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文中提到“利用 Varnish cache 减少了90%的数据 ...
Varnish and Nginx
var isPad = (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null); Slides = function() { // context var t = this; // member variables t.domReady = false; t.config = {}; t.global = new Global; t.configLoaded = false; t.current = -1; t.slideImageClass = 'slide-main-image'; t.slideClass = 'slide'; t.layerClass = 'layer'; t.slideshowControlsId = 'slideshow-controls'; t.flashVideoPlayerIdStub = 'flash-video-player-container-'; t.flashVideoPlayerClass = 'flash-video-player-container'; t.isTransitioning = false; t.timeoutId = null; t.slideStartedAt = null; t.paused = false; t.elapsedTimeAtPause = null; t.stoppedAtEnd = false; t.playPauseButtonOver = false; t.videoSupport = ''; // will equal 'html5' | 'flash' | 'none' t.flashLoadedBinds = []; t.firstSlideShowCompleteEvent = 'FirstSlideShowCompleteEvent'; // when DOM is ready, alert this object and try to run setup $(function() { t.domReady = true; t.setup(); }); // set up and load the config from external JSON t.loadConfig = function() { // bail if conditions already met if (t.configLoaded) return; $.ajax(t.global.configURL, { 'dataType': 'json', 'success': function(data){ t.config = data; t.configLoaded = true; t.setup(); }, 'error': function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // console.log('axaj error', jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); } }); }; // when config is loaded and DOM is ready, setup our slides t.setup = function() { // bail if conditions not met if (!t.domReady || !t.configLoaded) return; // DISABLED: SEE COMMENT BELOW // detect what kind of video support we have /*if (Modernizr.video && Modernizr.video.h264) { t.videoSupport = 'html5'; } else if (swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion(t.global.flashPlayerVersion)) { t.videoSupport = 'flash'; } else { t.videoSupport = 'none'; }*/ // COMMENT // This Slides file once supports a flash version of just the // video player (VideoPlayer.swf), but we're disabling that for // clarity. If the HTML5 video tag is not supported, this Slides // should never been run. t.videoSupport = 'html5'; // change the config for the iPad if (isPad) { for (var i in t.config.slides) { if (t.config.slides[i].type == 'video') { var slide = t.config.slides[i]; var layer = slide.layers[0]; slide.type = 'image'; layer.type = 'image'; layer.src = layer.poster; } } } t.clearAllSlides(); for (index in t.config.slides) { t.config.slides[index]['loaded'] = false; t.addSlide(t.config.slides[index], index); } $(window).resize(t.adjustSlideBackgrounds); t.adjustSlideBackgrounds(); var controlsHTML = '<div id="'+t.slideshowControlsId+'" style="display:none;">'; controlsHTML += '<a href="#" class="play-pause">Play/Pause</a>'; controlsHTML += '<a href="#" class="previous">Previous</a>'; controlsHTML += '<span></span>'; controlsHTML += '<a href="#" class="next">Next</a>'; controlsHTML += '</div>'; $(t.global.containerQuery).append(controlsHTML); $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+' a.play-pause') .mouseenter(t.playPauseOver) .mouseleave(t.playPauseOut) .click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); t.playPause(); }); $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+' a.previous').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); t.previousSlideFromButton(); }); $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+' a.next').