因为有一种说法就是,System.gc() ; 会提醒虚拟机清理内存,但不一定会立即执行,还有一种说法是这个方法会停止所有线程而扫描一遍,找出并清理垃圾对象释放内存,
while system.gc works,it will stop the world:all respones are stopped so garbage collector can scan every object to check if it is needed deleted. if the application is a web project, all request are stopped until gc finishes,and this will cause your web project can not work in a monent.
You have no control over GC in java -- the VM decides. I've never run across a case where System.gc() is needed. Since a System.gc() call simply SUGGESTS that the VM do a garbage collection and it also does a FULL garbage collection (old and new generations in a multi-generational heap), then it can actually cause MORE cpu cycles to be consumed than necessary.
In some cases, it may make sense to suggest to the VM that it do a full collection NOW as you may know the application will be sitting idle for the next few minutes before heavy lifting occurs. For example, right after the initialization of a lot of temporary object during application startup (i.e., I just cached a TON of info, and I know I won't be getting much activity for a minute or so). Think of an IDE such as eclipse starting up -- it does a lot to initialize, so perhaps immediately after initialization it makes sense to do a full gc at that point.
In some cases, it may make sense to suggest to the VM that it do a full collection NOW as you may know the application will be sitting idle for the next few minutes before heavy lifting occurs. For example, right after the initialization of a lot of temporary object during application startup (i.e., I just cached a TON of info, and I know I won't be getting much activity for a minute or so). Think of an IDE such as eclipse starting up -- it does a lot to initialize, so perhaps immediately after initialization it makes sense to do a full gc at that point.
I can't think of a specific example when it is good to run explicit GC.
In general, running explicit GC can actually cause more harm than good, because an explicit gc will trigger a full collection, which takes significantly longer as it goes through every object. If this explicit gc ends up being called repeatedly it could easily lead to a slow application as a lot of time is spent running full GCs.
Alternatively if going over the heap with a heap analyzer and you suspect a library component to be calling explicit GC's you can turn it off adding: gc=-XX:+DisableExplicitGC to the JVM parameters.
In general, running explicit GC can actually cause more harm than good, because an explicit gc will trigger a full collection, which takes significantly longer as it goes through every object. If this explicit gc ends up being called repeatedly it could easily lead to a slow application as a lot of time is spent running full GCs.
Alternatively if going over the heap with a heap analyzer and you suspect a library component to be calling explicit GC's you can turn it off adding: gc=-XX:+DisableExplicitGC to the JVM parameters.
从 这里你或许也可以得出点结论来。
System.gc() 源码:
* Runs the garbage collector.
* <p>
* Calling the <code>gc</code> method suggests that the Java Virtual
* Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to
* make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse.
* When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual
* Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded
* objects.
* <p>
* The call <code>System.gc() </code> is effectively equivalent to the
* call:
* <blockquote><pre>
* Runtime.getRuntime(). gc()
* </pre></blockquote>
* @see java.lang.Runtime#gc()
public static void gc() {
* Runs the garbage collector.
* <p>
* Calling the <code>gc</code> method suggests that the Java Virtual
* Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to
* make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse.
* When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual
* Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded
* objects.
* <p>
* The call <code>System.gc() </code> is effectively equivalent to the
* call:
* <blockquote><pre>
* Runtime.getRuntime(). gc()
* </pre></blockquote>
* @see java.lang.Runtime#gc()
public static void gc() {
* Indicates to the virtual machine that it would be a good time to run the
* garbage collector. Note that this is a hint only. There is no guarantee
* that the garbage collector will actually be run.
* @since Android 1.0
public native void gc();
* Indicates to the virtual machine that it would be a good time to run the
* garbage collector. Note that this is a hint only. There is no guarantee
* that the garbage collector will actually be run.
* @since Android 1.0
public native void gc();
贴两张图在这里:对比了一下显示执行该方法与不显示执行的区别。 很显然 这里一个两次一个一次,GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC , GC_EXTERNAL
然而,程序员不能直接控制垃圾回收的时间,只能通过System.gc()建议执行,但并不保证立即生效。 在Java中,录入和输出信息是常见的任务。例如,可以使用Scanner类来读取用户输入,如: ```java Scanner scanner = ...
- `System.gc()`:触发垃圾收集,虽然不推荐直接使用,但在某些场景下可能需要手动调用。 - `System.runFinalization()`:运行所有已注册的终结器(finalize方法)。 - `System.exit()`:结束JVM,传入的参数决定...
【垃圾回收机制简介】 在Java编程中,与C++或C等语言相比,开发者无需...开发者应该避免过度依赖`finalize()`和`System.gc()`,而是充分利用Java的内存管理机制,同时关注JVM参数的优化,以提升应用程序的整体性能。
Machine Learning in Java Neural Network Programming with Java, Second Edition Style and approach This course aims to create a smooth learning path that will teach you how to effectively use deep ...
public String sendAT(String atcommand) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { String s = ""; try { Thread.sleep(100); writeln(atcommand); Thread.sleep(80); s = read(); Thread.sleep(100); } catch ...
程序员可以通过`System.gc()`或`Runtime.gc()`来建议执行垃圾回收,但最终是否回收由JVM决定。 5. **代码安全性**: - Java的安全性体现在代码的执行环境中,通过权限策略控制代码对资源的访问,保护系统免受恶意...
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- Java提供了多种输入输出的类,比如Scanner类用于从标准输入读取文本,System.in是标准输入流。 10. Java对象的初始化和启动: - init()方法在Applet类中用来初始化Applet。 - main()方法是Java程序的入口点,在该...
Call System.gc(), passing in a reference to the object to be garbage collected.** 错误。`System.gc()`方法没有参数。 - **D. Call Runtime.gc()** 错误。同样地,`Runtime.gc()`也不能保证立即执行垃圾...
`导入了`java.util`包下的所有类,而`import java.*;`则无效。如果你只想导入特定的类,可以写成`import java.util.Scanner;`。如果没有公共类,源文件可以没有包声明,但是如果有,包声明应放在文件的最前面,紧...
- `java.lang.System.gc();` 和 `java.lang.Runtime.gc();` 都是用于请求 JVM 进行垃圾回收的方法。 3. **导入语句**:使用 `import` 关键字来导入其他包中的类或接口。 - `import java.util.*;` 表示导入 `java....
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由于它位于`java.lang`包下,因此可以直接使用,无需导入。 - `System.out`:标准输出流,常用于打印信息到控制台。 - ``:标准输入流,用于读取从键盘输入的数据。 - `System.arraycopy()`:用于数组复制...
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