如:-moz- 主要是firefox火狐
一. box-shadow(阴影效果)
box-shadow: 20px 10px 0 #000;
-moz-box-shadow: 20px 10px 0 #000;
-webkit-box-shadow: 20px 10px 0 #000;
FF3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3
二. border-colors(为边框设置多种颜色)
border: 10px solid #000;
-moz-border-bottom-colors: #555 #666 #777 #888 #999 #aaa #bbb #ccc;
-moz-border-top-colors: #555 #666 #777 #888 #999 #aaa #bbb #ccc;
-moz-border-left-colors: #555 #666 #777 #888 #999 #aaa #bbb #ccc;
-moz-border-right-colors: #555 #666 #777 #888 #999 #aaa #bbb #ccc;
颜色值数量不固定, 且FF的私有写法不支持缩写: -moz-border-colors: #333 #444 #555;
三. boder-image(图片边框)
-moz-border-image: url(exam.png) 20 20 20 20 repeat;
-webkit-border-image: url(exam.png) 20 20 20 20 repeat;
(1). 20 20 20 20 ---> 边框的宽度, 分别对应top, right, bottom, left边框, 改变宽度可以实现不同的效果;
(2). 边框图片效果(目前仅实现了两种):
repeat --- 边框图片会平铺, 类似于背景重复;
stretch --- 边框图片会以拉伸的方式来铺满整个边框;
(3). 必须将元素的边框厚度设置为非0非auto值.
FF 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3
四. text-shadow(文本阴影)
text-shadow: [<颜色><水平偏移><纵向偏移><模糊半径>] || [<水平偏移><纵向偏移><模糊半径><颜色>];
(1) <颜色>和<模糊半径>是可选的, 当<颜色>未指定时, 将使用文本颜色; 当<模糊半径>未指定时, 半径值为0;
(2) shadow可以是逗号分隔的列表, 如:
text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ccc, 3px 3px 3px #ddd;
(3) 阴影效果会按照shadow list中指定的顺序应用到元素上;
(4) 这些阴影效果有可能相互重叠, 但不会叠加文本本身;
(5) 阴影可能会跑到容器的边界之外, 但不会影响容器的大小.
FF 3.5, Opera 10, Safari 4, Chrome 3
五. text-overflow(文本截断)
text-overflow: inherit | ellipsis | clip ;
-o-text-overflow: inherit | ellipsis | clip;
(1) 还有一个属性ellipsis-word, 但各浏览器均不支持.
IE6+, Safari4, Chrome3, Opera10
六. word-wrap(自动换行)
word-wrap: normal | break-word;
IE6+, FF 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 3
七. border-radius(圆角边框)
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
FF 3+, Safari 4, Chrome 3
八. opacity(不透明度)
opacity: 0.5;
filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* for IE6, 7 */
-ms-filter(opacity=50); /* for IE8 */
九. box-sizing(控制盒模型的组成模式)
box-sizing: content-box | border-box; // for opera
-moz-box-sizing: content-box | border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box | border-box;
1. content-box:
使用此值时, 盒模型的组成模式是, 元素宽度 = content + padding + border;
2. border-box:
使用此值时, 盒模型的组成模式是, 元素宽度 = content(即使设置了padding和border, 元素的宽度
FF3+, Opera 10, Safari 4, Chrome 3
然后,为了实现点的闪烁效果,我们可以利用CSS3的`@keyframes`规则和JavaScript的`setInterval`函数来改变点的透明度,模拟闪烁。例如: ```css .point { animation: blink 1s infinite; } @keyframes blink { 0...
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* Fix a bug with comma on font-size CSS depending locales * Version 1.7.5 : * Fix a bug with auto links terms. (type input) * Fix cache conflict key * Fix a opencalais bug on firt pass integration...
Feature list * Built with the new Warp template framework * New muti-column dropdown menu with fancy effect * Nice text shadow for headlines, modules and menu * Lots of modules with color variations,...
methods etc - we've implemented it for you in the autocomplete feature for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and even CSS. Also, you can always get necessary help information by F1 or using special Help control....
methods etc - we've implemented it for you in the autocomplete feature for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and even CSS. Also, you can always get necessary help information by F1 or using special Help control....
methods etc - we've implemented it for you in the autocomplete feature for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and even CSS. Also, you can always get necessary help information by F1 or using special Help control....
- feature: New dashboard widget with workspace info. - usability: Sort weblinks by date as well as name. - usability: Improved display of documents' contents. ...
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var feature = new ol.Feature(geom); source.addFeature(feature); } ``` 动态扩散的核心在于`flash()`函数,它使用`requestAnimationFrame`来实现动画效果。这个函数会在每次地图渲染后执行,逐步改变点的大小...
This feature speeds up writing a code. Autocomplete includes wide selection of code completion listings. Lists are formed of both standard PHP and user's classes, variables, functions, constants and ...
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helpTooltipElement.classList.add('hidden'); }); ``` 以上代码展示了如何在OpenLayers中实现距离和面积的测量功能。根据实际需求,你可以添加更多的交互和功能,如切换测量单位、清除测量结果等。同时,记得根据...
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- To use Drupal's "Clean URLs" feature on an Apache web server, you will need the mod_rewrite module and the ability to use local .htaccess files. For Clean URLs support on IIS, see "Using Clean ...
- **Custom Actions:** Custom actions extend the SharePoint user interface by adding new commands or modifying existing ones. - **Ribbons:** Ribbons provide a customizable toolbar for SharePoint pages....
台北") $("div#台北") $("foo_bar台北") $("div[@id=台北]")Escape Selectors: A frequently requested feature you can now select elements by ID (or other selector) that uses a special character, ...