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); t.nextSlideFromButton(); }); if (t.config.autoplay) { t.showSlide(0); t.paused = false; } else { t.paused = true; t.setControllerState(0); t.showSlide(0, true); } t.playPauseSetState(); } // remove all slides t.clearAllSlides = function() { $('#'+t.global.slideshowId).empty(); } // add slide t.addSlide = function(data, index) { var setFlashVideoPlayerLater = false; var tag = $('<div class="'+t.slideClass+'"></div>'); tag.fadeTo(0, 0); for (layerIndex in data.layers) { var layer = data.layers[layerIndex]; var d = null; if (layerIndex == 0) { if (layer.type == 'image') { tag.append('<div class="'+t.slideImageClass+'"><img src="'+t.config.baseURL+layer.src+'"/></div>'); d = tag.find('div:last'); var i = d.find('img'); i.load(function(){ data.loaded = true; }) if (data.zoomAlign == 'topLeft') i.css({'top':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'top') i.css({'top':0,'right':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'topRight') i.css({'top':0,'right':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'left') i.css({'top':0,'bottom':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'center') i.css({'top':0,'right':0,'bottom':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'right') i.css({'top':0,'right':0,'bottom':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'bottomLeft') i.css({'bottom':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'bottom') i.css({'right':0,'bottom':0,'left':0}); else if (data.zoomAlign == 'bottomRight') i.css({'right':0,'bottom':0}); } else if (layer.type == 'video' && t.videoSupport == 'html5') { tag.append('<video><source src="'+t.config.baseURL+layer.src+'" type="video/mp4"/></video>'); d = tag.find('video:last'); tag.find('video').css({'z-index':layerIndex}); tag.find('video').bind('canplaythrough', function(){ data.loaded = true; }); } else if (layer.type == 'video' && t.videoSupport == 'flash') { var flashVideoPlayerId = t.flashVideoPlayerIdStub+index; tag.append('<div id="'+flashVideoPlayerId+'"></div>'); d = tag.find('div:last'); d.addClass(t.flashVideoPlayerClass); var flashvars = {}; var params = {}; var attributes = {}; flashvars.index = index; flashvars.width = t.config.width; flashvars.height = t.config.height; flashvars.videoURL = t.config.baseURL+layer.src; params.wmode = 'opaque'; attributes.wmode = 'opaque'; d = $('#'+flashVideoPlayerId); setFlashVideoPlayerLater = true; } // unknown type! bail! else return; // if (d != null) // { // if (data.align == 'topLeft') d.css({'top':0,'left':0}); // else if (data.align == 'top') d.css({'top':0,'right':0,'left':0}); // else if (data.align == 'topRight') d.css({'top':0,'right':0}); // else if (data.align == 'left') d.css({'top':0,'bottom':0,'left':0}); // //else if (data.align == 'center') d.css({'top':'-100%','right':'-100%','bottom':'-100%','left':'-100%'}); // else if (data.align == 'right') d.css({'top':0,'right':0,'bottom':0}); // else if (data.align == 'bottomLeft') d.css({'bottom':0,'left':0}); // else if (data.align == 'bottom') d.css({'right':0,'bottom':0,'left':0}); // else if (data.align == 'bottomRight') d.css({'right':0,'bottom':0}); // } } else { // any type that is a link if (layer.url) { tag.append('<a href="'+layer.url+'"></a>'); d = tag.find('a:last'); if (layer.target) d.attr('target', layer.target); if (layer.type == 'sprite') d.mouseenter(function(){ $(this).css({'background-position':'0 -'+layer.height+'px'}); }).mouseleave(function(){ $(this).css({'background-position':'0 0'}); }); } // if just text else if (layer.type == 'text') { tag.append('<div></div>'); d = tag.find('div:last'); } else if (layer.type == 'image') { tag.append('<img src="'+t.config.baseURL+blank.png"/>'); d = tag.find('img:last'); } // apply to all layers d.addClass(t.layerClass); d.addClass(layer.type); if (layer.text) d.append(layer.text); if (layer.x && layer.y) d.css({ 'left':layer.x, 'top':layer.y }); if (layer.width) d.width(layer.width); if (layer.height) d.height(layer.height); if (layer.layerClass) d.addClass(layer.layerClass); if (layer.size) d.css({'font-size':layer.size}); if (layer.font) d.css({'font-family':layer.font}); if (layer.color) d.css({'color':layer.color}); if (layer.lineHeight) d.css({'line-height':layer.lineHeight+'px'}); if (layer.src && layer.type != 'video') d.css({ 'backgroundImage':'url('+t.config.baseURL+layer.src+')', 'textIndent':-5000 }); d.css({ 'overflow':'hidden' }); } if (d) d.css({'z-index':layerIndex}); } $('#'+t.global.slideshowId).append(tag); if (setFlashVideoPlayerLater) swfobject.embedSWF(t.global.flashVideoPlayerURL, flashVideoPlayerId, '100%', '100%', t.global.flashPlayerVersion, t.global.flashPlayerExpressInstallURL, flashvars, params, attributes); } // show slide based on index t.showSlide = function(index, pauseSlide) { // if we're in the middle of a transition, bail. if (t.isTransitioning) return; if (typeof(pauseSlide) == 'undefined') pauseSlide = false; t.isTransitioning = true; var data = t.config.slides[index]; var doIt = function() { // current slide var currentSlide = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index); // move z-index of new slide to top currentSlide.css({'z-index':t.config.slides.length-1}); var j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < t.config.slides.length; i++) { if (i == index) continue; $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(i).css({'z-index':j}); j++; } // set current state in controller t.setControllerState(index); if (t.current != -1) { var fadeOutCurrent = t.current; $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(t.current).fadeTo(data.transition * 1000, 0, function(){ t.stopVideo(fadeOutCurrent, true); }); } t.elapsedTimeAtPause = 0; // start playing if video if (data.type == 'video' && !pauseSlide) { t.playVideo(index, true); } else if (data.type == 'video' && pauseSlide) { } // otherwise if image, do ken burns effect else if (data.type == 'image' && !pauseSlide) { t.startKenBurns(index, t.getSlideDuration(index, true), true); } else if (data.type == 'image' && pauseSlide) { var c = t.calculateZoom(data.zoomStart); var img = currentSlide.find('img'); img.width(c).height(c); } t.adjustSlideBackgrounds(); var previous = t.current; currentSlide.fadeTo(data.transition * 1000, 1, function(){ if (index == 0 && previous == -1) $('#'+t.global.slideshowId).trigger(t.firstSlideShowCompleteEvent); t.isTransitioning = false; }); t.current = index; if (!pauseSlide) { t.setSlideTimeout(); } } if (data.loaded) { doIt(); } else { if (data.type == 'image') $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('.'+t.slideImageClass+' img').load(doIt); else t.bindFunctionToVideoReady(index, doIt); } } // if possible, show next slide t.nextSlide = function() { if (t.current >= t.config.slides.length - 1 && !t.config.loop) { t.stoppedAtEnd = true; t.paused = true; t.playPauseSetState(); t.stopVideo(t.current); } else if (t.current >= t.config.slides.length - 1 && t.config.loop) { t.showSlide(0); } else { t.showSlide(t.current + 1); } } t.previousSlideFromButton = function() { if (t.isTransitioning) return; if (t.current == 0 && !t.config.loop) return; if (t.timeoutId) clearTimeout(t.timeoutId); if (t.stoppedAtEnd && t.config.slides.length > 1) { t.showSlide(t.config.slides.length - 2); t.paused = false; t.stoppedAtEnd = false; t.playPauseSetState(); } else { var slideId; if (t.current > 0) slideId = t.current - 1; else if (t.current == 0 && t.config.loop) slideId = t.config.slides.length - 1; else slideId = 0; // should never happen if (slideId == t.current) t.previous = null; t.showSlide(slideId, t.paused); } } t.nextSlideFromButton = function() { if (t.isTransitioning) return; var lastSlide = t.config.slides.length - 1; if (t.current == lastSlide && !t.config.loop) return; if (t.timeoutId) clearTimeout(t.timeoutId); var slideId; if (t.current == lastSlide && t.config.loop) slideId = 0; else if (t.current < lastSlide) slideId = t.current + 1; else return; // this should never happen if (slideId == t.current) t.previous = null; t.showSlide(slideId, t.paused); } t.setSlideTimeout = function() { // calculate how long the slide should be on-screen var index = t.current; var slideDuration = t.getSlideDuration(index); // set the timeout to transition to next slide if (t.timeoutId) clearTimeout(t.timeoutId); t.timeoutId = setTimeout(t.nextSlide, slideDuration); // set time this was set to object var d = new Date(); t.slideStartedAt = d.getTime(); } t.getSlideDuration = function(index, excludeNextTransition) { if (typeof(excludeNextTransition) == 'undefined') excludeNextTransition = false; var data = t.config.slides[index]; var currentSlide = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index); var nextIndex = (index < t.config.slides.length - 1) ? index + 1 : 0; var nextTransition = (excludeNextTransition) ? 0 : t.config.slides[nextIndex].transition; var slideDuration = (data.type == 'video') ? t.getDuration(index) : data.interval; return ((slideDuration - nextTransition) * 1000) - t.elapsedTimeAtPause; } t.startKenBurns = function(index, duration, reset) { if (!t.isSlideImage(index)) return; if (typeof(reset) == 'undefined') reset = false; t.stopKenBurns(index); var img = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('img'); var data = t.config.slides[index]; if (reset) { var c1 = t.calculateZoom(data.zoomStart); img.width(c1).height(c1); } var c2 = t.calculateZoom(data.zoomEnd); img.animate({ 'width':c2, 'height':c2 }, { 'duration':duration, 'easing':'linear' }); } t.stopKenBurns = function(index) { if (!t.isSlideImage(index)) return; var img = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('img'); var data = t.config.slides[index]; img.stop(); } t.calculateZoom = function(zoom) { if (zoom < 100) zoom = 100; else if (zoom > 200) zoom = 200; return zoom + '%'; } t.playPause = function() { if (t.isTransitioning) return; // if stopped at the end. start the whole thing over if (t.stoppedAtEnd && !t.config.loop) { t.showSlide(0); t.paused = false; t.stoppedAtEnd = false; t.playPauseSetState(); return; } // find current video if it exists // var currentVideo = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(t.current).find('video'); var index = t.current; // unpause if (t.paused) { t.setSlideTimeout(); t.paused = false; t.playPauseSetState(); t.playVideo(index); t.startKenBurns(index, t.getSlideDuration(index, true)); // if (currentVideo.length > 0) // currentVideo.get(0).play(); } // pause else { if (t.timeoutId) clearTimeout(t.timeoutId); var d = new Date(); t.elapsedTimeAtPause += d.getTime() - t.slideStartedAt; t.paused = true; t.playPauseSetState(); t.stopVideo(index); t.stopKenBurns(index); // if (currentVideo.length > 0) // currentVideo.get(0).pause(); } } t.playPauseOver = function() { t.playPauseButtonOver = true; t.playPauseSetState(); } t.playPauseOut = function() { t.playPauseButtonOver = false; t.playPauseSetState(); } t.playPauseSetState = function() { var xPos = (t.paused) ? '0' : '-9px'; var yPos = (t.playPauseButtonOver) ? '-11px' : '0'; $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+' a.play-pause').css({'background-position':xPos+' '+yPos}); } t.stopVideo = function(index, seekToBegining) { if (!t.isSlideVideo(index)) return; if (typeof(seekToBegining) == 'undefined') seekToBegining = false; if (t.videoSupport == 'html5') { $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('video').each(function(){ this.pause(); if (seekToBegining) this.currentTime = 0; }); } else if (t.videoSupport == 'flash') { var flashObj = $('#'+t.flashVideoPlayerIdStub+index).get(0); if (seekToBegining) flashObj.stopVideo(); else flashObj.pauseVideo(); } } t.playVideo = function(index, startFromBegining) { if (!t.isSlideVideo(index)) return; if (typeof(startFromBegining) == 'undefined') startFromBegining = false; if (t.videoSupport == 'html5') { $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('video').each(function(){ if (startFromBegining) this.currentTime = 0; this.play(); }); } else if (t.videoSupport == 'flash') { var flashObj = $('#'+t.flashVideoPlayerIdStub+index).get(0); if (startFromBegining) { flashObj.playVideoFromBeginning(); } else flashObj.playVideo(); } } t.restartVideo = function(index) { if (!t.isSlideVideo(index)) return; if (t.videoSupport == 'html5') { $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('video').each(function(){ if (startFromBegining) this.currentTime = 0; this.play(); }); } } t.bindFunctionToVideoReady = function(index, func) { if (!t.isSlideVideo(index)) return; if (t.videoSupport == 'html5') { $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('video').bind('canplaythrough', func); } else if (t.videoSupport == 'flash') { t.flashLoadedBinds.push({'index':index, 'func':func}); } } t.getDuration = function(index) { if (!t.isSlideVideo(index)) return; if (t.videoSupport == 'html5') { return $('#'+t.global.slideshowId+' .'+t.slideClass).eq(index).find('video').get(0).duration; } else if (t.videoSupport == 'flash') { var flashObj = $('#'+t.flashVideoPlayerIdStub+index).get(0); return flashObj.getDuration(); } } t.setControllerState = function(index) { $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+' span').html((index+1) + '/' + t.config.slides.length); if ($('#'+t.slideshowControlsId+':hidden').length > 0) { var c = $('#'+t.slideshowControlsId); if ($.support.opacity) c.fadeTo(500, 1); else c.show(); } } t.setFlashSlideAsLoaded = function(index) { t.config.slides[index].loaded = true; for (var i = 0; i < t.flashLoadedBinds.length; i++) { if (t.flashLoadedBinds[i].index == index) { t.flashLoadedBinds[i].func(); t.flashLoadedBinds.splice(i, 1); break; } } } t.isSlideVideo = function(index) { return (t.config.slides[index].type == 'video'); } t.isSlideImage = function(index) { return (t.config.slides[index].type == 'image'); } // durring slideshow setup, this gets set to window resize to adjust the size of all slide // bottom layers (images and videos) t.adjustSlideBackgrounds = function() { var c = $(t.global.containerQuery); var w = parseInt(c.width()); var h = parseInt(c.height()); if (h == 0) { setTimeout(t.adjustSlideBackgrounds, 50); return; } var i = $('#'+t.global.slideshowId).find('.'+t.slideImageClass+', video'); var rw = w / t.config.width; var rh = h / t.config.height; var r = (rw > rh) ? rw : rh; var iw = t.config.width * r; var ih = t.config.height * r; i.width(Math.round(iw)); i.height(Math.round(ih)); i.each(function(index){ var a = t.config.slides[index].align; var left = 0; if ($.inArray(a, ['top', 'center', 'bottom']) != -1) left = Math.round((w - iw) / 2); else if ($.inArray(a, ['topRight', 'right', 'bottomRight']) != -1) left = Math.round(w - iw); var top = 0; if ($.inArray(a, ['left', 'center', 'right']) != -1) top = Math.round((h - ih) / 2); else if ($.inArray(a, ['bottomLeft', 'bottom', 'bottomRight']) != -1) top = Math.round(h - ih); $(this).css({ 'left': left, 'top': top }); }); } };
aspose.net slides 15.1/16.9 for .net, 16.9 需调用crack方法
1. **安装Aspose.Slides库**:在你的C#项目中,首先需要引入Aspose.Slides库。这可以通过NuGet包管理器完成,搜索"Aspose.Slides"并安装对应的包。 2. **导入必要的命名空间**:在C#源代码文件中,你需要导入`using...
**Speechy - HTML Slides with Audio/Video 开源项目详解** Speechy 是一个基于 W3C Slidy 系统的扩展,它为创建互动式的、符合标准的网页幻灯片提供了一个强大的工具。这个项目的核心特性是其集成的音频和视频功能...
