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  在 Velocity.jar 中RuntimeConstants 中定义了 velocity.properties中配置的所有key

 * This class defines the keys that are used in the velocity.properties file so that they can be referenced as a constant within
 * Java code.
 * @author  <a href="mailto:jon@latchkey.com">Jon S. Stevens</a>
 * @author  <a href="mailto:geirm@optonline.net">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
 * @author  <a href="mailto:jvanzyl@apache.org">Jason van Zyl</a>
 * @version  $Id: RuntimeConstants.java 806601 2009-08-21 15:30:38Z nbubna $
public interface RuntimeConstants
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * These are public constants that are used as handles for the
     * properties that can be specified in your typical
     * velocity.properties file.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * L O G G I N G  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Location of the velocity log file. */
    String RUNTIME_LOG = "runtime.log";

    /** externally provided logger. */
    String RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM = "runtime.log.logsystem";

    /** class of log system to use. */
    String RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS = "runtime.log.logsystem.class";

     * Properties referenced in the template are required to exist the object
    String RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT = "runtime.references.strict";
     * Indicates we are going to use modifed escape behavior in strict mode
    String RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT_ESCAPE = "runtime.references.strict.escape";
     * @deprecated  This appears to have always been meaningless.
    String RUNTIME_LOG_ERROR_STACKTRACE = "runtime.log.error.stacktrace";

     * @deprecated  The functionality this controlled is confusing and no longer necessary.
    String RUNTIME_LOG_WARN_STACKTRACE = "runtime.log.warn.stacktrace";

     * @deprecated  This appears to have always been meaningless.
    String RUNTIME_LOG_INFO_STACKTRACE = "runtime.log.info.stacktrace";

    /** Logging of invalid references. */
    String RUNTIME_LOG_REFERENCE_LOG_INVALID = "runtime.log.invalid.references";

     * @deprecated  Use LogChute.TRACE_PREFIX instead
    String TRACE_PREFIX = " [trace] ";

     * @deprecated  Use LogChute.DEBUG_PREFIX instead
    String DEBUG_PREFIX = " [debug] ";

     * @deprecated  Use LogChute.INFO_PREFIX instead
    String INFO_PREFIX = "  [info] ";

     * @deprecated  Use LogChute.WARN_PREFIX instead
    String WARN_PREFIX = "  [warn] ";

     * @deprecated  Use LogChute.ERROR_PREFIX instead
    String ERROR_PREFIX = " [error] ";

     * @deprecated  This will be removed in a future version
    String UNKNOWN_PREFIX = " [unknown] ";

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * D I R E C T I V E  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Directive properties are of the form:
     * directive.<directive-name>.<property>
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Counter reference name in #foreach directives. */
    String COUNTER_NAME = "directive.foreach.counter.name";

     * Iterator.hasNext() reference name in #foreach directives.
     * @since 1.6
    String HAS_NEXT_NAME = "directive.foreach.iterator.name";

    /** Initial counter value in #foreach directives. */
    String COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE = "directive.foreach.counter.initial.value";

    /** Maximum allowed number of loops. */
    String MAX_NUMBER_LOOPS = "directive.foreach.maxloops";

     * Whether to throw an exception or just skip bad iterables. Default is true.
     * @since 1.6
    String SKIP_INVALID_ITERATOR = "directive.foreach.skip.invalid";

    /** if set to true then allows #set to accept null values in the right hand side. */
    String SET_NULL_ALLOWED = "directive.set.null.allowed";

     * Indicates if toString() should be called during #if condition evaluation
     * just to ensure it does not return null. Check is unnecessary if all
     * toString() implementations are known to have non-null return values.
     * Disabling the check (like Velocity 1.5 did) will can boost performance
     * since toString() may be a complex operation on large objects.
     * @since 1.6
    String DIRECTIVE_IF_TOSTRING_NULLCHECK = "directive.if.tostring.nullcheck";

     * Starting tag for error messages triggered by passing a parameter not allowed in the #include directive. Only string literals,
     * and references are allowed.
    String ERRORMSG_START = "directive.include.output.errormsg.start";

     * Ending tag for error messages triggered by passing a parameter not allowed in the #include directive. Only string literals,
     * and references are allowed.
    String ERRORMSG_END = "directive.include.output.errormsg.end";

