cd ..命令可以返回到上一层目录。
我们都知道使用cd ../是回到系统的上一层目录,但是当你进入到一个很深的目录的时候,你想回到前3层的目录,你就要用cd ../../../来达到目的,如果是目录更深,或许你需要的../就要写的更多。现在通过cd alisa命令来减轻或减少../的输入次数。
jack@Ubuntu: mkdir -p /tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep
jack@Ubuntu:cd /tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep$ pwd
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep$ cd ../../../../
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ pwd
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ alias ..1="cd ../"
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ alias ..2="cd ../../"
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ alias ..3="cd ../../../"
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ alias ..4="cd ../../../../"
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep$ pwd
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure/that/is/too/deep$ ..4
jack@Ubuntu:/tmp/very/long/directory/structure$ pwd
其他方法跟方法1类似,区别就是对别名的定义如何能更好的让使用者能够快速记住,比如定义为alias cd1="cd ../"等。了解了alias 命令我们就可以自己去定义一些比较常用的命令。
例如:公司通常都不会给普通的开发在prod环境配很高的权限,所以有时候我们就需要sudo 到某个有特定权限的帐号去做一些操作。例如:sudo -u devderiv 切换到devderiv帐号,这个命令经常用,为了节约时间,可以定义alias,alias devderiv=“sudo -u devderiv” 这样就可以直接输入devderiv来切换帐号了。如果命令更长的话,定义别名会更加的方便快捷。
Use CD Alias to Navigate Up the Directory 通过设置`cd`的别名,可以在当前目录的父目录间快速切换。 ```bash alias up='cd ..' ``` 这样,在终端中输入`up`即可进入当前目录的父目录。 #### Hack 3. Perform ...
Use CD Alias to Navigate Up the Directory** 通过定义`cd`的别名,可以轻松实现向上导航多级目录。例如,可以设置`cd ..`的别名为`cdu`,这样输入`cdu`即可返回上一级目录;设置`cd ../..`的别名为`cddu`,则...
3.6 Learn to Navigate Through the Program. . . . . . 28 3.7 Learn to Inspect Data: Variables and Expressions . . . . 29 3.8 A Debug Session on a Simple Example . . . . . . 30 4 Fixing Memory Problems...
1. In a terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to install the app 2. $ ssh -T 3. $ git clone 自签名本地证书 ...
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Use up & down arrow keys to navigate the menu. Use Enter key to go into a submenu, Escape key to go out or to exit. Type ? to see a help screen. Enter key exits the help screen. Use Space key, or Y ...
After completing the driver download, extract the zipped file;...Navigate to the folder of the driver you downloaded and select the file "ser2pl"; Press OK and proceed to perform the installation
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2. Copy the extracted folders and paste them into the main BDS directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0 3. In the IDE, install the IBX package: A. Choose Component > Install ...
本示例着重讲解如何利用`Frame`控件的`Navigate`函数来实现页面间的导航,并且通过设置`NavigationUIVisibility`属性隐藏导航UI,使得界面更加简洁,更适合初学者学习。 首先,我们需要了解`Frame`控件。`Frame`是...
**Hack 2: Use cd Aliases to Navigate Up the Directory Effectively** 为了提高效率,可以为 `cd` 命令创建别名,使其能够更方便地向上导航。例如: ```bash alias ..='cd ..' alias ...='cd ../..' alias ....='...
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2. Navigate to the project folder of the sample app, e.g. SampleApplications/Samples/NetCoreConsoleClient 3. Run the script ./ to create the certificates for the sample applications. 4. ...
本文实例讲述了微信小程序出现wx.navigateTo页面不跳转问题的解决方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 今天在做微信小程序的时候,做的商品购买...
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小程序wx.navigateTo路由方法中新增加了events属性,可以用于监听被打开页面发送到当前页面的数据。基础库 2.7.3 开始支持。 相关文档链接:...
4. Navigate to the font directory # cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype 5. Create fonts.scale and fonts.dir # mkfontscale && mkfontdir # fc-cache 6. Add the new font directory to the X11 font path # ...
绿色、小巧,不占用多少资源...You may now use the drive letter as if it were a local CD-ROM device. When you are finished you may unmount, stop, and remove the driver from memory using the driver control.