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Windows PowerShell™ Getting Started Guide
Microsoft Corporation
Published: September 2006
Windows PowerShell™ is a new Windows command-line shell designed especially for system administrators. The shell includes an interactive prompt and a scripting environment that can be used independently or in combination.
This document is designed to introduce new users to Windows PowerShell and to acquaint them with its basic features. For more detailed information, see the Windows PowerShell Primer.
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Windows PowerShell is a new Windows command-line shell designed especially for system administrators. The shell includes an interactive prompt and a scripting environment that can be used independently or in combination.
Unlike most shells, which accept and return text, Windows PowerShell is built on top of the .NET common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework, and accepts and returns .NET objects. This fundamental change in the environment brings entirely new tools and methods to the management and configuration of Windows.
Windows PowerShell introduces the concept of a cmdlet (pronounced "command-let"), a simple, single-function command-line tool built into the shell. You can use each cmdlet separately, but their power is realized when you use these simple tools in combination to perform complex tasks. Windows PowerShell includes more than one hundred basic core cmdlets, and you can write your own cmdlets and share them with other users.
Like many shells, Windows PowerShell gives you access to the file system on the computer. In addition, Windows PowerShell providers enable you to access other data stores, such as the registry and the digital signature certificate stores, as easily as you access the file system.
This Getting Started guide provides an introduction to Windows PowerShell: the language, the cmdlets, the providers, and the use of objects.
Primary Focus
The primary focus of this document is to help Windows PowerShell users get started with Windows PowerShell. This document describes the features of the shell that you need to start using the shell. For a detailed examination of the shell, its features, and examples of how to use the shell, see the Windows PowerShell Primer.
Most shells, including Cmd.exe and the SH, KSH, CSH, and BASH Unix shells, operate by executing a command or utility in a new process, and presenting the results to the user as text. Over the years, many text processing utilities, such as sed, AWK, and PERL, have evolved to support this interaction.
These shells also have commands that are built into the shell and run in the shell process, such as the typeset command in KSH and the dir command in Cmd.exe. In most shells, because there are few built-in commands.many utilities have been created.
Windows PowerShell is very different.
· Windows PowerShell does not process text. Instead, it processes objects based on the .NET platform.
· Windows PowerShell comes with a large set of built-in commands with a consistent interface.
· All shell commands use the same command parser, instead of different parsers for each tool. This makes it much easier to learn how to use each command.
Best of all, you don't have to give up the tools that you have become accustomed to using. You can still use the traditional Windows tools, such as Net, SC, and Reg.exe in Windows PowerShell.
Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
A cmdlet (pronounced "command-let") is a single-feature command that manipulates objects in Windows PowerShell. You can recognize cmdlets by their name format -- a verb and noun separated by a dash (-), such as Get-Help, Get-Process, and Start-Service.
In traditional shells, the commands are executable programs that range from the very simple (such as attrib.exe) to the very complex (such as netsh.exe).
In Windows PowerShell, most cmdlets are very simple, and they are designed to be used in combination with other cmdlets. For example, the "get" cmdlets only retrieve data, the "set" cmdlets only establish or change data, the "format" cmdlets only format data, and the "out" cmdlets only direct the output to a specified destination.
Each cmdlet has a help file that you can access by typing:
get-help <cmdlet-name> -detailed
The detailed view of the cmdlet help file includes a description of the cmdlet, the command syntax, descriptions of the parameters, and example that demonstrate use of the cmdlet.
A New Scripting Language
Windows PowerShell uses its own language, rather than reusing existing an languages, for the following reasons.
· Windows PowerShell needed a language for managing.NET objects,
· The language needed to provide a consistent environment for using cmdlets.
· The language needed to support complex tasks, without making simple tasks more complex.
· The language needed to be consistent with higher-level languages used in .NET programming, such as C#.
Windows Commands and Utilities
You can run Windows command-line programs in Windows PowerShell, and you can start Windows programs that have a graphic user interface, such as Notepad and Calculator, within the shell. You can also capture the text that programs generate and use that text in the ,shell, in much the same way you would in Cmd.exe.
Processing Objects
Although you might not realize it at first. when you work in Windows PowerShell, you are working with .NET objects. As you gain experience, the power of object processing becomes more evident, and you'll find yourself using the objects and even thinking in objects.
Technically, a .NET object is an instance of a .NET class that consists of data and the operations associated with that data. But you can think of an object as a data entity that has properties, which are like characteristics, and methods, which are actions that you can perform on the object.
For example, when you get a service in Windows PowerShell, you are really getting an object that represents the service. When you view information about a service, you are viewing the properties of its service object. And, when you start a service, that is, when you change the Status property of the service to "started," you are using a method of the service object.
All objects of the same type have the same properties and methods, but each instance of an object can have different values for the properties. For example, every service object has a Name and Status property. However, each service can have a different name and a different status.