    /** Maximum recursion depth allowed for the #parse directive. */
    String PARSE_DIRECTIVE_MAXDEPTH = "directive.parse.max.depth";

    /** Maximum recursion depth allowed for the #define directive. */
    String DEFINE_DIRECTIVE_MAXDEPTH = "directive.define.max.depth";

     * class to use for local context with #evaluate()
     * @since 1.6
    String EVALUATE_CONTEXT_CLASS = "directive.evaluate.context.class";

     * Used to suppress various scope control objects.
     * @since 1.7
    String PROVIDE_SCOPE_CONTROL = "provide.scope.control";

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  R E S O U R C E   M A N A G E R   C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /**  */
    String RESOURCE_MANAGER_CLASS = "resource.manager.class";

     * The <code>resource.manager.cache.class</code> property specifies the name of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCache} implementation to use.
    String RESOURCE_MANAGER_CACHE_CLASS = "resource.manager.cache.class";

    /** The <code>resource.manager.cache.size</code> property specifies the cache upper bound (if relevant). */
    String RESOURCE_MANAGER_DEFAULTCACHE_SIZE = "resource.manager.defaultcache.size";

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * R E S O U R C E  L O A D E R  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** controls if the finding of a resource is logged. */
    String RESOURCE_MANAGER_LOGWHENFOUND = "resource.manager.logwhenfound";

     * Key used to retrieve the names of the resource loaders to be used. In a properties file they may appear as the following:
     * <p>resource.loader = file,classpath</p>
    String RESOURCE_LOADER = "resource.loader";

    /** The public handle for setting a path in the FileResourceLoader. */
    String FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH = "file.resource.loader.path";

    /** The public handle for turning the caching on in the FileResourceLoader. */
    String FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_CACHE = "file.resource.loader.cache";

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     *  E V E N T  H A N D L E R  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * The <code>eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class</code> property specifies a list of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.app.event.ReferenceInsertionEventHandler} implementations to use.
    String EVENTHANDLER_REFERENCEINSERTION = "eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class";

     * The <code>eventhandler.nullset.class</code> property specifies a list of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.app.event.NullSetEventHandler} implementations to use.
    String EVENTHANDLER_NULLSET = "eventhandler.nullset.class";

     * The <code>eventhandler.methodexception.class</code> property specifies a list of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.app.event.MethodExceptionEventHandler} implementations to use.
    String EVENTHANDLER_METHODEXCEPTION = "eventhandler.methodexception.class";

     * The <code>eventhandler.include.class</code> property specifies a list of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.app.event.IncludeEventHandler} implementations to use.
    String EVENTHANDLER_INCLUDE = "eventhandler.include.class";

     * The <code>eventhandler.invalidreferences.class</code> property specifies a list of the
     * {@link org.apache.velocity.app.event.InvalidReferenceEventHandler} implementations to use.
    String EVENTHANDLER_INVALIDREFERENCES = "eventhandler.invalidreferences.class";

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * V E L O C I M A C R O  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Name of local Velocimacro library template. */
    String VM_LIBRARY = "velocimacro.library";

    /** Default Velocimacro library template. */
    String VM_LIBRARY_DEFAULT = "VM_global_library.vm";

    /** switch for autoloading library-sourced VMs (for development). */
    String VM_LIBRARY_AUTORELOAD = "velocimacro.library.autoreload";

    /** boolean (true/false) default true : allow inline (in-template) macro definitions. */
    String VM_PERM_ALLOW_INLINE = "velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline";

    /** boolean (true/false) default false : allow inline (in-template) macro definitions to replace existing. */
    String VM_PERM_ALLOW_INLINE_REPLACE_GLOBAL = "velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.to.replace.global";

    /** Switch for forcing inline macros to be local : default false. */
    String VM_PERM_INLINE_LOCAL = "velocimacro.permissions.allow.inline.local.scope";

    /** Switch for VM blather : default true. */
    String VM_MESSAGES_ON = "velocimacro.messages.on";

    /** switch for local context in VM : default false. */
    String VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE = "velocimacro.context.localscope";

    /** if true, throw an exception for wrong number of arguments **/
    String VM_ARGUMENTS_STRICT = "velocimacro.arguments.strict";

     * Specify the maximum depth for macro calls
     * @since 1.6
    String VM_MAX_DEPTH = "velocimacro.max.depth";

