

  • Track: Browsers and User Interfaces
    • Session: Personalization
      • Homepage Live: Automatic Block Tracing for Web Personalization
      • Open User Profiles for Adaptive News Systems: Help or Harm?
      • Investigating Behavioral Variability in Web Search
    • Session: Smarter Browsing
      • CSurf: A Context-Driven Non-Visual Web-Browser
      • GeoTracker: Geospatial and Temporal RSS Navigation
      • Learning Information Intent via Observation
  • Track: Data Mining
    • Session: Mining in Social Networks
      • Wherefore Art Thou R3579X? Anonymized Social Networks Hidden Patterns and Structural Steganography
      • Information Flow Modeling based on Diffusion Rate for Prediction and Ranking
      • NetProbe: A Fast and Scalable System for Fraud Detection in Online Auction Networks
    • Session: Mining Textual Data
      • Summarizing Email Conversations with Clue Words
      • Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web of Facts - Step Two: Harnessing the Wisdom of the Crowds
      • Do Not Crawl in the DUST: Different URLs with Similar Text
    • Session: Predictive Modeling of Web Users
      • Demographic Prediction based on User’s Browsing Behavior
      • Why We Search? Visualizing and Predicting User Behavior
      • Topic Sentiment Mixture: Modeling Facets and Opinions in Weblogs
    • Session: Identifying Structure in Web Pages
      • Page-level Template Detection via Isotonic Smoothing
      • Towards Domain Independent Information Extraction from Web Tables
      • Web Object Retrieval
    • Session: Similarity Search