When you're ready, it's easy to learn about the objects. To find out what type of object a cmdlet is getting, use a pipeline operator (|) to sent the results of a "get" command to the Get-Member command. For example, the following command sends the objects retrieved by a Get-Service command to Get-Member.
get-service | get-member |
Get-Member displays information about the service object, including the typename of the object and a list of its properties and methods.
TypeName: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController Name MemberType Definition ---- ---------- ---------- Name AliasProperty Name = ServiceName add_Disposed Method System.Void add_Disposed(EventHandler value) Close Method System.Void Close() Continue Method System.Void Continue() ... |
For information about the object class, copy and paste the typename, such as System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, in MSDN. When you find the class, you can read the MSDN subtopics to learn about the properties and methods of objects based on that class, like the ones in Windows PowerShell.
To find the values of all of the properties of a particular object, use a pipeline operator (|) to send the results of a "get" command to a Format-List or Format-Table command. Use the Property parameter of the format cmdlets with a value of all (*). For example, to find all of the properties of the Schedule service on the system, type:
get-service schedule | format-list -property * |
The following shows an example of the result.
Name : Schedule CanPauseAndContinue : True CanShutdown : True CanStop : True DisplayName : Task Scheduler DependentServices : {} MachineName : . ServiceName : Schedule ServicesDependedOn : {RpcSs} ServiceHandle : SafeServiceHandle Status : Running ServiceType : Win32ShareProcess Site : Container : |
You don't need to understand anything about objects when you are first learning Windows PowerShell, but keep the concept in the back of your mind. You'll soon be able to use the objects to their best advantage.
Object Pipelines
One major advantage of using objects is that it makes it much easier to pipeline command, that is, to pass the output of one command to another command as input. The communication often requires string manipulation to convert output from one format to another and to remove titles and column headings.
Windows PowerShell provides a new interactive model that is based on objects, rather than text. The cmdlet that receives an object can act directly on its properties and methods without any conversion or manipulation. Users can refer to properties and methods of the object by name, rather than calculating the position of the data in the output.
In the following example, the result of an IpConfig command is passed to a Findstr command. The pipeline operator (|) sends the result of the command on its left to the command on its right. In Microsoft® Windows® PowerShell, you don't need to manipulate strings or calculate data offsets.
PS> ipconfig | findstr "Address" IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : |
An Interactive Environment
Like other shells, Windows PowerShell supports a complete interactive environment. When you type a command at the prompt, the command is processed and the output is displayed in the shell window. You can send the output of a command to a file or printer, or you can use the pipeline operator (|) to send the output to another command.
Support for Scripting
If you run particular commands or command sequences repeatedly, or if you develop a series of commands to perform a complex task, you will want to save your commands in a file and execute the command file, instead of typing commands at the prompt. A file of commands is called a script.
In addition to its interactive interface, Windows PowerShell fully supports scripting. In Windows PowerShell, script files have a .ps1 file name extension. To run a script, type the name of the script at the command prompt. The file name extension is optional.
For example:
c:\test\testscript.ps1 |
c:\test\testscript |
You must specify the fully qualified path to the script file, even if the script is in the current directory. To indicate the current directory, type the directory name or use a dot (.) to represent the current directory. For example:
.\testscript.ps1 |
Although scripts are extremely useful -- even essential -- in some enterprises, they can be used to spread malicious code. As a result, the security policy in Windows PowerShell, called an execution policy, lets you determine whether scripts can run and whether they must include a digital signature. To eliminate an obvious risk, none of the execution policies in Windows PowerShell allow you to run a script by double-clicking its icon. For more information, type:
get-help about_signing |
Windows PowerShell also includes a very rich scripting language that allows you to create scripts from the simplest to the very complex. It supports language constructs for looping, conditions, flow-control, and variable assignment.
To start Windows PowerShell from the Start menu, click Start, click All Programs, click Windows PowerShell 1.0, and then click Windows PowerShell.
To start Windows PowerShell from the Run box, click Start, click Run, and type:
powershell |
To start Windows PowerShell from a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) windows, at the command prompt, type:
powershell |
To see the options for starting Windows PowerShell, in a Command Prompt window,
powershell -? |
When Windows PowerShell is open, you can use the Get-Help cmdlet to find help. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type:
Using Windows PowerShell
This section explains the basics of using Windows PowerShell. It begins with the Get-Help cmdlet, which displays information about cmdlets and conceptual topics in Windows PowerShell. Then, it describes a few of the basic cmdlets, explains how to use cmdlet parameters, and shows you how to format the output of the cmdlets to get the data that you need in a useful display. The final topics explain how to use aliases to make it easier to work in Windows PowerShell, how to run traditional Windows programs in Windows PowerShell, and how to manage errors.
Get-Help: Getting Help
The Get-Help cmdlet is a useful tool for learning about Windows PowerShell. By reading the descriptions of the cmdlets, learning about the concepts, and exploring the language topics, you can begin to understand how to use Windows PowerShell .
The first topic of interest might be the help system. To display information about the help system in Windows PowerShell, type:
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