     * Defines name of the reference that can be used to get the AST block passed to block macro calls.
     * @since 1.7
    String VM_BODY_REFERENCE = "velocimacro.body.reference";
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * G E N E R A L  R U N T I M E  C O N F I G U R A T I O N
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Switch for the interpolation facility for string literals. */
    String INTERPOLATE_STRINGLITERALS = "runtime.interpolate.string.literals";

    /** The character encoding for the templates. Used by the parser in processing the input streams. */
    String INPUT_ENCODING = "input.encoding";

    /** Encoding for the output stream. Currently used by Anakia and VelocityServlet */
    String OUTPUT_ENCODING = "output.encoding";

    /** Default Encoding is ISO-8859-1. */
    String ENCODING_DEFAULT = "ISO-8859-1";

    /** key name for uberspector. Multiple classnames can be specified,in which case uberspectors will be chained. */
    String UBERSPECT_CLASSNAME = "runtime.introspector.uberspect";

    /** A comma separated list of packages to restrict access to in the SecureIntrospector. */
    String INTROSPECTOR_RESTRICT_PACKAGES = "introspector.restrict.packages";

    /** A comma separated list of classes to restrict access to in the SecureIntrospector. */
    String INTROSPECTOR_RESTRICT_CLASSES = "introspector.restrict.classes";

    /** Switch for ignoring nulls in math equations vs throwing exceptions. */
    String STRICT_MATH = "runtime.strict.math";

     * The <code>parser.pool.class</code> property specifies the name of the {@link org.apache.velocity.util.SimplePool}
     * implementation to use.
    String PARSER_POOL_CLASS = "parser.pool.class";

     * @see  #NUMBER_OF_PARSERS
    String PARSER_POOL_SIZE = "parser.pool.size";
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * These constants are used internally by the Velocity runtime i.e.
     * the constants listed below are strictly used in the Runtime
     * class itself.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Default Runtime properties. */
    String DEFAULT_RUNTIME_PROPERTIES = "org/apache/velocity/runtime/defaults/velocity.properties";

    /** Default Runtime properties. */
    String DEFAULT_RUNTIME_DIRECTIVES = "org/apache/velocity/runtime/defaults/directive.properties";

     * The default number of parser instances to create. Configurable via the parameter named by the {@link #PARSER_POOL_SIZE}
     * constant.
    int NUMBER_OF_PARSERS = 20;




    Velocity 应用示例

    - **resources** 目录:可能存储 Velocity 配置文件(如 `velocity.properties`),以及应用中使用的资源文件。 - **src/main/java** 目录:包含 Velocity 相关的 Java 类,如控制器、模型类和 velocity 工具类。 - ...


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    SpringBoot Velocity 代码生成模板

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    此外,可能还包含了一些配置文件,如struts.xml,展示了如何配置Struts2的Action和Result。 学习和理解Struts2与Velocity的整合,可以帮助开发者更好地掌握Java Web应用的开发流程,提升项目的可维护性和开发效率。...


    4. 代码生成:在一些自动化工具或构建系统中,Velocity用于生成源代码或配置文件。 ** 使用Velocity的注意事项 ** 1. 避免在模板中使用复杂的逻辑,因为Velocity主要是为了分离逻辑和展示,过于复杂的逻辑应该放在...


    这个"generator插件完整配置文件"正是实现这一功能的关键。 首先,我们需要了解Generator插件的基本工作原理。Generator通常是一个基于模板引擎的代码生成器,它通过读取数据库中的表结构信息,结合预定义的模板...


    这两个指令属于Velocity Tools的扩展,如果你的项目中引入了Velocity Tools,可以通过在`velocity.properties`文件中添加以下配置来启用它们: ```properties userdirective = org.apache.velocity.tools.generic....


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    4. 配置Velocity:在Spring配置文件中添加VelocityViewResolver,指定模板目录和Velocity工具类。 5. 编写Controller:使用SpringMVC的@Controller注解创建控制器类,定义处理HTTP请求的方法,注入Service层的Bean。...


    通过官方文档,开发者可以获得关于Velocity配置、使用模式、API等全面的信息。 6. Velocity的使用模式: 文档提到了基本使用模式,这意味着Velocity提供了一套基本的使用方式,包括模板定义、数据绑定以及渲染输出...


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