lot, and it can be tell from my previous posts. Here I want to share some experiences with the people who is experiencing or will experience the similar situation. The advices are really simple and obvious, however, it is also really helpful.

1 Get help from others: Pair with more experienced co-workers, and also ask for help from others who already has experienced the same things as you.

 When paring, try to find what's the difference between your behavior and others, analyse the distances, and try to be better in the next time. e.g. In the project I am on now, I work with someone has more working experience, and I learn a lot. I will compare our behaviors towards the same issue, and then I found the distance, I began to ask myself, why I did this way rather than that way, which is better? After analysis, you surely can do better next time.


Another example is I find some people had similar experience with me, and I asked for help from them for the experience-sharing. And I find that people always like to be helpful to others. So, ask them, it is not a shame.

2 Ask for feedback on your own initiative:
That is to say, sometimes, you feel stressful, it may not because you are not doing well, it may due to the distance between your expect ion towards yourself and others.Maybe you are expecting too high or too much.

Stress sometimes acts as a motivation. But I like to work happily. I need the encouragement and suggestion from others. Thus, for the people in the similar situation, if the uncertain and in-confidence you have will make you stressful and not happy, try not to be shy or lazy. Just have some conversations with co-workers, either by free talk or email. People always be afraid of the unknown things. And then, you may have much more context about the situation where you are. you will be encouraged by the feedback about what you do well, and also you can have directions about the future improvement towards the feedback what you did less well. Make the unknown to known. Sometimes, it will go out of your imagination.

3 And most important, find some people you can complain to .Of course, you will have some complaint from the start. So you should complain, either to your family members or your close friends, but try to find somebody who can bear you.Of course you can find other ways to release the stress.

4 Always to be nice. From my point of view, disregards the ability, I like to work with the kind people. Especially act as my role, I always have to have conversations with different people, Devs, BAs, UXs and so on. However, always to be nice is not equal to give up your baseline.You should speak up if something goes wrong, you can do this in a acceptable tone or method.

5 Do your job well try your best. This is what you can control. so try to do best. Be positive and be hard-working. You need have correct  attitude towards your job.


The above is what I can summarized as the good aspects, and also I know what I did not so well, I will continue to improve on that, hope I can share some later.







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