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IBM Tivoli linux版 idstools下的deploy_IDSWebApp shell
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/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName ilog -profilePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/ilog -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default -nodeName DefaultNode -hostName localhost -cellName DefaultNode -isDefault -portsFile /opt/ilog.props -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName admin -adminPassword admin
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IBM Tivoli linux版 idstools下的deploy_IDSWebApp shell
#!/bin/sh #DEBUG=TRUE ################################################################################ # # Header # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM Corp. # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004 # # All Rights Reserved # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. SCRIPT_VER=01.15 SCRIPT_DATE=01/18/2010 SCRIPT_SCCS= ################################################################################ # # History # # DATE Ver Auth Abstract # ---------- ----- ----------- ---------------------------------- # 11/15/2004 00.01 brookh initial design # 11/18/204 01.00 brookh add "-v" option # 11/26/2004 01.01 brookh Check server status before stop/start # 11/26/2004 01.02 brookh .pid file is not reliable immediately after # start/stop, so only check before first start # 06/22/2005 01.03 dukepham Add copying IDSWebApp.war to installableApps/SHOMEPath # and change the way this script to be executed # at <LDAPHome>/idstools/ # 05/15/2006 01.05 Amit Kumar Support for -h, -f, -a, -e and -r options # in the deployment script # 05/25/2006 01.06 Aalhad Saraf Remove redundant options. Integrate SunOS code. # 06/30/2006 01.07 Amit Kumar script should run from idstools folder # 07/10/2006 01.08 Amit Kumar deploy_IDSWebApp needs minor updates # 07/18/2006 01.09 Amit Kumar deploy_IDSWebApp -v option does not show full info # 07/27/2009 01.10 Ripen Added -portsFile option to wasprofile command, # modified copying IDSWebApp.war to # %WAS_HOME%\profiles\<PROFILE_NAME>\installableApps\ # 10/03/2006 01.11 Ripen Added support for translated messages # 02/23/2007 01.13 Pradnya Pol Added support for -o option (ports def file) # 04/02/2007 01.14 Ripen Added support for jacl script(required for webadmin logs) # 03/19/2008 D101143 Ripen Removed extra messages # 08/26/2008 D100650 Ripen Incorrect location for WAR file version # 01/08/2010 D109155 fchang 61 deploy_IDSWebApp doesn't work when called with absolute path # 01/19/2010 D109251 fchang deploy_IDSWebApp reports invalid war file ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # #Usage: ./deploy_IDSWebApp.sh [-v] [-h] [-w IDSWebApp.war file] # [-a Application Name [-u]] # [-p location of app server] [-r profile] # [-o ports file] # # Deploys IDSWebApp.war to WAS, retaining the configuration settings of the # currently deployed IDSWebApp, if any. # #NOTE: deploy_IDSWebApp.sh must be present in /TDS installpath/idstools folder. # # #{-h Display Usage. } # #{-v Display the version and date strings for the deploy_IDSWebApp # script and the application war file.} # #{-a Application Name. Defaults to IDSWebApp.war if not specified. } # #{-u Uninstall a previously existing application. # -a option should be used to specify the application to uninstall # If not specified default application IDSWebApp.war will be # un-deployed.} # # The following options are necessary for all operations associated with # non-embedded WAS deployments and optionally may also be used for embedded # WAS. # #{-w The fully qualified path of the IDSWebApp.war file to deploy. } # #{-p Location of WebSphere Application Server where the application is # to be deployed. } # #{-r Profile name associated with the application. Default assumed if not # specified is - 'TDSWebAdminProfile'. } #{-o Fully qualified path of the ports definition file. Default assumed if not # specified is 'TDS Install directory/idstools/TDSWEBPortDef.props'. } # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ DEBUG_FLAG="FALSE" MAIN_PLATFORM=`eval 'uname'` IDSWebAppWarFileName="IDSWebApp.war" EXETIMESTAMP=`date +"%m-%d-%y_%H-%M-%S"` DefaultWASHOMEPath=`eval 'dirname $0'`/../appsrv/ DefaultidstoolsPath=`eval 'dirname $0'`/../idstools/ DefaultMSGPath=`eval 'dirname $0'`/../nls/msg WAS_SERVER=server1 WASHOMEPath= PATCH_SCRIPT= WAS_TEMP= APP_ROOT= IDSWebApp_Name= IDSToolsPath= IDSWebApp= NEW_IDSWebApp= OPTION_V=FALSE OPTION_H=FALSE IDSWebAppInfo=WEB-INF/classes/IDSConfig/IDSWebAppInfo/IDSWebAppInfo.xml CONFIG_FILES="\ WEB-INF/classes/security/console_passwd \ WEB-INF/classes/IDSConfig/IDSServersConfig/IDSServersInfo.xml \ WEB-INF/classes/IDSConfig/IDSAppReg/IDSAppReg.xml \ WEB-INF/classes/IDSConfig/IDSSessionConfig/IDSSessionMgmt.xml \ " NewIDSWebAppWarVer= DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer= QualifiedPath= WAS_NODE=DefaultNode UNINSTALL_TEMP="${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp" PRE60_SERV=FALSE UNINSTALL_ONLY=FALSE WASPORTSPath= WASPortsFileName=TDSWEBPortDef.props ################################################################################ # # Set QualifiedPath of $1, or return error and clear QualifiedPath # QualifyPath() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ $1 ]; then QualifiedPath= save_PWD=`pwd` cd `dirname ${1}` || return $? QualifiedPath=`pwd`/`basename ${1}` cd ${save_PWD} else ## $1 is null QualifiedPath=`pwd` fi } ################################################################################ # # Delete ${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp directory # Used during uninstall_only # uninstall_DeleteTempDirectory() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -d ${UNINSTALL_TEMP} ]; then rm -rf ${UNINSTALL_TEMP} fi } ################################################################################ # # Create empty ${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp directory # Used during uninstall_only # uninstall_CreateTempDirectory() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi uninstall_DeleteTempDirectory || return $? mkdir -p ${UNINSTALL_TEMP} || return $? } ################################################################################ # # Backup CONFIG_FILES (if any) from APP_ROOT to UNINSTALL_TEMP # Used during uninstall_only # uninstall_Backup_IDSWebApp_Configuration() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi #Set up the environment variables if [ -d ${APP_ROOT} ]; then : else return 0 fi for filename in ${CONFIG_FILES}; do if [ -f ${APP_ROOT}/${filename} ]; then EchoCmd mkdir -p ${UNINSTALL_TEMP}/`dirname ${filename}` || return 1 EchoCmd cp ${APP_ROOT}/${filename} ${UNINSTALL_TEMP}/${filename} || return 1 fi done return 0 } ################################################################################ # This function is used to only uninstall the already installed IDSWebApp.war # application # uninstall_only () { echo "" if [ ${TRANSLATE_MSG} = TRUE ]; then cd ../bin ./tbindmsg ldapsh 1 40 "\nYou have chosen to UNDEPLOY %1\\\$s\n\nThe configuration files for the current application will be stored in %2\\\$s\n\n" "${IDSWebApp_Name}" "${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp" else echo "You have chosen to undeploy ${IDSWebApp_Name}" echo "" echo "The configuration files for the current application will be stored in ${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp" fi if [ -z "${IDSWebApp_Name}" ]; then IDSWebApp_Name="IDSWebApp.war" fi if [ ${TRANSLATE_MSG} = TRUE ]; then cd ../bin ./tbindmsg ldapsh 1 41 "\nAn application named %1\\\$s will be undeployed\n\n" "${IDSWebApp_Name}" else echo "The application ${IDSWebApp_Name} will be undeployed" fi uninstall_CreateTempDirectory || return $? uninstall_Backup_IDSWebApp_Configuration || return $? if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then if [ ! -f ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/logs/${WAS_SERVER}/${WAS_SERVER}.pid ]; then Start_WAS || return $? fi else if [ ! -f ${WAS_HOME}/logs/${WAS_SERVER}/${WAS_SERVER}.pid ]; then Start_WAS || return $? fi fi Uninstall_IDSWebApp exit 0; } ################################################################################ # This function is used to print the help for deploy_IDSWebApp.sh # printusage () { if [ ${TRANSLATE_MSG} = TRUE ]; then cd ../bin ./tbindmsg ldapsh 1 39 "\n Usage: deploy_IDSWebApp [-v] [-h] [-w war_file_path]\n [-a app_name [-u]] \n [-p app_server_path] [-r profile_name]\n [-o ports_file]\n\n Deploys IDSWebApp.war file to WebSphere Application Server, retaining the configuration\n settings of the currently deployed IDSWebApp, if any.