
Windows PowerShell Language Quick Reference


Windows PowerShell Language Quick Reference


Native Support for Different Type Systems

Windows PowerShell adapts WMI, XML, ASDI, <city w:st="on"><place w:st="on">ADO</place></city>, and COM objects to provide a common syntax to access their properties and methods.  

$g = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process
$g[0].Name  # instead of $g[0].Properties[“Name”]


Arithmetic Binary Operators


addition, concatenation




multiplication, string repetition






Array Operations

Does this array have a <metricconverter w:st="on" productid="3 in">3 in</metricconverter> it

1,2,3,5,3,2 –contains 3

Return all elements equal to 3:

1,2,3,5,3,2 –eq 3


Return all elements less than 3:

1,2,3,5,3,2 –lt 3


Test if 2 exists in collection:

if (1, 3, 5 –contains 2) …

Other operators:  -gt, -le, -ge, -ne




array of strings


array of integers


empty array


array of 1 element


array within array


Array of one element


sixth element of array*


fourth element or the third


element of an array


Return elements 3 thru 21

·        Arrays are zero based.


Assignment Operators

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=



Associative Arrays (Hashtables)

$hash = @{ }

Create empty hashtable

$h =@{foo=1;bar=2}

Create and initialize a hashtable

$hash.key1 = 1

Assign 1 to key “key1”


Returns value of key1


Returns value of key1

Boolean Values and Operators





Any string of length > 0 except the word “false”

Empty string or the string “false”

Any number !=0

Any number = 0

Array of length > 1

Array of length 0

Array of length 1 whose element is TRUE

Array of length 1 whose element is FALSE

A reference to any object


Break (Scripting)

The break commands exits a loop. It can take an optional LABEL to break to


while (1)

{        $a = something

          if ($a –eq 1) break;



Command Expansion Operators

$( )

Returns null


Returns an array containing1,2,3.

$(Get-Alias a*)

Returns evaluation of the expression


Executes the two commands and returns the results in an array


# This is a comment because # is the first char of a token

$a = “#This is not a comment…”

$a = “something” # …but this is.

Write-Host Hello#world


Comparison Operators




Not equal

-gt –ge

Greater than, greater than or equal to

-lt –le

Less than, less than or equal to


“i” or “c” may be prepended to get case-insensitive or case-sensitive operations (for example, –ceq )

Continue (Scripting)

The continue statement continues the next iteration of a loop without breaking out of it. Example:

while (1)

{               $a = something

      if ($a –eq 1) (continue)

      # This line is not reached unless $a == 1


#  This line is never reached.

Dot Sourcing

Dot sourcing allows running functions, script blocks, and scripts in the current scope rather than a local one. Example:

. MyFunction


If MyFunction sets a variable, it is set in the current scope rather than the function’s local scope.

$a = {$x = Get-Process | Select –First 2}

. $a    #Evaluates the script block in the current scope


Escape Sequences

The Windows PowerShell escape character is the backwards apostrophe, or `.  To make a character literal, precede it with `.  To specify a ` use ``.

Special escape sequences








(form feed)


(new line)


(carriage return)




(vertical quote)


Execution Order

Windows PowerShell attempts to resolve commands in the following order: aliases, functions, cmdlets, scripts, executables, and normal files.


For (Scripting)

[:label] for ([initializer]; [condition]; [iterator]) {}



for ($i = 0; $i –lt 5; $i++) {Write-Object $i}


Foreach (Scripting)


foreach (identifier in collection) {}

Expression | foreach {}

Expression | foreach {BEGIN{} PROCESS{} END{}}



$i = 1,2,3

foreach ($z in $i) {Write-Object $z}

Get-Process |foreach {BEGIN{$x=1}


       END{“$X Processes”}}


Functions (Scripting)

function MyFunction {

      write-object $args[0]



function test ([string]$label=”default label”,[int]$start=0)

{ BEGIN {$x=$start} PROCESS {“$label: $_”’; $x++}

     END{“$x total”}


Filters (Scripting)

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