
wpf 研习1-24小时自学wpf12


A Contact Manager


Choosing an Architecture-interactive application


Model objects represent the business concerns that are specific to the application being built;

Views are the actual visible components of an application;

Controllers traditionally functioned as mediators between the human and the application by handling user input from the mouse or keyboard(many of the responsibilities that the Controller had in the original
pattern have been taken over by WPF’s rich control set);



Model/View/Presenter,evolved from MVC;(M-primary purpose is to represent business-specific constructs in software;Supervising-Controller pattern,Passive-View pattern)


Expander,allow the user to collapse or expand a named region of the interface,use the Header property to label the region.The Header property is of type object.(RotateTransform)


Slider,property-Minimum,Maximum,Interval, SmallChange, and LargeChange


TabControl,inherits from ItemsControl,most commonly used to display a collection of TabItem controls;

the TabControl can be scaled to the user’s preference via the data binding between the ScaleTransform and the Slider;



Notifier : INotifyPropertyChanged(which  is property changed notification mechanism,enables more powerful data binding in WPF.)

Address : Notifier


using System;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace ContactManager
    public abstract class Notifier : INotifyPropertyChanged
        [field: NonSerialized]
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)

using System;

namespace ContactManager.Model
    public class Address : Notifier
        private string _city;
        private string _country;
        private string _line1;
        private string _line2;
        private string _state;
        private string _zip;

        public string City
            get { return _city; }
                _city = value;

        public string Country
            get { return _country; }
                _country = value;

        public string Line1
            get { return _line1; }
                _line1 = value;

        public string Line2
            get { return _line2; }
                _line2 = value;

        public string State
            get { return _state; }
                _state = value;

        public string Zip
            get { return _zip; }
                _zip = value;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ContactManager.Model
    public static class States
        private static readonly List<string> _names;

        static States()
            _names = new List<string>(50);

            _names.Add("New Hampshire");
            _names.Add("New Jersey");
            _names.Add("New Mexico");
            _names.Add("New York");
            _names.Add("North Carolina");
            _names.Add("North Dakota");
            _names.Add("Rhode Island");
            _names.Add("South Carolina");
            _names.Add("South Dakota");
            _names.Add("West Virginia");

        public static IList<string> GetNames()
            return _names;




Abstract Data Store

Regardless of what the underlying data store is, every well-architected solution hides this technicality from the rest of the application.

A common pattern is to execute all datarelated activity through a repository class(Separation of Concerns (SoC)-The important part of a repository is that it abstracts away the actual data store so that other parts of the application are able to work with a high-level API and not concern themselves with how the data is stored.);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace ContactManager.Model
  public class ContactRepository
    private List<Contact> _contactStore;
    private readonly string _stateFile;
    public ContactRepository()
      _stateFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,"ContactManager.state");
    public void Save(Contact contact)
      if (contact.Id == Guid.Empty)
          contact.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
      if (!_contactStore.Contains(contact))
    public void Delete(Contact contact)
     public List<Contact> FindByLookup(string lookupName)
       IEnumerable<Contact> found = from c in _contactStore
                                      where c.LookupName.StartsWith(
                                      StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)  select c;
       return found.ToList();
     public List<Contact> FindAll()
       return new List<Contact>(_contactStore);
     private void Serialize()
      using (FileStream stream =File.Open(_stateFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        formatter.Serialize(stream, _contactStore);
     private void Deserialize()
       if (File.Exists(_stateFile))
          using (FileStream stream =File.Open(_stateFile, FileMode.Open))
             BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
             _contactStore =(List<Contact>)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
       else _contactStore = new List<Contact>();


a repository, is a type of class that hides the actual data storage mechanism from the rest of the application. It embodies SoC by separating any datarelated code from other classes and encapsulating it in a way that hides the internal complexity from unconcerned parties.



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