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#Microsoft #Online Services July Service Update #msonline

Today Microsoft announced its July Service update for Microsoft Online Services, BPOS. Great news for BlackBerry users!


We are pleased to introduce the July Service Update for Microsoft Online Services, which includes new features and enhancements to improve the service experience for both administrators and users.

Many of these service enhancements are the result of customer and partner feedback and will be deployed into production data centers for all regions during the month of July.

All service upgrades in this Service Update will be performed on your behalf. These changes are a mandatory upgrade for all users, so it is important that you are aware of them and understand how they may impact you.

Upgrades and Enhancements
The following Hosted BlackBerry service update is scheduled to be available in all regions after July 12, 2010.


Hosted BlackBerry® Administration Center
Hosted BlackBerry customers will be able to administer users online through the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center (MOAC). A link within MOAC will take you to the new Hosted BlackBerry Administration Center, where you will be able to add or delete users from licenses, activate devices, and perform remote device wipes.

You will no longer be required to contact customer support to execute these actions, but instead can immediately manage them yourself through the portal. Other administration activities will continue to be assisted via a request to customer support.

You will no longer be required to contact customer support to execute these actions, but instead can immediately manage them yourself through the portal. Other administration activities will continue to be assisted via a request to customer support.

Online License Purchases
Customers will no longer need to submit a paper order form in order to increase or decrease your Hosted BlackBerry for Microsoft Exchange Online service licenses.

You will be able to order additional Hosted BlackBerry licenses online through the Microsoft Online Services Customer Portal (MOCP), just as you do for your other Microsoft Online services. All new licenses will be governed by the Hosted BlackBerry Service Terms of Use available on the portal, which you will be able to review as a part of the purchase process.

To decrease licenses, for this service only, you will now be able to contact customer support with a service request.

For current Hosted BlackBerry customers that purchased the service via Microsoft Volume Licensing and an Enterprise Agreement (EA), you will continue to use existing processes to add or reduce licenses.

The new capabilities are scheduled to become available after July 12. Please check for the new Hosted BlackBerry Administration Center link within the MOAC portal to confirm availability and access the new administration center for the Hosted BlackBerry service.

The new administration portal for the Hosted BlackBerry for Microsoft Exchange Online service will only be available in English at the time of launch. Localized versions will follow in a subsequent release. We regret the inconvenience this may cause to some customers, and assure you that we remain committed to full internationalization as soon as possible.

Existing Hosted BlackBerry Customers
Please note that existing Hosted BlackBerry customers will receive a separate email communication from Microsoft Online Services with details about the new Hosted BlackBerry Administration Center and instructions for your organization.


The following changes are planned for the Office Live Meeting service:


Office Live Meeting Client Support Policy Change
Starting in July 2010, Microsoft is implementing a new lifecycle policy for the Microsoft Office Live Meeting client. As part of our ongoing effort to help ensure the highest quality web conferencing experience for our partners and customers, each version of the Office Live Meeting client that Microsoft releases will be supported for 18 months following the public release date for that version. The complete lifecycle policy is available online.


Impact to Office Live Meeting Customers
Microsoft currently releases an update to the Office Live Meeting client quarterly to improve existing functionality and implement new capabilities. Microsoft will provide support for each publicly-released version of the Office Live Meeting client for 18 months following the public release date of that version. To continue to receive support, a supported version of the Office Live Meeting client must be used to connect to the Office Live Meeting service. In the event of a support call where a customer is using a version of the Office Live Meeting client that is no longer supported, Microsoft Support will advise the customer to upgrade to the most current version of the Office Live Meeting client.

Once a final version of the Office Live Meeting client is publicly released, that version will be supported until the Office Live Meeting service is no longer supported, which may or may not be longer than 18 months.

Please note that this policy does not apply to the Live Meeting Web Access console.

Recommended Actions
We recommend that Office Live Meeting customers plan to update the Office Live Meeting client for their users at minimum every 12 months to ensure access to the latest enhancements implemented within each version of the client.


Office Live Meeting Service, Client and Conferencing Add-In Updates
The following Office Live Meeting service, client and conferencing add-in features and capabilities are now available:


Office Live Meeting Service Update
When the Join Conference setting is disabled as an Audio Policy for the conference center, meetings created via the Outlook Add-in or Live Meeting API will no longer be allowed to use Join Conference.

Office Live Meeting Client and Conferencing Add-In Update
Download and install the latest update for the Office Live Meeting client and Outlook Add-in. This client version will became the default preferred version for the service in May and June. Users may be prompted when exiting a meeting for an optional update to the client.

Enhancements in this client and conferencing add-in update include:

  • Improving the ability for users to respond to access control prompts when sharing control for Application Sharing.
  • Retaining the scheduled meeting on the Office Live Meeting service when an attendee has been removed from an invitation created by the Outlook Add-in.
  • Displaying invitees' tracked responses for recurring meeting series that were converted to Office Live Meeting via the Add-in.

For more information about this Office Live Meeting service update, please view the Office Live Meeting Service Updates online at the Live Meeting Forums.

Additional Information
If you have additional questions, there are several resources at your disposal. The Microsoft Online Services Customer Portal provides information about how to contact Microsoft Online Services Support. You can also read the Microsoft Online Services Team Blog for the latest news about the Service Update, participate in technical discussions on the Microsoft Online Services TechNet Forums, or follow the Microsoft Online Services Twitter account.

Thank you!
Thank you for choosing Microsoft Online Services to host your business productivity applications. We look forward to delivering additional enhancements and capabilities that improve your service experience and help you focus on your core business initiatives.

Microsoft Online Services




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    项目资源包含:可运行源码+sql文件 适用人群:学习不同技术领域的小白或进阶学习者;可作为毕设项目、课程设计、大作业、工程实训或初期项目立项。项目具有较高的学习借鉴价值,也可拿来修改、二次开发。 个人账户管理:支持用户注册、登录与个人信息编辑;提供密码找回及账号安全保护措施。 声纹采集:利用麦克风设备录制用户的声纹样本;支持多种录音格式和质量调整,确保采集到清晰、准确的声纹数据。 声纹模板库管理:建立和维护一个安全的声纹模板库;支持声纹模板的添加、删除、更新和查询操作。 声纹比对与识别:运用深度学习算法对输入的声纹数据进行特征提取和匹配;实现快速、准确的声纹身份验证。 多场景应用支持:适用于多种场景,如门禁系统、移动支付、远程登录等;可根据实际需求定制开发相应的应用场景。 实时监控与报警:实时监控系统运行状态,包括声纹识别成功率、处理速度等指标;当出现异常情况时,及时发出报警信息。 数据分析与报告生成:收集并分析声纹识别过程中的数据,如识别准确率、处理时间等;根据用户需求输出包含详细图表说明的专业级文档供下载打印保存。 社区互动交流:设立论坛版块鼓励用户分享心得体会讨论热点话题;定期邀请行业专家举办线上讲座传授实用技巧知识。 音乐筛选与推荐:集成音乐平台API,根据用户的浏览习惯和情绪状态推荐背景音乐,增强用户体验。 数据可视化:提供交互式的数据可视化面板,使非技术用户也能轻松理解复杂的数据集,从而做出更明智的决策。

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    csv 模块是 Python 的标准库,无需额外安装。 运行结果如下图: ['姓名', '年龄', '城市'] ['张三', '25', '北京'] ['李四', '30', '上海'] ['王五', '22', '广州']



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