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############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2003, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ############################################################################### ##################### # Parameters describing how and where to execute the build. # Typical users need only update the following properties: # baseLocation - where things you are building against are installed # bootclasspath - The base jars to compile against (typicaly rt.jar) # configs - the list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build. # # Of course any of the settings here can be overridden by spec'ing # them on the command line (e.g., -DbaseLocation=d:/eclipse
#The type of the top level element we are building, generally "feature" topLevelElementType = feature #The id of the top level element we are building topLevelElementId = org.foo.bar
############# PRODUCT/PACKAGING CONTROL ############# product=F:/rcp_study/workspace/tstRcpAutoBuild/automake/tstRcp.product runPackager=true
#Set the name of the archive that will result from the product build. #archiveNamePrefix=
# The prefix that will be used in the generated archive. archivePrefix=tstRcp
# The location underwhich all of the build output will be collected. collectingFolder=${archivePrefix}
# The list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build. This # value is a '&' separated list of ',' separate triples. For example, # configs=win32,win32,x86 & linux,motif,x86 # By default the value is *,*,* #configs = *, *, * configs = win32, win32, x86 #configs=win32, win32, x86 & \ # win32,win32,x86_64 & \ # win32,win32,wpf & \ # linux, gtk, ppc & \ # linux, gtk, x86 & \ # linux, gtk, x86_64 & \ # linux, motif, x86 & \ # solaris, motif, sparc & \ # solaris, gtk, sparc & \ # aix, motif, ppc & \ # hpux, motif, ia64_32 & \ # macosx, carbon, ppc & \ # macosx, carbon, x86 & \ # macosx, cocoa, ppc & \ # macosx, cocoa, x86 & \ # macosx, cocoa, x86_64
# By default PDE creates one archive (result) per entry listed in the configs property. # Setting this value to true will cause PDE to only create one output containing all # artifacts for all the platforms listed in the configs property. # To control the output format for the group, add a "group, group, group - <format>" entry to the # archivesFormat. #groupConfigurations=true
#The format of the archive. By default a zip is created using antZip. #The list can only contain the configuration for which the desired format is different than zip. #archivesFormat=win32, win32, x86 - antZip& \ # linux, gtk, ppc - antZip &\ # linux, gtk, x86 - antZip& \ # linux, gtk, x86_64 - antZip& \ # linux, motif, x86 - antZip& \ # solaris, motif, sparc - antZip& \ # solaris, gtk, sparc - antZip& \ # aix, motif, ppc - antZip& \ # hpux, motif, PA_RISC - antZip& \ # macosx, carbon, ppc - antZip
#Allow cycles involving at most one bundle that needs to be compiled with the rest being binary bundles. allowBinaryCycles = true
#Sort bundles depenedencies across all features instead of just within a given feature. #flattenDependencies = true
#Parallel compilation, requires flattenedDependencies=true #parallelCompilation=true #parallelThreadCount= #parallelThreadsPerProcessor= #Set to true if you want the output to be ready for an update jar (no site.xml generated) #outputUpdateJars = false
#Set to true for Jnlp generation #codebase should be a URL that will be used as the root of all relative URLs in the output. #generateJnlp=false #jnlp.codebase=<codebase url> #jnlp.j2se=<j2se version> #jnlp.locale=<a locale> #jnlp.generateOfflineAllowed=true or false generate <offlineAllowed/> attribute in the generated features #jnlp.configs=${configs} #uncomment to filter the content of the generated jnlp files based on the configuration being built
#Set to true if you want to sign jars #signJars=false #sign.alias=<alias> #sign.keystore=<keystore location> #sign.storepass=<keystore password> #sign.keypass=<key password>
#Arguments to send to the zip executable zipargs=
#Arguments to send to the tar executable tarargs=
#Control the creation of a file containing the version included in each configuration - on by default #generateVersionsLists=false
############## BUILD NAMING CONTROL ################ # The directory into which the build elements are fetched and where # the build takes place. buildDirectory=F:/rcp_study/export/autobuild_tmp_dir
# Type of build. Used in naming the build output. Typically this value is # one of I, N, M, S, ... buildType=I
# ID of the build. Used in naming the build output. buildId=TestBuild
# Label for the build. Used in naming the build output buildLabel=${buildType}.${buildId}
# Timestamp for the build. Used in naming the build output timestamp=007
#The value to be used for the qualifier of a plugin or feature when you want to override the value computed by pde. #The value will only be applied to plugin or features indicating build.properties, qualifier = context #forceContextQualifier=<the value for the qualifier>
#Enable / disable the generation of a suffix for the features that use .qualifier. #The generated suffix is computed according to the content of the feature #generateFeatureVersionSuffix=true
############# BASE CONTROL ############# # Settings for the base Eclipse components and Java class libraries # against which you are building. # Base location for anything the build needs to compile against. For example, # in most RCP app or a plug-in, the baseLocation should be the location of a previously # installed Eclipse against which the application or plug-in code will be compiled and the RCP delta pack.
