(1) Logon to the Server as root.
(2) Open a terminal, check if there is the script named tarbackup.sh in /usr/local/bin directory
(3) Make sure you know the instance name you want to backup in TDS ("instance" hereinafter called for short ) and the location the backup file will be put ("path" hereinafter called for short ).
2.Do the backup operation
(1)Run the script
$/usr/local/bin/tarbackup.sh instance path
E.g.: /usr/local/bin/tarbackup.sh idsinst /opt/backup
The script will mainly do three operations below:
1)Stop the instance.
Backup the instance(/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/idsdbback)
Tar the backupfile and move it to the directory specified
4)Start the instance.
So you have to confirm that each operation has been executed correctly.The script will give you the opportunity to do this and Please notice the hints the script tells you, It's helpful.When It prints out"Done,Bye", the whole process of backup is finished.
Restore the TDS backup
Make sure you know the instance name you want to backup in TDS ("instance" hereinafter called for short ) and the location the backup file has be put ("path" hereinafter called for short ) and the archive filename of the backup("name" hereinafter called for short )
Run the script
$/usr/local/bin/untarbackup.sh instance path name
/usr/local/bin/untarbackup.sh idsinst /opt/backup 2009_Mar_26.tar.gz
The script will mainly do three operations below:
1)Stop the instance.
2)Untar the backup archive.
3)Restore the instance(/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/idsdbrestore)
4)Start the instance.
So you have to confirm that each operation has been executed correctly.The script will give you the opportunity to do this and Please notice the hints the script tells you, It's helpful.When It prints out"Done,Bye", the whole process of restore is finished.
while true
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please check if the instance you want to $1 has been already done correctly(y/n):"
echo -ne "\e[0m"
echo -ne "\33[31m"
echo "Hints:If this requirement (or message) \"$2\" meets(or printed) ,It's done correctly!"
echo -ne "\e[0m"
read -s -n 1 confirm
case $confirm in
Y|y)return 0;;
N|n)echo "Error happened ,Exit!";exit 1;;
* )echo "Please enter Y/y or N/n";echo -e "\n";;
time_info=`date "+%Y_%b_%d"`
if [ ! -d "/backup" ];then
mkdir /backup
chmod 777 /backup
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please Wait..."
echo -ne "\e[0m"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I $INSTANCE -k
yes_or_no "stop" "Terminated direcrory server instance XXX normally"
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please Wait..."
echo -ne "\e[0m"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/idsdbback -I $INSTANCE -b /backup/tdsbackup -k /backup/
tar -czf "$time_info".tar.gz /backup >/dev/null 2&>1
mv "$time_info".tar.gz $backup_path
ls -lh $backup_path/"$time_info".tar.gz
yes_or_no "Backup" "if the size tar.gz file is greater than 3M it's correct"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I $INSTANCE
yes_or_no "Start" "Server starting"
rm -f /backup/*
echo "Done,Bye!"
while true
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please check if the instance you want to $1 has been already done correctly(y/n):"
echo -ne "\e[0m"
echo -ne "\33[31m"
echo "Hints:If this requirement (or message) \"$2\" meets(or printed) ,It's done correctly!"
echo -ne "\e[0m"
read -s -n 1 confirm
case $confirm in
Y|y)return 0;;
N|n)echo "Error happened ,Exit!";exit 1;;
* )echo "Please enter Y/y or N/n";echo -e "\n";;
time_info=`date "+%Y_%b_%d"`
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please Wait..."
echo -ne "\e[0m"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I $INSTANCE -k
yes_or_no "stop" "Terminated direcrory server instance XXX normally"
tar zxvf "$backup_path"/"$file" -C $backup_path #>/dev/null 2&>1
echo -ne "\33[36m"
echo "Please Wait..."
echo -ne "\e[0m"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/idsdbrestore -I $INSTANCE -k $backup_path/backup/
yes_or_no "Restore" "From the message We can know that A lot of items have been restored"
/opt/ibm/ldap/V6.1/sbin/ibmslapd -I $INSTANCE
yes_or_no "Start" "Server starting"
rm -rf $backup_path/backup/
echo "Done,Bye!"
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