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installed RMagick 2.13.1 on Windows with Ruby v1.9.x

  • ROR
  1. Install DevKit : https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit .
  2. Install ImageMagick 6.6.x with windows installer with headers.
    -Do not install ImageMagick in a path which has spaces in it.
    The default path C:/Program Files/... will not work.
    Install it at a simpler path.
    -- Remove any older installations of ImageMagick and RMagick
  3. Set the paths in Environment Variables:

    set DFImageMagick environment variable to where ImageMagick is installed
    set PATH=%DFImageMagick%;%PATH% (if you don't already have it in PATH)
    set CPATH=%DFImageMagick%\include;%CPATH%
    set LIBRARY_PATH=%DFImageMagick%\lib;%LIBRARY_PATH%

  4. Install RMagick gem : gem install rmagick
    This should say, Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit... Building native extensions. This could take a while... After some time, Successfully installed rmagick 2.13.1

  5. Verify installation:

    A. convert -version
    this should give the ImageMagick installation version
    B. gem list --local should list rmagick 2.13.1
    Alternative: in irb, try
    require 'rmagick'
    it should return 'true'




http://www.waydotnet.com/blog/2010/02/rmagick-on-ruby-1-9-1-i386-mingw32-work-d/# link text



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