base=<F:/rcp_study/eclipse> baseLocation=${base}/eclipse
#Folder containing repositories whose content is needed to compile against #repoBaseLocation=${base}/repos #Folder where the content of the repositories from ${repoBaseLocation} will be made available as a form suitable to be compiled against #transformedRepoLocation=${base}/transformedRepos
#Os/Ws/Arch/nl of the eclipse specified by baseLocation baseos=win32 basews=win32 basearch=x86
#this property indicates whether you want the set of plug-ins and features to be considered during the build to be limited to the ones reachable from the features / plugins being built filteredDependencyCheck=false
#this property indicates whether the resolution should be done in development mode (i.e. ignore multiple bundles with singletons) resolution.devMode=false
#pluginPath is a list of locations in which to find plugins and features. This list is separated by the platform file separator (; or :) #a location is one of: #- the location of the jar or folder that is the plugin or feature : /path/to/foo.jar or /path/to/foo #- a directory that contains a /plugins or /features subdirectory #- the location of a feature.xml, or for 2.1 style plugins, the plugin.xml or fragment.xml #pluginPath=
skipBase=true eclipseURL=<url for eclipse download site> eclipseBuildId=<Id of Eclipse build to get> eclipseBaseURL=${eclipseURL}/eclipse-platform-${eclipseBuildId}-win32.zip
############# MAP FILE CONTROL ################ # This section defines CVS tags to use when fetching the map files from the repository. # If you want to fetch the map file from repository / location, change the getMapFiles target in the customTargets.xml
skipMaps=true mapsRepo=:pserver:anonymous@example.com/path/to/repo mapsRoot=path/to/maps mapsCheckoutTag=HEAD
#tagMaps=true mapsTagTag=v${buildId}
############ REPOSITORY CONTROL ############### # This section defines properties parameterizing the repositories where plugins, fragments # bundles and features are being obtained from.
# The tags to use when fetching elements to build. # By default thebuilder will use whatever is in the maps. # This value takes the form of a comma separated list of repository identifier (like used in the map files) and the # overriding value # For example fetchTag=CVS=HEAD, SVN=v20050101 # fetchTag=HEAD skipFetch=true
############# JAVA COMPILER OPTIONS ############## # The location of the Java jars to compile against. Typically the rt.jar for your JDK/JRE #bootclasspath=${java.home}/lib/rt.jar
# specific JRE locations to compile against. These values are used to compile bundles specifying a # Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment. Uncomment and set values for environments that you support #CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0= /path/to/rt.jar #CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1= #OSGi/Minimum-1.0= #OSGi/Minimum-1.1= #JRE-1.1= #J2SE-1.2= #J2SE-1.3= #J2SE-1.4= #J2SE-1.5= #JavaSE-1.6= #PersonalJava-1.1= #PersonalJava-1.2= #CDC-1.0/PersonalBasis-1.0= #CDC-1.0/PersonalJava-1.0= #CDC-1.1/PersonalBasis-1.1= #CDC-1.1/PersonalJava-1.1=
# Specify the output format of the compiler log when eclipse jdt is used logExtension=.log
# Whether or not to include debug info in the output jars javacDebugInfo=false
# Whether or not to fail the build if there are compiler errors javacFailOnError=true
# Enable or disable verbose mode of the compiler javacVerbose=true
# Extra arguments for the compiler. These are specific to the java compiler being used. #compilerArg=
# Default value for the version of the source code. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacSource in build.properties javacSource=1.8
# Default value for the version of the byte code targeted. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacTarget in build.properties. javacTarget=1.8
3. **创建Ant构建脚本**:在你的RCP项目中,新建一个build.xml文件,这是Ant的主构建脚本。在这个脚本中,你需要定义各种任务,如编译源码、生成JAR或插件、创建可执行的RCP应用等。 4. **配置Ant任务**:使用...
