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虽然它们早就开源了(去年吧),我也是今天才看到,虽然目前也用不上,但是也许有人会需要吧。官方地址:http://www.jidesoft.com/products/oss.htm JIDE是一款做的非常棒的提供专业的开发工具级别Swing组件的类库(仿.NET,Office等),商业版本是收费的。
这个开源版本提供了大概30多个专业的组件。用法可以点击Run It,然后左边是示例,右侧是示例对应的代码。下面内容是引用:
JIDE Common Layer (Open Source Project)
As of April 2007, we decided to open source the JIDE Common Layer - the foundation of all JIDE other products. You can get the JIDE Common Layer release or access subversion repository from https://jide-oss.dev.java.net. If you are paid JIDE customers, the source code for JIDE Common Layer is always included in the release under src subfolder.
JIDE Common Layer has nearly 100k lines of code and over 30 components and utilities. It has been part of JIDE commercial products since 2002 so the quality and stability are quite high. You can run a webstart demo from the link below to see it in action.
JIDE Common Layer is dual-licensed. The two licenses are GPL with classpath exception and free commercial license. You can click on the links to see more information. The first license is the most widely used license among open source community. It is also the same license under which Java platform is open sourced. The second license is the original commercial license under which all other JIDE products are released, except it is free of charge in this case. We released under this license so that all existing paid JIDE customers don't have to switch to the open source license.
Technical Support
One of main issues in open source project is the lack of technical support. To address this issue, here is our support policy:
Documentation: All source codes are javadoc’ed. A developer guide is provided to describe how to use each component. A lot of examples can be downloaded to show you how to use components and classes in JIDE Common Layer.
Bug reports: We will have dedicated resource to work on the bugs based on the priority we decide. We also accept bug fixes from the community after reviewed by our staff.
Free community support: We provide a special forum so that you can get help from other people in the community. In order to encourage community, we will give away JIDE Developer License for those who actively participate in the discussion.
Paid technical support: If you think it’s critical to get the high quality support in a timely fashion, you can always purchase the Annual Maintenance Renewal for JIDE Common Layer #2090 from online store. For those who purchased JIDE commercial products, technical support for JIDE Common Layer is always included. Here is the JIDE Common Layer forum for paid customers.
We are very flexible in accepting contributions from you as long as your own the copyright of the contribution. If you found a bug in our code, or would like to add a new feature, or introduce a new component, please feel free to contract support@jidesoft.com so that we can give you the check-in permission to the source code repository. We will code review the contribution and commit them. We will reward frequent contributors with free developer license of JIDE commercial products.
UI Components
JideTabbedPane - an extended version of JTabbedPane supporting differnt tab shapes, color themes, shrinkable tabs, close button on tab, editable tab etc.
JideSplitPane - an extended version of JSplitPane supporting multiple splits (JSplitPane can only have two splits)
JideButton - an ideal replacement for a toolbar button
JideSplitButton - a composite component which is a combination of a button and a popup menu
Searchable JList, JTree, JComboBox and JTable - type in any text to quickly find matching rows, tree nodes, or table cells
SearchableBar - as seen in Mozilla Firefox
ResizablePanel, ResizableWindow and undecorated ResizableDialog
FolderChooser - allows you to choose a folder
RangeSlider - a slider which allows you to select two values to form a range
JideScrollPane - column and row footer support for JScrollPane
SimpleScrollPane - a scroll pane having four scroll buttons on the four sides.
Overlayable - to put a component on top of another component at a specified location in order to provide a hint about how to use a component, to provide a progress indicator or to provide a status indicator beside a component without affecting the existing layout.
AutoResizingTextArea - a text area that can automatically resize its height to fit in the content.
StyledLabel - A JLabel that support different fonts, colors, and decorative lines.
CheckBoxList and CheckBoxTree - use check boxes inside JLists and JTrees.
Calculator Component
DateSpinner and PointSpinner
Popup - support any popup window
AutoCompletion and IntelliHints
StandardDialog - built on top of JDialog to support common used dialog standards as well as adding missing standard features of any dialogs.
ButtonPanel - arrange buttons in different layouts with different gaps based on OS conventions
Pre-built panels such as BannerPanel
AbstractPage - lazy loading panel with page events (open, closing, closed, etc.), an ideal panel for building dialogs
Utility Classes
IconFactory - simplify and unify the usage of icons across the whole application
SystemInfo - a utility class which can be used to retrieve information about the current system, including OS name and version, JDK version requirement, etc.