\n\n Note: deploy_IDSWebApp must be present in the /TDS installpath/idstools folder.\n\n -a app_name Application name, defaults to IDSWebApp.war if not specified.\n -h Display the usage. \n -u Uninstall a previously existing application.\n Option -a should be used to specify the application to uninstall.\n If not specified, the default application IDSWebApp.war will be undeployed.\n -v Display the version and date strings for the deploy_IDSWebApp\n command and the application war file.\n\n The following options are necessary for all operations associated with\n non Embedded WAS deployments and optionally can also be used for Embedded WAS.\n\n -p app_server_path Location of WebSphere Application Server where the application is\n to be deployed.\n -r profile_name Profile name associated with the application.\n If not specified, the default is 'TDSWebAdminProfile'.\n -w war_path_path The fully qualified path of the IDSWebApp.war file to deploy.\n -o ports_file The fully qualified path of the ports definition file to use.\n If not specified, the default is 'TDS Install directory/idstools/TDSWEBPortDef.props'.\n" else echo "Usage: ./deploy_IDSWebApp [-v] [-h] [-w IDSWebApp.war file] [-a Application Name [-u]] [-p location of app server] [-r profile] [-o ports file] Deploys IDSWebApp.war to WAS, retaining the configuration settings of the currently deployed IDSWebApp, if any. NOTE: deploy_IDSWebApp must be present in /TDS installpath/idstools/ folder. {-h Display Usage. } {-v Display the version and date strings for the deploy_IDSWebApp script and the application war file.} {-a Application Name. Defaults to IDSWebApp.war if not specified. } {-u Uninstall a previously existing application. -a option should be used to specify the application to uninstall If not specified default application IDSWebApp.war will be un-deployed.} The following options are necessary for all operations associated with non-embedded WAS deployments and optionally may also be used for embedded WAS. {-w The fully qualified path of the IDSWebApp.war file to deploy. } {-p Location of WebSphere Application Server where the application is to be deployed. } {-r Profile name associated with the application. Default assumed if not specified is - 'TDSWebAdminProfile'. } {-o Fully qualified path of the ports definition file. Default assumed if not specified is 'TDS Install directory/idstools/TDSWEBPortDef.props'. } " fi exit 0 } ################################################################################ # # Print localized "File not found" error and return failure RC # AssertFileExists() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ ! -f $1 ]; then ls $1 >/dev/null fi } ################################################################################ # # Echo cmd and then call it # EchoCmd() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi echo "" echo "$*" eval "$*" } ################################################################################ # # Initialize all needed variables InitGlobalVariables() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi QualifyPath $1 || return $? IDSToolsPath=`dirname ${QualifiedPath}` PATCH_SCRIPT=${QualifiedPath} if [ ${WASHOMEPath} ]; then : else QualifyPath ${DefaultWASHOMEPath} || return $? WASHOMEPath=${QualifiedPath} fi if [ -z "${IDSWebApp_Name}" ]; then IDSWebApp_Name="IDSWebApp.war" fi ## Execution of setupCmdLine.sh will set all needed environment variables ## such as: ${WAS_HOME} and ${JAVA_HOME} etc. cd "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/" AssertFileExists "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/setupCmdLine.sh" || return $? . "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/setupCmdLine.sh" || return $? if [ ! -f ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wasprofile.sh ]; then if [ -f ${WASHOMEPath}/bin/wasprofile.sh ]; then WAS_HOME=${WASHOMEPath} fi fi cd ${IDSToolsPath} AssertFileExists "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/wsadmin.sh" || return $? UNINSTALL_TEMP="${WAS_HOME}/temp/uninstall_IDSWebApp.tmp" if [ ! -f "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/wasprofile.sh" ]; then PRE60_SERV=TRUE fi WAS_TEMP="${WAS_HOME}/temp/deploy_IDSWebApp.tmp" APP_ROOT="${WAS_HOME}/installedApps/${WAS_NODE}/${IDSWebApp_Name}.ear/IDSWebApp.war" if [ ${PROFILE_NAME} ]; then : else PROFILE_NAME=TDSWebAdminProfile fi if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then APP_ROOT=${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installedApps/DefaultNode/${IDSWebApp_Name}.ear/IDSWebApp.war fi if [ ${IDSWebApp} ]; then NEW_IDSWebApp=${IDSWebApp} else if [ "${MAIN_PLATFORM}" = "AIX" ]; then AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} else AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/nossl/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} || return $? QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/nossl/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} fi else AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} || return $? QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/${IDSWebAppWarFileName?} fi NEW_IDSWebApp=${QualifiedPath} fi if [ ${WASPORTSPath} ]; then : else if [ "${MAIN_PLATFORM}" = "AIX" ]; then AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/${WASPortsFileName?} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/${WASPortsFileName?} else AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/nossl/${WASPortsFileName?} || return $? QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/nossl/${WASPortsFileName?} fi else AssertFileExists ${IDSToolsPath}/${WASPortsFileName?} || return $? QualifyPath ${IDSToolsPath}/${WASPortsFileName?} fi WASPORTSPath=${QualifiedPath} fi } ################################################################################ # # Delete ${WAS_HOME}/temp/IDSWebApp.tmp directory # DeleteTempDirectory() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -d ${WAS_TEMP} ]; then rm -rf ${WAS_TEMP} fi } ################################################################################ # # Create empty ${WAS_HOME}/temp/IDSWebApp.tmp directory # CreateTempDirectory() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi DeleteTempDirectory || return $? mkdir -p ${WAS_TEMP} || return $? } ################################################################################ # # Backup CONFIG_FILES (if any) from APP_ROOT to WAS_TEMP # Backup_IDSWebApp_Configuration() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi ## Set up the environment variables if [ ! -d ${APP_ROOT} ]; then return 0 fi for filename in ${CONFIG_FILES}; do if [ -f ${APP_ROOT}/${filename} ]; then EchoCmd mkdir -p ${WAS_TEMP}/`dirname ${filename}` || return 1 EchoCmd cp ${APP_ROOT}/${filename} ${WAS_TEMP}/${filename} || return 1 fi done return 0 } ################################################################################ # # Restore CONFIG_FILES (if any) from WAS_TEMP to APP_ROOT # Restore_IDSWebApp_Configuration() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi for filename in ${CONFIG_FILES}; do if [ -f ${WAS_TEMP}/${filename} ]; then EchoCmd cp ${WAS_TEMP}/${filename} ${APP_ROOT}/${filename} || return 1 fi done return 0 } ################################################################################ # # Start WAS server1 # Start_WAS() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then EchoCmd "${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/bin/startServer.sh" ${WAS_SERVER} || return $? else EchoCmd "${WAS_HOME}/bin/startServer.sh" ${WAS_SERVER} || return $? fi } ################################################################################ # # Stop WAS server1 # Stop_WAS() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then EchoCmd "${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/bin/stopServer.sh" ${WAS_SERVER} || return $? else EchoCmd "${WAS_HOME}/bin/stopServer.sh" ${WAS_SERVER} || return $? fi } ################################################################################ # # Restart WAS server1 # Restart_WAS() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi Stop_WAS Start_WAS || return $? } ################################################################################ # # Un-deploy existing IDSWebApp.war (if found)... # Uninstall_IDSWebApp() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -d ${APP_ROOT} ]; then if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wsadmin.sh '-conntype NONE -profileName ${PROFILE_NAME} -c "\$AdminApp uninstall ${IDSWebApp_Name}"' || return $? else EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wsadmin.sh '-conntype NONE -c "\$AdminApp uninstall ${IDSWebApp_Name}"' || return $? fi fi return 0 } ################################################################################ # # Deploy new IDSWebApp.war... # Install_IDSWebApp() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then cd "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/" if [ ! -d ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME} ]; then if [ -f ${WAS_HOME}/bin/manageprofiles.sh ]; then EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/bin/manageprofiles.sh "-create -profileName ${PROFILE_NAME} -profilePath "${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}" -templatePath "${WAS_HOME}/profileTemplates/default" -nodeName DefaultNode -hostName localhost -cellName DefaultNode -isDefault -portsFile "${WASPORTSPath}"" else EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wasprofile.sh "-create -profileName ${PROFILE_NAME} -profilePath "${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}" -templatePath "${WAS_HOME}/profileTemplates/default" -nodeName DefaultNode -hostName localhost -cellName DefaultNode -isDefault -portsFile "${WASPORTSPath}"" fi fi EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/bin/wsadmin.sh '-conntype NONE -c "\$AdminApp install {'${NEW_IDSWebApp}'} {-configroot \"${WAS_HOME}/config\" -node DefaultNode -usedefaultbindings -nodeployejb -appname ${IDSWebApp_Name} -contextroot \"IDSWebApp\"}"' cd ${IDSToolsPath} else EchoCmd ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wsadmin.sh '-conntype NONE -c "\$AdminApp install {'${NEW_IDSWebApp}'} {-configroot \"$CONFIG_ROOT\" -node \"$WAS_NODE\" -usedefaultbindings -nodeployejb -appname ${IDSWebApp_Name} -contextroot \"IDSWebApp\"}"' fi return $? } ################################################################################ # # Display app-version and build-date of IDSWebAppInfo.xml file # or localized 'not found' message # ShowIDSWebAppInfo() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -f $1 ]; then egrep '(app-version|build-date)' $1 else ls $1 >/dev/null fi } ################################################################################ # # get the major version of the new war file to: # ${NewIDSWebAppWarMajorVer} # GetVersionInfo_NewIDSWebApp() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -f ${1} ]; then save_PWD=`pwd` cd ${WAS_TEMP} ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar -xf ${1} ${IDSWebAppInfo} cd ${save_PWD} else return 1 fi ## Get the major version of the new war file #AssertFileExists ${WAS_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo} || return $? temp_ver1=`egrep '(app-version)' ${WAS_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo}` temp_ver2=`echo ${temp_ver1} | awk -F\> '{print $2}'` temp_ver3=`echo ${temp_ver2} | awk -F\< '{print $1}'` NewIDSWebAppWarMajorVer=`echo ${temp_ver3} | awk -F\. '{print $1}'` } ################################################################################ # # get the major version of deployed war in WAS: # ${DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer} # GetVersionInfo_DeployedIDSWebApp() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -f ${1} ]; then temp_ver1=`egrep '(app-version)' ${1}` temp_ver2=`echo ${temp_ver1} | awk -F\> '{print $2}'` temp_ver3=`echo ${temp_ver2} | awk -F\< '{print $1}'` DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer=`echo ${temp_ver3} | awk -F\. '{print $1}'` else return 0 fi } ################################################################################ # # "-v" # ShowVersionInfo() is made to act as a standalone entity.It would # initialize its own varibles needed to determine the version and # exit. # ShowVersionInfo() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi ## Show script version echo "" echo "${PATCH_SCRIPT}:" if [ ${TRANSLATE_MSG} = TRUE ]; then cd ../bin ./tbindmsg ldapsh 1 43 "Command Version: %1\\\$s\n Command Date: %2\\\$s\n" "${SCRIPT_VER}" "${SCRIPT_DATE}" else echo " Script Version: ${SCRIPT_VER}" echo " Script Date: ${SCRIPT_DATE}" fi QualifyPath $1 || return $? IDSToolsPath=`dirname ${QualifiedPath}` PATCH_SCRIPT=${QualifiedPath} if [ ${WASHOMEPath} ]; then : else QualifyPath ${DefaultWASHOMEPath} || return $? WASHOMEPath=${QualifiedPath} fi if [ -z "${IDSWebApp_Name}" ]; then IDSWebApp_Name="IDSWebApp.war" fi ## Execution of setupCmdLine.sh will set all needed environment variables ## such as: ${WAS_HOME} and ${JAVA_HOME} etc. AssertFileExists "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/setupCmdLine.sh" || return $? . "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/setupCmdLine.sh" || return $? ## Show version of new IDSWebApp ## echo "" ## echo "${NEW_IDSWebApp}:" if [ ! -f "${WASHOMEPath}/bin/wasprofile.sh" ]; then PRE60_SERV=TRUE fi if [ ! -f ${WAS_HOME}/bin/wasprofile.sh ]; then if [ -f ${WASHOMEPath}/bin/wasprofile.sh ]; then WAS_HOME=${WASHOMEPath} fi fi APP_ROOT="${WAS_HOME}/installedApps/${WAS_NODE}/${IDSWebApp_Name}.ear/IDSWebApp.war" if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then APP_ROOT=${WASHOMEPath}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installedApps/DefaultNode/${IDSWebApp_Name}.ear/IDSWebApp.war fi echo "" echo "${APP_ROOT}:" # D109251 if [ ! -f "${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${WAS_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo}" ]; then APP_TEMP=${WASHOMEPath}/../temp/deploy_IDSWebApp.tmp if [ ! -f "${APP_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo}" ]; then if [ ${TRANSLATE_MSG} = TRUE ]; then cd ../bin ./tbindmsg ldapsh 1 37 "Not a valid IDSWebApp.war file.\n" else echo "Not a valid IDSWebApp.war file. " fi else ShowIDSWebAppInfo ${APP_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo} fi else ShowIDSWebAppInfo "${WAS_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo}" fi else ShowIDSWebAppInfo ${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo} fi echo "" exit 0 } ################################################################################ # # Copy the new war to the <WAS install path>/installableApps/ after # sucessfully deployed the war file. # Copy_NewIDSWebApp_To_InstallableApps() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then ## rem Check if target exist before copying over. if [ -f ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war ]; then if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ## Backup target file before copying if it exists mv ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war \ ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war_bkup_${EXETIMESTAMP} || return $? fi fi ## Copy to override target cp -Rp ${NEW_IDSWebApp} ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installableApps/ || return $? else AssertFileExists ${WAS_HOME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ## Backup target file before copying if it exists mv ${WAS_HOME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war \ ${WAS_HOME}/installableApps/IDSWebApp.war_bkup_${EXETIMESTAMP} || return $? fi ## Copy to override target cp -Rp ${NEW_IDSWebApp} ${WAS_HOME}/installableApps/ || return $? fi } ################################################################################ # # Only allow to deploy war file with exact name: "IDSWebApp.war" # Verify_IDSWebApp_Filename() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi ## Only set -x when about to quit [ "${1?}" != "${IDSWebAppWarFileName?}" ] && set -x [ "${1?}" != "${IDSWebAppWarFileName?