This repository hosts a library that provides an easy way to include an autonomous layer/view that slides from any side of your screen and which is fully gesture ready, the same way as our detail view...
Each slide has a hashtag (can link directly to specific slides) Infinite/Continuous sliding (always slides in the direction you are going, even at "last" slide) Multiple sliders allowable per-page ...
### SLides A to Z:如何创建幻灯片 在当今快节奏的工作环境中,制作出既专业又具有吸引力的幻灯片对于传达信息至关重要。本文档《Slides A to Z》由Dan Cederholm编写,旨在全面地介绍如何创建高质量的幻灯片,并...
$ npm install -g https://github.com/kintesh/slides/tarball/master注意:您可能需要使用 sudo 运行此命令(即$ sudo npm install -g https://github.com/kintesh/slides/tarball/master )。 #用法离线演示的...
leetcode 的声誉竞技程序员集体 亚军 Competitive Programmers Collective 是一个旨在聚集并帮助程序员提高解决问题的能力和排名的群体,并跟踪整个互联网的声誉。 它是一个由像你一样的程序员和学习者组成的去中心...
开发者可以利用 Aspose.Slides 创建自定义的演示文稿,或者将现有的 PowerPoint 文件转换为其他格式,如 PDF 或图片。 最后,Aspose.Words,版本号为,是一个强大的 Word 文档处理库。它可以处理 DOC、...
《使用开源工具“Slides 2 Video”创建动态视频教程》 在数字时代,我们经常需要将一系列静态图像转化为生动的视频来展示信息或讲述故事。开源软件“Slides 2 Video”提供了一个强大的解决方案,帮助用户从静止图像...
Aspose Slides 主要用于操作 PowerPoint 文件,而 Aspose Words 则专注于 Word 文档的处理。 在Java环境中,你可以通过导入这两个JAR包来实现PPT转图片和Word转图片的功能。首先,你需要将这两个JAR包添加到你的...
本教程主要介绍如何利用C#编程语言和Apose.Slides.dll这个强大的第三方库来实现这个功能。Apose.Slides是一个全面的组件,它允许开发者在不依赖Microsoft Office的情况下,进行幻灯片的创建、修改和格式转换。 首先...
slides/<topic>/ 使用 Pandoc 制作幻灯片 $ cd /slides/intro/en/ $ pandoc -t slidy -s intro.md -o intro.html $ cd /slides/otr/en/ $ pandoc -t slidy -s otr.md -o otr.html $ cd /slides/risk/en/ $ pandoc -...
The slides and video for "Life of a Pixel" are now publically available. This talk is an introduction to Chromium's rendering pipeline. It traces all the steps from web content to displayed pixels, ...
Aspose.Slides 是一个无图形用户界面的.NET幻灯片管理控件,它使.NET应用程序无需使用Aspose.Slides 软件就可以读写幻灯片文档。Aspose.Slides 是第一款提供了幻灯片文档管理功能的.NET控件和所有的Aspose控件一样
《Aspose.Slides 17.9.1 for .NET:高效处理PowerPoint文档的利器》 在IT行业中,处理Microsoft PowerPoint文档是一项常见的任务,无论是企业内部的报告制作、培训材料还是产品演示文稿,都需要高效且准确的工具来...
Aspose.Slides 是一个强大的.NET库,专为开发者设计,用于处理Microsoft PowerPoint文件格式,无需依赖Microsoft Office软件。这个库支持创建、编辑、转换、渲染PPT、PPTX、PPS、PPSX等文件格式。在C#中使用Aspose....
该存储库包含一个markdown文件( slides.md ),其中包含我在“超越防御性编程”方面的演讲的所有幻灯片。 该演讲的版本是在(特别是v0.2.0)。 视频在。 制作幻灯片 此markdown文件的预构建版本可在releases目录...