通过插件,如Eclipse PDE Build或Tycho,这些构建工具能够处理RCP项目的特殊需求。 4. **资源和配置文件**: RCP应用可能需要额外的配置文件、图标和其他资源。打包时,确保这些资源被正确地包含在exe文件或相关的...
- 使用 PDE(Plug-in Development Environment)工具生成 Ant 构建文件,然后编辑 `build.xml`,在 `javac` 标签中添加 `encoding="UTF-8"` 属性,确保编译时使用 UTF-8 编码。 - 修改源代码文件的编码格式为 UTF-8...
1. **ANT Task Definitions**:Eclipse PDE Export ANT Script会生成一些特定的ANT任务,如`pde-build`,`build-plugins`等,它们用于处理Eclipse插件特有的构建步骤,如处理MANIFEST.MF文件、编译源代码和生成插件...
从标题和描述中,我们可以看到几个关键概念:CruiseControl、Ant、RCP(Rich Client Platform)以及Headless Build,这些都是与插件开发密切相关的技术。 1. **CruiseControl**:CruiseControl是一个持续集成服务器...
3. `org.eclipse.pde.build_3.9.200.v20160204-0642`: PDE(Plug-in Development Environment)构建工具,是Eclipse用于插件和RCP(Rich Client Platform)应用程序构建的核心组件,简化了构建过程。 4. `javax....
Gradle支持多种语言和框架,并且可以与其他构建系统(如Maven和Ant)无缝集成。在`mps-gradle-plugin`中,Gradle被用来管理MPS项目的构建生命周期。 2. **MPS Build**:MPS项目通常使用内置的构建系统,但`mps-...
火龙果软件工程技术中心 本文内容包括:自动构建简介使用Eclipse工作平台导出Eclipse插件项目PDEheadless-build基础使用ant自动获取cvs源控制中的代码与资源具体实例——一个样例插件的构建结束语下载参考资料...
6. **构建工具(Build Tool)**:Eclipse内置了Ant构建工具,同时也支持Maven和Gradle等现代构建系统,方便管理项目依赖和构建过程。 7. **调试器(Debugger)**:Eclipse的调试器是其一大亮点,支持断点、单步执行...
在IT领域,RAP(RWT Application Platform)是一种基于Web的应用程序开发框架,允许开发者构建富客户端应用程序,这些应用能够在多种浏览器上运行,类似于Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)的体验。本文将详细...
5. **Build**: 构建脚本和配置,如Ant或Gradle脚本,用于编译、打包和部署WindowBuilder插件。 6. **Docs**: 可能包含API文档、用户指南和其他文档,帮助开发者理解和使用WindowBuilder。 7. **Examples**: 示例...
**PDE(Plug-in Development Environment)**是Eclipse IDE的一个组件,专门用于开发、调试和打包Eclipse插件及RCP(Rich Client Platform)应用。PDE提供了一整套工具,包括编辑器、构建工具、调试器等,使得...
ant apa apl apr aps apx ar arc arcmsr arg arkdown arm as asa asc ash asl asm asn asp aspx ass asv at atch atex atlab au0828 au3 audio aut aux ava ave avmb1 avs avsi...