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这段时间纠结于各种各样的事 情,毕业论文和答辩,创新项目验收,在IBM的IRAM资产论文写作,上班。。。这还算是现在能数清楚的大事,还有种种小事情更是多如牛毛不可预料。。。 还好毕业答辩还算顺利,毕业论文倒是改了不少,还好虽然麻烦了一些,但一切顺利,最后是个老师指导的,心里觉得还是不错的。创新项目下周就验收,也应该没 什么事情。IRAM的写了Overview,明天的有个会好像是说要转投Value更高的TAP,估计还得再小改一下。。。感觉最近上下班都在写论文,倒 是有种很学术的感觉。。。。还好北京这些天的天气很清爽,从今天数上一周内的地铺时间只是一天而已。

这些天CDL的网络非 常不稳定,这直接导致Taipei的测试团队对我们的系统测试出了连接问题。。。后来连baidu和google都上不去了,这对于一个IT部门真是场灾 难,而第二天IT部门给出的网络故障解释更是有点搞笑的意味,大概意思是说IBM 中国区因为中国电信的网络故障导致下列部分网站无法访问:www.taobao.com,www.baidu.com,www.google.com .....淘宝竟然是第一个。。。昨天下午我就发现上北邮的网络非常快,好像跟加速了似的,试着挂了proxy.bupt.edu.cn的代理,竟然用着 超级爽,遂今天使用网络统统北邮代理。

IRAM的Overview一直在写,整个package就是介绍我们的项目的,但 是写着写着就觉得自己的英语实在到了不能不提高的境地了,几乎是个词都求助lingoes,最后勉强写完,怯怯的发给zhenzhen,zhenzhen 说还不错的。明天Leader和Zhenzhen我们三个人开会讨论,准备好做笔记~


Founded in 1999, China Development Lab(CDL) affiliated to IBM Software Group is developing rapidly and dramatically during the past ten years.In the era of innovation, CDL endeavors to fulfill its promise to be the leading innovator of China IT industry.Meanwhile, CDL has continuously attracted excellent technical and management talents from all over the world in the course of development. At present, located in Beijing, Shanghai,Taipei respectively, CDL has increased the number of employees working in the core R&D teams from 100 plus at the very beginning to over XXXX today.

However, at the same time,the rapid growth of human and IT resources in CDL also bring many critical and even devastating problems when it comes to account management in all kinds of servers(such as Windows,AIX, Linux,Solaris ,etc). Now, the numbers of servers in CDL has reached up to XXX ,and also the total number of accounts on there servers is as many as XXX. Obviously, The traditional Account Administration tool still used right now , such as UA Tool (User Accounts Tool for CDL) , couldn't meet the security requirements entirely due to the lack of some advanced functions of account management, i.e. violation audit, shared accounts, authentication with BluePage ,etc.

To solve this problems, the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager , also known as ITIM, is introduced by Lindows Support Team to make a difference in account management in CDL.ITIM is an identity lifecycle management product from IBM.It is a secure, automated and policy-based solution for managing user privileges that span heterogeneous IT resources. Also, ITIM provides centralized identity lifecycle management. It can automatically create, manage, and delete user access to various system resources such as files, servers, applications, and more based on job roles or requests.

Based on ITIM , many new and practical features as well as user-friendly enhancements for account management are out-of-box in our solution. Account/passwrod auto-sync between Windows AD and TDS, replacement local accounts of OS and applications with LDAP accounts, multi-approval and other functions alike are all supported which make security control more reliable. Report customization , proactively discovery and handling of violations are all ready which allows the manager and IT admin being aware of security violation more easily.What's more worthy mentioning is that we have achievd TIM authentication with BluePage , Shared Account management, QEV (Quarterly employment verification)and CBN(Annual Continued Business Need Revalidation) which will make the solution fully meet the needs of XXXX security standard in IBM internally. This document provides a brief overview about the scenarios and the features we achieved in CDL , and also talks about the workflows and techniques of this solution in detail.

今天上午本来是要进行系统中邮件模板的更新的,可是突然就被Leader和 reporting manager叫过去说要准备个Flash介绍我们现在的项目来迎接某个客户,说是某国有商业银行的IT部门。这也不奇怪,我们现在的这个产品在诸如中国 移动,中石油,花旗和雀巢都在使用,但是毕竟是我们是给IBM服务的内部部门,基本很少见到客户的(至少是我来的三个月观察)。这次是第一次派的杂活,难 得换换脑筋,我如此安慰自己。。。。以前是不会做Flash的,而且要求是做成演示文稿形式的,总觉得还是做成PPT更简单而且好看,不过两个 Leader都在场当然是要应下来的。上午还因此冒险安装了一次xunlei偷偷下了个软件。。。(希望不要被抓到)

下午 的时候做了个小样给Alana,她觉得不好,其实我和Lihao都觉得还是用PPT,于是在六点多的时候我经过百般纠结终于决定和Alana沟通这个事情,还好Alana体察部下的一片用心。于是加班赶PPT,到了晚上八点多才从IBM出来,其实Alana是劝我早走的,怕我有安 全和健康问题,只是我想没做完不好,明天又有许许多多的事情,比如学习IRAM的写作,TAP的写作,邮件模板的更新。。。虽然走的时候还是没做完,但是 基本思路和效果都体现出来了,心中还是挺欢喜的。今天一天的活虽然基本都是无用功,但是在沟通技巧上自己也算有所长进,在两个Leader面前不能直接沟通,即使她们说的有问题也要走一小步错给她们看,这也许就是上班和在学校的不同吧。一个人从IBM出来,走在落雨的中关村软件园,非常静,等班车的时候想起陈升翻唱黄家驹的《关心永远在》中的一句歌词“你爱听雨,又怕听雨,让人想起从前,舍不去,忘不掉,最容易流泪。


Dear Manager and Requester,

The following temporary's labor contract will be expired on 2009-07-31 . Would you please kindly confirm the following extension information to us by 2009-6-29 ? We will regard it as contract terminate and inform Temp employee formally if you don't give us feedback before 2009-6-29 .Thank you very much!

  • If you want to extend the Temp's labor contract,please go to this web linkhttp://www.ciicbj.com/tempweb/login.aspx to online complete 'Service Request Form'', and follow up the new hire process to proceed. You can contact CIIC via hetingting@ciic.com.cn;ciicbl@cn.ibm.com; for any questions.
  • If you want to terminate the Te mp's contract, or the Temp already left IBM,please go to this web link http://www.ciicbj.com/tempweb/login.aspx to online complete 'Separation Request Form', and follow up the separation process to proceed. You can contact CIIC via hetingting@ciic.com.cn;ciicbl@cn.ibm.com; for any questions.


Name Location BU 1st line Mgr Mgr S/N Requester Requester S/N Contract End Date

952503 999411 2009-07-31

For more details information of IBM Temp Guideline, pls click this DB linkage to access HR&Mgr team room.




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