his book is a detailed and authoritative introduction to all aspects of Lua programming written by Lua's chief architect. Programming in Lua provides a solid base to any programmer who wants to use ...
With this book as your guide, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of all aspects of programming with this powerful language. The authors present the fundamentals of programming, explain standard ...
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以归纳出一系列与Lua编程相关的知识点。以下是对这些知识点的详细解析: ### 一、Lua 编程概述 #### 1. Lua 语言简介 - **定义**:Lua是一种轻量级、高效的脚本语言,被广泛用于游戏...
### Lua编程语言核心知识点 #### 1. Lua简介与特性 - **定义**:Lua是一种轻量级的脚本语言,被广泛应用于游戏开发、Web应用程序、自动化脚本等领域。 - **起源与发展**:Lua最初由巴西的PUC里约热内卢大学的计算机...
his book is a detailed and authoritative introduction to all aspects of Lua programming written by Lua's chief architect. Programming in Lua provides a solid base to any programmer who wants to use ...
With this book as your guide, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of all aspects of programming with this powerful language. The authors present the fundamentals of programming, explain standard ...
《lua程序设计》 在线查看:http://book.luaer.cn 由http://www.luaer.cn 中国lua开发者友情提供!
<book title="Lua Programming"> <author>John Doe </book> ``` 经过xml2lua解析后,将被转化为如下的Lua表: ```lua { book = { {tag = "title", value = "Lua Programming"}, {tag = "author", value = ...
《自己动手实现Lua》源代码 :open_book:试读( , ) :heart_suit_selector:购买( , , ) :bug: :headphone:加入读者交流群(qq:311942068) :desktop_computer: 相关文章
xle 转 lua 代码修改版 Book1= { [1] = { ['id'] = 1.0, ['name'] = '侦探团', ['ni'] = 'xa_12', ['hao'] = 1.1, ['ww'] = 1.0, }, [2] = { ['id'] = 2.0, ['name'] = '侦探团', ['ni'] = 'xa_13', ['hao'] = ...
《luago-book: Lua源码学习》是一本专注于解析Lua语言源码的教程,它针对的是对编程有深厚兴趣并且想要深入理解Lua内部机制的读者。在这个教程中,我们将探讨Lua的实现细节,包括它的虚拟机、语法解析、内存管理、...
' book ' , route: new ( ' ^/book/(%w+) ' , require ( " myapp.controller.book " )) ) app_router: add ( ' user ' , route: new ( ' ^/user ' , require ( " myapp.controller.user " )) ) ngx. say ( app_...
- Lua是RecipeBook的核心,它允许开发者创建新的游戏逻辑,如添加新界面、修改现有配方或实现交互性功能。 - 使用Lua,RecipeBook可以读取并解析游戏内的配方数据,然后以更用户友好的方式呈现给玩家。 - Lua的...
4. **事务与Lua脚本**:介绍Redis的简单事务模型和使用Lua脚本进行复杂操作的能力。 5. **发布订阅**:讲解发布/订阅模式,如何实现消息传递,以及在构建实时系统中的应用。 6. **布隆过滤器**:介绍这个空间效率...
1. **主程序文件**:如`RecipeBook.lua`,这是插件的核心代码,实现了对行业技能的追踪和管理功能。 2. **配置文件**:如`RecipeBook_config.lua`,用于存储用户自定义的设置和偏好。 3. **本地化文件**:如`zhCN....