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人 反向代理就是是网站通过一台机器发布到公网。。你访问的时候是直接访问那台代理机器的,然后通过那台机器才访问到网站。你无法得到网站的真实ip地址。这样的好处是保护了网站服务器,而且可以通过一个被动代理服务器将很多机器解析到同一ip地址。有点像路由器的端口映射。。
A reverse proxy is a device or service placed between a client and a server in a network infrastructure. Incoming requests are handled by the proxy, which interacts on behalf of the client with the desired server or service residing on the server. The most common use of a reverse proxy is to provide load balancing for web applications and APIs. Reverse proxies can also be deployed to offload services from applications as a way to improve performance through SSL acceleration, intelligent compression, and caching. They can also enable federated security services for multiple applications.
A reverse proxy may act either as a simple forwarding service or actively participate in the exchange between client and server. When the proxy treats the client and server as separate entities by implementing dual network stacks, it is called a full proxy. A full reverse proxy is capable of intercepting, inspecting, and interacting with requests and responses. Interacting with requests and responses enables more advanced traffic management services such as application layer security, web acceleration, page routing, and secure remote access.
A reverse proxy is most commonly used to provide load balancing services for scalability and availability. Increasingly, reverse proxies are also used as a strategic point in the network to enforce web application security through web application firewalls, application delivery firewalls, and deep content inspection to mitigate data leaks.
A reverse proxy also provides the ability to direct requests based on a wide variety of parameters such as user device, location, network conditions, and even the time of day. When combined with cloud, a reverse proxy can enable cloud bursting and split-application architectures that offer the economic benefits of cloud without compromising control or security.
人 反向代理就是是网站通过一台机器发布到公网。。你访问的时候是直接访问那台代理机器的,然后通过那台机器才访问到网站。你无法得到网站的真实ip地址。这样的好处是保护了网站服务器,而且可以通过一个被动代理服务器将很多机器解析到同一ip地址。有点像路由器的端口映射。。
A reverse proxy is a device or service placed between a client and a server in a network infrastructure. Incoming requests are handled by the proxy, which interacts on behalf of the client with the desired server or service residing on the server. The most common use of a reverse proxy is to provide load balancing for web applications and APIs. Reverse proxies can also be deployed to offload services from applications as a way to improve performance through SSL acceleration, intelligent compression, and caching. They can also enable federated security services for multiple applications.
A reverse proxy may act either as a simple forwarding service or actively participate in the exchange between client and server. When the proxy treats the client and server as separate entities by implementing dual network stacks, it is called a full proxy. A full reverse proxy is capable of intercepting, inspecting, and interacting with requests and responses. Interacting with requests and responses enables more advanced traffic management services such as application layer security, web acceleration, page routing, and secure remote access.
A reverse proxy is most commonly used to provide load balancing services for scalability and availability. Increasingly, reverse proxies are also used as a strategic point in the network to enforce web application security through web application firewalls, application delivery firewalls, and deep content inspection to mitigate data leaks.
A reverse proxy also provides the ability to direct requests based on a wide variety of parameters such as user device, location, network conditions, and even the time of day. When combined with cloud, a reverse proxy can enable cloud bursting and split-application architectures that offer the economic benefits of cloud without compromising control or security.
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1. 在第一层 Nginx 反向代理节点(例如:上配置 Nginx,设置监听 80 端口,并将所有流入的 80 端口流量转发到第二层 Nginx 反向代理的域名(如 host.second.com:80)。 ``` upstream default_pools...
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