  • Track: E* Applications
    •  Session: E-Communities
      • The Complex Dynamics of Collaborative Tagging
      • Expertise Networks in Online Communities: Structure and Algorithms
      • Internet-Scale Collection of Human Reviewed Data
    • Session: E-Commerce and E-Content
      • DETECTIVES: DETEcting Coalition hiT Inflation attacks in adVertising Networks Streams
      • Extraction and Search of Chemical Formulae in Text Documents on the Web
      • A Content-Driven Reputation System for the Wikipedia
  • Track: Industrial Practice & Experience
    • Session: IPE
      • Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering
      • Exploring in the Weblog Space by Detecting Informative and Affective Articles
      • Spam Double-Funnel: Connecting Web Spammers with Advertisers
  • Track: Performance and Scalability
    • Session: Scalable Systems for Dynamic Content
      • GlobeTP: Template-Based Database Replication for Scalable Web Applications
      • Consistency-preserving Caching of Dynamic Database Content
      • Optimized Query Planning of Continuous Aggregation Queries in Dynamic Data
      • Dissemination Networks
    • Session: Performance Engineering of Web Applications
      • A Scalable Application Placement Controller for Enterprise Data Centers
      • A Unified Platform for Data Driven Web Applictions with Automatic Client-Server Partitioning
      • Is High-Quality VoD Feasible using P2P Swarming?
  • Track: Pervasive Web and Mobility
    • Session: Pervasive Web and Mobility
      • Robust Web Page Segmentation for Mobile Terminal Using Content-Distances and Page Layout Information
      • PRIVE: Anonymous Location-Based Queries in Distributed Mobile Systems
      • A Mobile Application Framework for the Geospatial Web
  • Track: Search
    • Session: Crawlers
      • The Discoverability of the Web
      • Combining Classifiers to Identify Online Databases
      • An Adaptive Crawler for Locating Hidden-Web Entry Points
    • Session: Web Graph
      • Random Web Crawls
      • Extraction and classification of dense communities in the Web
      • Web Projections: Learning from Contextual Subgraphs of the Web
    • Session: Search Quality and Precision
      • Supervised Rank Aggregation
      • Navigating the intranet with high precision
      • Optimizing Web Search Using Social Annotation
    • Session: Knowledge Discovery
      • Compare&Contrast: Using the Web to Discover Comparable Cases for News Stories
      • Answering Bounded Continuous Search Queries in the World Wide Web
      • Answering Relationship Queries on the Web
    • Session: Advertisements and Click Estimates
      • Robust Methodologies for Modeling Web Click Distributions
      • Predicting Clicks: Estimating the Click-Through Rate for New Ads
      • Dynamics of bid optimization in online advertisement auctions
    • Session: Search Potpourri
      • Navigation-Aided Retrieval
      • Efficient Search Engine Measurements
      • Efficient Search in Large Textual Collections with Redundancy
    • Session: Personalization
      • Dynamic Personalized Pagerank in Entity-Relation Graphs
      • A Large-scale Evaluation and Analysis of Personalized Search Strategies
      • Privacy-Enhancing Personalized Web Search
  • Track: Security, Privacy, Reliability and Ethics
    • Session: Passwords and Phishing
      • CANTINA: A Content-Based Approach to Detecting Phishing Web Sites
      • Learning to Detect Phishing Emails
      • A Large-Scale Study of Web Password Habits
    • Session: Defending Against Emerging (and Emerged) Threats
      • Defeating Script Injection Attacks with Browser-Enforced Embedded Policies
      • Subspace: Secure Cross-Domain Communication for Web Mashups
      • Exposing Private Information by Timing Web Applications
      • On Anonymizing Query Logs via Token-based Hashing
    • Session: Access Control and Trust on the Web
      • A Fault Model and Mutation Testing of Access Control Policies
      • Analyzing Web Access Control Policies
      • Compiling Cryptographic Protocols for Deployment on the Web
  • Track: Semantic Web
    • Session: Ontologies
      • Yago: A Core of Semantic Knowledge - Unifying WordNet and Wikipedia
      • Ontology Summarization Based on RDF Sentence Graph
      • Just the Right Amount: Extracting Modules from Ontologies
    • Session: Similarity and Extraction
      • Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Web Search Engines
      • Using Google Distance to weight approximate ontology matches
      • Hierarchical Perceptron-like Learning for Ontology-Based Information Extraction
    • Session: Query Languages and DBs
      • From SPARQL to Rules (and back)
      • SPARQ2L: Towards Support For Subgraph Extraction Queries in RDF Databases
      • Bridging the Gap Between OWL and Relational Databases
      • ActiveRDF: Object-Oriented Semantic Web Programming
    • Session: Applications
      • Towards Expressive Syndication on the Web
      • Exhibit: Light-weight Structured Data Publishing
      • Explorations in the use of Semantic Web Technologies for Product Information Management
    • Session: Semantic Web and Web 2.0
      • The two cultures — position paper
      • Analysis of Topological Characteristics of Huge Online Social Networking Services
      • P-TAG: Large Scale Automatic Generation of Personalized Annotation TAGs for the Web
  • Track: Technology for Developing Regions
    •  Session: Communication in Developing Regions
      • Connecting the bottom of the pyramid: an exploratory case study of India’s rural communication environment
      • Communication as Information-Seeking: The Case for Mobile Social Software for Developing Regions
      • Optimal Audio-Visual Representations for Illiterate Users of Computers
    • Session: Networking Issues in the Web
      • Identifying and Discriminating Between Web and Peer-to-Peer Traffic in the Network Core
      • Long Distance Wireless Mesh Network Planning: Problem Formulation and Solution
      • MyXDNS: A Request Routing DNS Server With Decoupled Server Selection
  • Track: Web Engineering
    • Session: Web Modeling
      • Turning portlets into services: introducing the organization profile
      • A Framework for Rapid Integration of Presentation Components
      • Integrating Value-based Requirement Engineering Models to WebML using VIP
      • Business Modeling Framework
    • Session: End-Users Perspective and Measurement in Web Engineering
      • Towards Effective Browsing of Large Scale Social Annotations
      • Supporting End-Users in the Creation of Dependable Web Clips
      • Effort Estimation: How Valuable is it for a Web company to Use a Cross-company
      • Data Set Compared to Using Its Own Single-company Data Set?
  • Track: Web Services
    • Session: Orchestration & Choreography
      • Towards the Theoretical Foundation of Choreography
      • Introduction and Evaluation of Martlet: A Scientific Workflow Language for
      • Abstracted Parallelisation
      • Semi-Automated Adaptation of Service Interactions
    • Session: SLAs and QoS
      • Reliable QoS Monitoring Based on Client Feedback
      • Preference-based Selection of Highly Configurable Web Services
      • Speeding up Adaptation of Web Service Compositions Using Expiration Times
      • DIANE - An Integrated Approach to Automated Service Discovery Matchmaking and Composition
  • Track: XML and Web Data
    • Session: Querying and Transforming XML
      • Multiway SLCA-based Keyword Search in XML Data
      • Visibly Pushdown Automata for Streaming XML
      • Mapping-Driven XML Transformation
    • Session: Parsing, Normalizing, and Storing XML
      • Querying and Maintaining a Compact XML Storage
      • XML Design for Relational Storage
      • A High-Performance Interpretive Approach to Schema-Directed Parsing


    Web of Science数据库近5年股骨头坏死文献计量学及可视化分析.pdf

    通过对Web of Science数据库近5年的股骨头坏死相关文献进行计量学和可视化分析,可以揭示这一领域的研究趋势和热点。 文献计量学是一种利用数学和统计学方法对文献内容进行量化分析的方法,它关注的是作者、出版...