}" ] && return 1 return 0 } ################################################################################ # # Verify war file version and only allow equal of newer version to be # deployed into already deployed WAS installation. # Verify_IDSWebApp_Version() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi ## Check the war file version, and DO NOT allow back level war file ## to be deployed to a newer version of deployed WAS. if [ ${DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer} ]; then [ ${NewIDSWebAppWarMajorVer} -lt ${DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer} ] && set -x if [ ${NewIDSWebAppWarMajorVer} -lt ${DeployedIDSWebAppWarVer} ]; then ## Show version of new IDSWebApp echo "" echo "${NEW_IDSWebApp}:" ShowIDSWebAppInfo ${WAS_TEMP}/${IDSWebAppInfo} ## Show version of deployed IDSWebApp echo "" echo "${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo}:" ShowIDSWebAppInfo ${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo} return 1 fi fi return 0 } ################################################################################ # # main # main() { if [ ${DEBUG_FLAG} = TRUE ]; then set -x fi if [ -d ${DefaultMSGPath} ]; then TRANSLATE_MSG=TRUE fi if [ ${OPTION_H} = TRUE ]; then printusage fi InitGlobalVariables $1 || return $? if [ ${OPTION_V} = TRUE ]; then ShowVersionInfo fi CreateTempDirectory || return $? GetVersionInfo_NewIDSWebApp ${NEW_IDSWebApp} || return $? GetVersionInfo_DeployedIDSWebApp ${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo} if [ ${UNINSTALL_ONLY} = TRUE ];then uninstall_only exit 0; fi if [ ${OPTION_V} = FALSE ]; then Verify_IDSWebApp_Version || return $? if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then if [ -f ${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/logs/${WAS_SERVER}/${WAS_SERVER}.pid ]; then Stop_WAS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then Start_WAS || return $? Stop_WAS || return $? fi fi else if [ -f ${WAS_HOME}/logs/${WAS_SERVER}/${WAS_SERVER}.pid ]; then Stop_WAS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then Start_WAS || return $? Stop_WAS || return $? fi fi fi Backup_IDSWebApp_Configuration || return $? Uninstall_IDSWebApp || return $? Install_IDSWebApp || return $? Restore_IDSWebApp_Configuration || return $? Restart_WAS || return $? # set the logging jar to classpath "${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/bin/wsadmin.sh" -lang jacl -f "${DefaultidstoolsPath}/setLogging.jacl" ${WAS_HOME} ${PROFILE_NAME} DefaultNode ${IDSWebApp_Name} Restart_WAS || return $? Copy_NewIDSWebApp_To_InstallableApps || return $? if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = FALSE ]; then APP_ROOT=${WAS_HOME}/profiles/${PROFILE_NAME}/installedApps/DefaultNode/${IDSWebApp_Name}.ear/IDSWebApp.war fi DeleteTempDirectory echo "" if [ ${PRE60_SERV} = TRUE ]; then echo "${APP_ROOT}:" ShowIDSWebAppInfo ${APP_ROOT}/${IDSWebAppInfo} fi fi } ################################################################################ ###################### MAIN PROGRAM ######################### ################################################################################ if [ ${DEBUG} ]; then DEBUG_FLAG=${DEBUG} fi while getopts ":vw:p:a:r:uh" opt do case $opt in v ) OPTION_V=TRUE ;; w ) AssertFileExists $OPTARG || exit $? QualifyPath $OPTARG || exit $? IDSWebApp=${QualifiedPath} ;; p ) QualifyPath $OPTARG || exit $? WASHOMEPath=${QualifiedPath} ;; a ) IDSWebApp_Name=$OPTARG ;; u ) UNINSTALL_ONLY=TRUE ;; r ) PROFILE_NAME=$OPTARG ;; h ) OPTION_H=TRUE ;; o ) QualifyPath $OPTARG || exit $? WASPORTSPath=${QualifiedPath} ;; \? ) OPTION_H=TRUE ;; * ) exit $? ;; esac done main $0
你可以通过命令行创建Dmgr(管理代理)服务器,例如在`${WAS_Home}/bin`目录下运行`./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /home/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/dmgr -profileName Dmgr01`,确保选择...
- **创建 AppServer 的 Profile**:在每台作为集群节点的服务器上执行。 - **配置 Node**:确保每台服务器被正确识别并加入集群。 - **创建 Cluster**:在 DMGR 上创建集群,并将各个 AppServer 添加进去。 - **配置...
安装WebSphere Application Server涉及到下载和运行安装程序,选择合适的安装类型(如传统模式或 Liberty Profile),并指定安装目录。安装过程中,还需要配置服务器实例、安全管理设置以及JVM参数等。 4、**建立...