A fast gradient paint method in JideSwingUtilities. By leveraging DirectDraw, the fast gradient paint is 2 to 40 times faster than normal GradientPaint.
JideButton with different styles
JideSplitButton with different styles
Fast GradientPaint
Searchable JList, JTree and JTable
Searchable Bar
AutoCompletion Example 1
Example 2
Example 1
Example 2
JideScrollPane and an example
MultiplePageDialog ICON_STYLE like Mozilla Firebird
(icons are not included)
(icons are not included)
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Java Swing组件库JIDE是一个强大的开发工具,专为Java开发者设计,用于构建功能丰富的桌面应用程序。JIDE提供了许多预构建的、高度可定制的Swing组件,极大地扩展了标准Java Swing的功能。这个开源项目旨在简化GUI...
JIDE是一个强大的开源库,专为Java Swing设计,旨在扩展和增强Swing组件的功能。它提供了一系列预构建的、高度定制化的UI组件,可以帮助开发者创建专业级别的应用程序。JIDE库不仅包含常见的UI元素,如表格、网格、...
JIDE Common Layer是一套很不错的Swing组件类库,它JIDE软件公司其他产品的基础,于2007年4月开源,在其开源之前是JIDE商业软件中的一部分。它包含将近10万行代码,超过30个的Swing组件和工具。 压缩包中含有对应的...
JIDE(Java IDE Components)是针对Swing组件的一个扩展,它为开发者提供了更多高级和定制化的组件,以增强Swing的基本功能。开源的JIDE组件库不仅丰富了Swing的功能,还促进了开发者的创新和协作,因为它允许社区...
这个文件包含了JIDE开源组件的源代码,你可以通过解压并导入到开发环境中,如Eclipse或IntelliJ IDEA,来查看和学习其内部实现,甚至修改和扩展这些组件以适应你的特定需求。 使用JIDE组件,开发者可以创建出与操作...
java资源开源的Swing组件 JIDE提取方式是百度网盘分享地址
JIDE是一个开源项目,它扩展了Swing组件,提供了更多功能和定制选项,帮助开发者创建更加丰富和复杂的桌面应用。 JIDE组件库为Java开发者提供了一系列高级的UI控件和工具,包括但不限于表格、网格、表单、菜单、...
免责声明:资料部分来源于合法的互联网渠道收集和整理,部分自己学习积累成果,供大家学习参考与交流。收取的费用仅用于收集和整理资料耗费时间的酬劳。 本人尊重原创作者或出版方,资料版权归原作者或出版方所有,...
Jide是一款强大的Java库,专为提升Swing应用的...总的来说,Jide开源源码是Java GUI开发者的宝贵资源,它提供了超越标准Swing组件的功能和美观性。通过深入学习和利用这些源码,开发者可以提升其应用的质量和用户体验。
本文档是针对JIDE通用层的开发者指南,涵盖了JIDE开源项目中的重要组成部分。文档内容丰富,旨在向开发者详细阐述如何使用JIDE Common Layer提供的各种组件和功能。下面,我们将对文档内容中的关键词和知识点进行...
此外,还有许多开源的第三方库,如JIDE Components、 Substance Look and Feel 等,它们提供了丰富的主题和组件扩展,使得Java GUI应用的界面设计更加丰富多彩。 总的来说,Swing界面美化是Java GUI开发中的一项...
此外,由于其灵活性,开发者可以轻松地将它与其他第三方Swing组件库集成,比如JIDE Grids或JGoodies Forms,以增强UI的功能和外观。 使用该工具包的基本步骤包括: 1. 创建JavaBean:定义一个包含需要绑定的属性的...
"专业摇摆组件"可能意味着这些组件在功能、性能或设计上比标准Swing组件更为强大或专业化。 标签"开源项目"表明,"jide-oss"是一个开放源代码的项目,这意味着任何人都可以查看、使用、修改其源代码,并且通常遵循...
Swing组件包括按钮、文本框、面板等,它们都是JComponent类的子类。在3D游戏开发中,我们可以利用这些组件来构建游戏界面,如设置菜单、显示得分或者创建游戏控制面板。 3D游戏开发的关键在于渲染引擎。在Java中,...