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- The hype surrounding Ajax will slowly fade, as people come to realize that there's really nothing new here, just that DHTML is cool again. As Dion points out, Ajax will become a toolbox that you use in web development without thinking that "I am doing Ajax". Just as we don't think about "doing HTML" vs "doing DOM". (Ajax不再新鲜)
- The release of EJB 3 may actually start people thinking about EJB again, but hopefully this time in a more pragmatic and less hype-driven fashion. (Yes, EJB does have its place in the world, folks--it's just a much smaller place than most of the EJB vendors and book authors wanted it to be.) (EJB有望重生)
Vista will be slipped to 2007, despite Microsoft's best efforts. In the meantime, however, WinFX (which is effectively .NET 3.0) will ship, and people will discover that Workflow (WWF) is by far the more interesting of the WPF/WCF/WWF triplet. Notice that I don't say "powerful" or "important", but "interesting". - Scripting languages will hit their peak interest period in 2006; Ruby conversions will be at its apogee, and its likely that somewhere in the latter half of 2006 we'll hear about the first major Ruby project failure, most likely from a large consulting firm that tries to duplicate the success of Ruby's evangelists (Dave Thomas, David Geary, and the other Rubyists I know of from the NFJS tour) by throwing Ruby at a project without really understanding it. In other words, same story, different technology, same result. By 2007 the Ruby Backlash will have begun. (Ruby昙花一现,我完全同意)
Interest in building languages that somehow bridge the gap between static and dynamic languages will start to grow, most likely beginning with E4X, the variant of ECMAScript (Javascript to those of you unfamiliar with the standards) that integrates XML into the language. - Java developers will start gaining interest in building rich Java apps again. (Freely admit, this is a long shot, but the work being done by the Swing researchers at Sun, not least of which is Romain Guy, will by the middle of 2006 probably be ready for prime-time consumption, and there's some seriously interesting sh*t in there.) (Swing将被重视,我觉得一定是因为netbeans的作用)
Somebody at Microsoft starts seriously hammering on the CLR team to support continuations. Talk emerges about supporting it in the 4.0 (post-WinFX) release.
Effective Java (2nd Edition) will ship. (Hardly a difficult prediction to make--Josh said as much in the Javapolis interview I did with him and Neal Gafter.)
Effective .NET will ship.
Pragmatic XML Services will ship. - JDK 6 will ship, and a good chunk of the Java community self-proclaimed experts and cognoscente will claim it sucks. (jdk版本太快了,都开始规划jdk7了,不注重用户的使用基础,必然失败,和php5一样)
Java developers will seriously begin to talk about what changes we want/need to Java for JDK 7 ("Dolphin"). Lots of ideas will be put forth. Hopefully most will be shot down. With any luck, Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter will still be involved in the process, and will keep tight rein on the more... aggressive... ideas and turn them into useful things that won't break the spirit of the platform.
My long-shot hope, rather than prediction, for 2006: Sun comes to realize that the Java platform isn't about the language, but the platform, and begin to give serious credence and hope behind a multi-linguistic JVM ecosystem.
My long-shot dream: JBoss goes out of business, the JBoss source code goes back to being maintained by developers whose principal interest is in maintaining open-source projects rather than making money, and it all gets folded together with what the Geronimo folks are doing. In other words, the open-source community stops the infighting and starts pulling oars in the same direction at the same time. For once. (这点不敢苟同,如果从性能上看,geronimo还需要漫漫长路)
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这篇报告主要探讨了2006年至2007年间中国软件技术的应用情况和发展趋势,涉及多个关键领域,包括软件开发人才的分布、主流技术的应用状况以及企业信息化进程。 1. **中国软件开发人才分布状况**: - 年龄结构:...
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这份文档由XX软件行业协会于2006年8月发布,适用于不同类型的软件工程项目,帮助项目经理、财务人员以及开发团队理解和制定精确的成本估算。 1. 前言 在项目启动阶段,明确项目的目标和范围是至关重要的。前言部分...
标题 "93年-2006年全国各地级市、县的GDP" 提供的信息主要涉及中国在1993年至2006年间各地区经济发展的历史数据。这个数据集涵盖了全国不同级别的城市和县,是研究中国经济区域差异、经济增长趋势以及政策影响的重要...
3. 软件工程:强调软件开发的全过程,包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试和维护等阶段,以及相关的文档编写规范。 4. 编程语言:通常会涉及至少一种编程语言(如C++、Java),测试编程语法、面向对象设计原则以及编程...