WebSphere中的概要文件(profile)用于定义运行时环境,包括服务器实例、配置和其他资源。当不再需要某个概要文件时,可以通过以下步骤进行删除: 1. **列出所有概要文件**:在WebSphere安装目录的相应bin目录下,...
- **Custom Profile**:空节点,可根据需要添加应用程序服务器等。 - 在安装概要文件步骤选择 None,确认安装摘要信息后点击 Next。 5. **完成安装**: - 当安装完成后,确认状态为 Success,取消勾选 Launch the...
- 在命令行进入概要文件目录下的`bin`目录,执行`startServer server1 -profileName AppSrv01`命令。 - 通过浏览器访问`http://localhost:9060/ibm/console`登录管理控制台。 #### 六、发布应用 - **配置数据源**...
启动IBM Installation Manager,创建一个新的安装项目,然后添加Websphere Application Server Network Deployment的安装响应文件。这将指导安装过程并指定所需的安装选项。 #### 2.2 第二步: 在Installation ...
1. **下载Websphere安装包**:你可以从IBM Passport Advantage或者IBM官方网站下载适合你系统的Websphere版本,例如Websphere Application Server (WAS) 或者Websphere Liberty Profile。 2. **运行安装向导**:...
通过在命令行中运行`java -version`,可以检查当前系统中安装的JDK版本。JDK是WebSphere运行的基础,因为它提供了运行时环境,使得WebSphere能够解析和执行Java应用程序。 2. **WebSphere软件的安装**: 安装...
为了简化这一过程,WAS提供了一个名为`wsadmin`的命令行工具,它允许用户通过脚本语言执行与管理控制台相同的任务。本文主要探讨如何利用`wsadmin`和Jython脚本进行自动化配置和应用部署,以提高工作效率。 ### ...
./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath /home/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/dmgr -profileName Dmgr01 ``` 确保模板路径正确,选择`dmgr`模板。接着,创建AppSrv02这样的应用服务器,同样使用`...
7. **将IHS和插件加入集群**:通过管理控制台或命令行将IHS和插件添加到集群中。命令行方法更直接,但涉及的步骤较多。 8. **测试和验证**:启动集群和IHS,通过向IHS发送请求来验证集群是否正常工作,负载是否按照...
- 在 `/etc/profile` 文件中添加 `WAS_HOME` 的环境变量,如 `echo "export WAS_HOME=/home/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer" >> /etc/profile`。 - 验证安装结果,通过点击 [Installation verification] 按钮进行。 4. ...
解决这些问题需要熟悉Linux命令行操作、理解WebSphere的架构以及对db2数据库管理的深入理解。此文档的目的就是提供一个参考,帮助读者在遇到问题时能够迅速找到解决方案,提高部署效率。 总结,Linux环境搭建及...
除了命令行方式外,还可以使用PMT(Profile Management Tool)向导来创建和管理profile文件。具体步骤如下: 1. **启动PMT**:在WEBSPHERE安装目录下找到PMT工具并启动。 2. **选择操作**:在PMT向导中选择“创建新...
如果在安装过程中管理控制台未被正确安装,可以尝试重新安装或使用命令行工具手动安装管理控制台组件。 **2. 什么是概要文件(profile)?** 在WAS中,概要文件(profile)是指一个特定的应用服务器实例的配置集合...
在`IBM\WID61\runtimes\bi_v61\bin`目录下,你可以找到用于管理概要文件的命令行工具。使用以下命令删除所有概要文件: ``` manageprofiles –deleteAll ``` 如果只想删除特定的概要文件,替换`–deleteAll`为`–...
1. **创建集群管理端**:在集群管理机器上,通过`/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ProfileManagement/pmt.sh`启动Profile Management Toolkit。 2. **启动WebSphere Customization Toolbox 8.5**:用于管理...
安装Plugins时,需要确保它们与WebSphere版本兼容,并正确配置以指向正确的WebSphere profile。 5. **补丁升级** 保持WAS7的更新是至关重要的,这涉及到安装各种补丁以修复已知问题和提升性能。补丁升级过程包括...