On 12th,Dec, I will leave Xi'an and start my 6 month assignment in OZ, and this is what I expected, and of course I have some worries about this issue.
However, this will be good chance to me, and I will go on and try my best!
Below is something I can sum up, to help myself ease my stress, and also to help me to know what I lack of ,and what should I do in the near future.
my problems and solution
1 English
Now my listening ability and spoken English is not so well, and I have problems to catch up with others, especially exists no context, for example,some discuss about the new features, or some small talk in life.
As for English,at the first few weeks, maybe it is hard. but there exists solutions for this issue:
1) Practice makes perfect,so, I have to speak more on my own initiative, and also listen more, both meeting and the TVs and so on. Living in such environment will help me to grow quickly.
2)Besides, I am sure I have quick-learning ability and also hard-working, so anything will be solved.
2 My Technical ability
It is a Rails project, and for me , on one hand, the domainknowledge about network is very necessary; on the other hand, rails is new to me,and also with cucumber,
Client is very strict with the AC, however,AC is closely related to English writing ability and the familiarity with the business model, so it is very hard for me at the first.
1)Rails/ruby/cucumber, I have still 10 days to leave, maybe when I am on beach, I can prepare for these,for example, set up the environment and try to learn some examples about ruby on rails, and also can have some basic idea about cucumber.
2)During the stay there, I can learn from others, and through the real project, I and of course, a lot of free time after work, I am sure I will seize the technology quickly.
3 My self-care ability
No Chinese guys are there, in fact, no friends there, and I am lack of self-care ability, for example, go out for eating and travel, and anything. Especially, I am totally have no direction-sense, it will be hard for me to hang around during the weekends.
1)Self-care ability needs time to cultivate, and in the first weeks, it seems to be very hard for me, however,maybe, after few weeks, I will be stronger than before.This will be good in the long terms.
2)In fact, i will have new friends there,and then I will go with them, Maybe, I will meet a nice and handsome guy, and and ...
4 Long-time homesick
During 6 month assignment, I will be alone, and I will face many problems there, and I have to face by myself, and on one hand, I have to be profession at work, and on the other hand, I have to take care of myself.
And i do not know how to idle away my time when I am free.
1) I have to learn many things, so maybe learning will be a good way for me to idle away time.
2) I can use Sky-pe, phone and other means to contact my parents and also my friends, it will ease my homesick to some extent.
3) Once I have time, I will go to travel with others, maybe by myself.
4)Once i have vacation,I will come back China.
My expectation:
1 All of the problems listed as above can be successfully solved.
2 Besides, I will broaden my vision, strength my ability,both technical skills and some soft skills(communication skill, presentation skill, how to react with anything, some ability to speak well, and so on)
3 Have some new friends there, and that will be my treasure forever.
Other's expectation for me (TW expectation for me)
I supposed:
Client: make contribution to the whole company.
Other twers in Sydney: quickly pick up the project and make positive contribution to the whole team
Twer in xi'an (or TW China): Grow up and be more professional.
My other action there:
1 Prepare for some small gifts
2 Prepare a presentation about xi'an office,or China,maybe two, share with them.
3 Cook simple Chinese food, and also can teach them SanGuoSha.
4 Make sure i am dressed well there, both in formal and informal occasion.Leave a good and deep impression by my profession and also myself.
5 Learn and speak to others more often, and ask if i do not understand, i am sure my friendless and hard-working will touch them.
Still to be continued..
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