    JavaEye论坛热点月报 总第7期

    5. **内存泄露** - 一个困扰开发者近两个月的内存泄露问题被揭示,罪魁祸首是Proxool,这是一个数据库连接池。这个问题的解决对于优化Java应用性能至关重要。 6. **模板引擎性能对比** - 对几款模板引擎的性能进行...




    本研究主要基于Web of Science(WOS)和中国知网(CNKI)两个权威学术数据库,收集了自2015年至2020年间的数据中台相关研究文献,为后续的分析提供数据基础。 1.2 研究方法 采用文献计量学方法对文献数量、引用...


    **ESI热点论文**则是指在最近两年内发表,且在统计时点的近两个月内被引用次数达到该学科领域前0.1%的论文。这些论文反映了当前研究的最热门和最快速发展的趋势。 **研究前沿(Research Fronts)**是通过分析高被引...


    2002 年 亚太地区只有 1,625 个热点,预计到 2007 年,热点的数量将接近 3.8 万。 1.2 在企业、 学校等组织机构内部, 笔记本电脑的普及也带动了无线局域网(WLAN) 的普及。 以英特尔公司为例,全球 79,000 名员工...


    【八大无线技术未来两年引领风骚】 随着科技的飞速发展,无线技术正逐渐改变我们的生活和工作方式。根据市场分析机构Gartner的预测,2009年至2010年间,八大无线技术将引领行业发展,提升用户无线应用体验。以下是...


    影响因子是衡量期刊质量的关键指标,它是过去两年发表论文在统计当年的被引用次数与过去两年发表论文总数的比值。高影响因子表明期刊在学术界具有较高的引用率和影响力。 - 影响因子的应用: - 对比不同领域或...


    前者主要的缺点是维护、升级较麻烦,后者是近几年伴随Internet迅速发展起来的一种技术,它与客户/服务器方式类似,客户端是一个标准的浏览器,服务器端是Web Server ,而Web Server与数据库和应用服务器的紧密结合,...

    如何利用ESI数据库获取前沿研究 (2).ppt

    而热点论文则是指在最近两年内发表,且在统计时点的近两个月内被引次数达到所在学科前0.1%的论文,代表了最新的研究趋势和热门话题。 **前沿研究的定义与价值** 前沿研究是通过分析高被引论文之间的引用关系,使用...


    9. **Struts和Hibernate**:这两个框架在2013年前后也是面试的热点,Struts作为MVC框架,而Hibernate则是ORM工具,它们在实际项目中的应用和优缺点是面试官可能关注的问题。 10. **Web Services**:SOAP(Simple ...


    这两个数据库都隶属于ISI Web of Science,这是一个包含多个独立数据库的大型引文索引系统,旨在帮助用户查找、分析和管理科学、社会科学以及艺术与人文科学领域的研究成果。 SCISSCI主要涵盖了自然科学、工程技术...


    升级较麻烦,后者是近几年伴随Internet迅速发展起来的一种技术,它与客户/服务器方式类似, 客户端是一个标准的浏览器,服务器端是WebServer,而WebServer与数据库和应用服务器的紧密结合, 使得这种模式的应用范围...


    升级较麻烦,后者是近几年伴随Internet迅速发展起来的一种技术,它与客户/服务器方式类似, 客户端是一个标准的浏览器,服务器端是WebServer,而WebServer与数据库和应用服务器的紧密结合, 使得这种模式的应用范围...


    - **热点论文排名**:选取近2年内发表且最近2个月内仍被大量引用的论文,通常占比约为0.1%。 #### 三、研究前沿分析 ESI的研究前沿分析通过独特的视角来识别学科领域的突破性进展及科学家间的非正式交流关系。...

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