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ThreadLocal 源码分析 -
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ThreadLocal 源码分析
Cache 接口定义了两个方法,put 和 get.
public interface Cache {
* API to store value against a key
* @param key Unique identifier for the object being store.
* @param value Value getting store
void put(Object key, Object value);
* API to return stored value using a key.
* @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
* @return Return stored object against key
Object get(Object key);
CacheFactory 定义了获取 Cache 的方法
public interface CacheFactory {
* CacheFactory implementation class needs to implement this return underlying cache instance for method against
* url and invocation.
* @param url
* @param invocation
* @return Instance of Cache containing cached value against method url and invocation.
Cache getCache(URL url, Invocation invocation);
AbstractCacheFactory 实现了 CacheFactory 的基本骨架.
我们先看下 LruCache 吧,LruCache 是最近最久未使用,它的实现原理是借用了 LinkedHashMap 实现的.
public LruCache(URL url) {
final int max = url.getParameter("cache.size", 1000);
this.store = new LRUCache<>(max);
public class LruCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {
* Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by LruCache.
* @param url url of the method
* @return ThreadLocalCache instance of cache
protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
return new LruCache(url);
ThreadLocalCache 是借助于 ThreadLocal 实现的.
JCache 是用于缓存的 Java API. 它提供一组通用的类和接口,可用于将 Java 对象临时存储在内存中. 所以即可以使用 JCache 实现,同样的,我也可以使用 Ecache 实现.
ExpiringMap 采用的 ConcurrentHashMap + Thread 实现可自动移除失效数据的结构,所以此处我认为采用 redis 实现效果会更好.
现在来重点关注下 CacheFilter 这个类. 这里实现了缓存结果的具体逻辑.
public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
if (cacheFactory != null && ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), CACHE_KEY))) {
Cache cache = cacheFactory.getCache(invoker.getUrl(), invocation);
if (cache != null) {
String key = StringUtils.toArgumentString(invocation.getArguments());
Object value = cache.get(key);
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof ValueWrapper) {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(((ValueWrapper) value).get(), invocation);
} else {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(value, invocation);
Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);
if (!result.hasException()) {
cache.put(key, new ValueWrapper(result.getValue()));
return result;
return invoker.invoke(invocation);
dubbo-filter-validation 包
Validator 类的实例在实际方法调用前对方法输入参数执行验证的扩展.
public interface Validator {
void validate(String methodName, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object[] arguments) throws Exception;
Validation 获取 Validator 的工厂接口
public interface Validation {
* Return the instance of {@link Validator} for a given url.
* @param url Invocation url
* @return Instance of {@link Validator}
Validator getValidator(URL url);
AbstractValidation 抽象类,实现 Validation 的基本骨架.
ValidationFilter 在实际调用方法前,通过 Validation 校验参数的合法性(这个类似于以前在前端使用的 validateEngine 一样,通用的数据校验API).
public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
if (validation != null && !invocation.getMethodName().startsWith("$")
&& ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), VALIDATION_KEY))) {
try {
Validator validator = validation.getValidator(invoker.getUrl());
if (validator != null) {
validator.validate(invocation.getMethodName(), invocation.getParameterTypes(), invocation.getArguments());
} catch (RpcException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(t, invocation);
return invoker.invoke(invocation);
Cache 接口定义了两个方法,put 和 get.
public interface Cache {
* API to store value against a key
* @param key Unique identifier for the object being store.
* @param value Value getting store
void put(Object key, Object value);
* API to return stored value using a key.
* @param key Unique identifier for cache lookup
* @return Return stored object against key
Object get(Object key);
CacheFactory 定义了获取 Cache 的方法
public interface CacheFactory {
* CacheFactory implementation class needs to implement this return underlying cache instance for method against
* url and invocation.
* @param url
* @param invocation
* @return Instance of Cache containing cached value against method url and invocation.
Cache getCache(URL url, Invocation invocation);
AbstractCacheFactory 实现了 CacheFactory 的基本骨架.
我们先看下 LruCache 吧,LruCache 是最近最久未使用,它的实现原理是借用了 LinkedHashMap 实现的.
public LruCache(URL url) {
final int max = url.getParameter("cache.size", 1000);
this.store = new LRUCache<>(max);
public class LruCacheFactory extends AbstractCacheFactory {
* Takes url as an method argument and return new instance of cache store implemented by LruCache.
* @param url url of the method
* @return ThreadLocalCache instance of cache
protected Cache createCache(URL url) {
return new LruCache(url);
ThreadLocalCache 是借助于 ThreadLocal 实现的.
JCache 是用于缓存的 Java API. 它提供一组通用的类和接口,可用于将 Java 对象临时存储在内存中. 所以即可以使用 JCache 实现,同样的,我也可以使用 Ecache 实现.
ExpiringMap 采用的 ConcurrentHashMap + Thread 实现可自动移除失效数据的结构,所以此处我认为采用 redis 实现效果会更好.
现在来重点关注下 CacheFilter 这个类. 这里实现了缓存结果的具体逻辑.
public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
if (cacheFactory != null && ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), CACHE_KEY))) {
Cache cache = cacheFactory.getCache(invoker.getUrl(), invocation);
if (cache != null) {
String key = StringUtils.toArgumentString(invocation.getArguments());
Object value = cache.get(key);
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof ValueWrapper) {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(((ValueWrapper) value).get(), invocation);
} else {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(value, invocation);
Result result = invoker.invoke(invocation);
if (!result.hasException()) {
cache.put(key, new ValueWrapper(result.getValue()));
return result;
return invoker.invoke(invocation);
dubbo-filter-validation 包
Validator 类的实例在实际方法调用前对方法输入参数执行验证的扩展.
public interface Validator {
void validate(String methodName, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object[] arguments) throws Exception;
Validation 获取 Validator 的工厂接口
public interface Validation {
* Return the instance of {@link Validator} for a given url.
* @param url Invocation url
* @return Instance of {@link Validator}
Validator getValidator(URL url);
AbstractValidation 抽象类,实现 Validation 的基本骨架.
ValidationFilter 在实际调用方法前,通过 Validation 校验参数的合法性(这个类似于以前在前端使用的 validateEngine 一样,通用的数据校验API).
public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
if (validation != null && !invocation.getMethodName().startsWith("$")
&& ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(invoker.getUrl().getMethodParameter(invocation.getMethodName(), VALIDATION_KEY))) {
try {
Validator validator = validation.getValidator(invoker.getUrl());
if (validator != null) {
validator.validate(invocation.getMethodName(), invocation.getParameterTypes(), invocation.getArguments());
} catch (RpcException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(t, invocation);
return invoker.invoke(invocation);
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通过以上对 Dubbo 源码的分析,不仅可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用 Dubbo,还能为我们设计和实现类似的分布式服务治理框架提供宝贵的参考。在实践中,可以结合代码分析逐步学习,不断提升自己在分布式系统领域的专业...
《Dubbo源码分析》 Dubbo是一款高性能、轻量级的Java开源RPC框架,它由阿里巴巴开源并广泛应用于各种分布式系统中。本项目“demo-dubbo”旨在深入剖析Dubbo的核心原理,帮助开发者理解其背后的实现机制,提升在实际...
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