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隔离级别(Isolation Levels):
当并发执行的多个事务同时操作一样的数据时,可能会存在以下的并发异常(Concurrency Anomalies)(这里所说的修改都泛指Update/Insert/Delete):
脏读(Dirty Read):
丢失更新(Lost updates):
不可重复读(Non-repeatable Read):
幻读(Phantom Read):
事务锁定其正在操作的行(即加行级锁(Row-level lock)),就可以避免丢失更新、不可重复读和因删除而引发的幻读;
事务锁定其正在操作的表(即加表级锁(Table-level lock)),就可以完全避免丢失更新、不可重复读和幻读。
隔离级别 | 是否存在脏读? | 是否存在丢失更新&不可重复读? | 是否存在幻读? | 举例 |
未提交读(READ_UNCOMMITTED) | Y | Y | Y | |
提交读(READ_COMMITTED) | N | Y | Y | Oracle |
可重复读(REPEATABLE_READ) | N | N | Y | Mysql |
序列化读(SERIALIZABLE) | N | N | N |
Spring AOP 声明式事务管理(未完,或有错)
相较于硬编码方式实现的事务管理(如JDBC),基于Spring AOP来实现事务管理显然有巨大的优势,可以让我们从繁琐的事务处理代码中解放出来。区别于硬编码方式的事务管理(Programmatic Transaction Management),我们叫它声明式事务管理(Declarative Transaction Management)。
try { conn =DriverManager.getConnection("url","username","userpwd"; conn.setAutoCommit(false);//禁止自动提交,设置回滚点 stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate("alter table …"); //数据库更新操作1 stmt.executeUpdate("insert into table …"); //数据库更新操作2 conn.commit(); //事务提交 }catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); try { conn.rollback(); //操作不成功则回滚 }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
1 对单个事务,其边界boundary,或说其scope在哪里?
2 单个spring事务的粒度granularity,或说级别可以控制到什么范围?
对单个事务,页面硬编码方式可以在代码层面任意控制其粒度大小,spring声明式事务的粒度是如何的那?spring AOP的切入点只支持方法级的,所以基于此的声明式事务,在不考虑传播的情况下,其事务的粒度是方法级的,最小能控制到的就是整个方法内(The Spring Framework's declarative transaction management is similar to EJB CMT in that you can specify transaction behavior (or lack of it) down to individual method level. Ref http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/reference/transaction.html#transaction-declarative)
3 何时触发事务的commit或rollback?
4 事务在方法间的传播?
JDBC的事务是通过Connection实例对象控制的(JDBC transactions are controlled through the Connection object),这也就意味着一个jdbc连接(Connection实例)只能工作在一个事务下(the connection can only work on one transaction at a time)。如果一个大的逻辑业务操作,需要调用多个CRUD方法,我们想让这多个方法在一个事务下,最终无非就是通过让他们公用一个Connection来实现 (例子: http://blog.csdn.net/qjyong/article/details/5464835)。既然spring的声明式事务,其事务边界就是添加了事务的方法的边界,那遇到平级多个方法调用、方法中调另一个方法等情况时,是怎么处理事务的那?这就要考虑spring的事务传播特性 Propagation:
传播特性 | 说明 |
PROPAGATION_NEVER | Execute non-transactionally, throw an exception if a transaction exists. |
PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | Execute non-transactionally, suspend the current transaction if one exists. |
PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS | Support a current transaction, execute non-transactionally if none exists. |
PROPAGATION_MANDATORY | Support a current transaction, throw an exception if none exists. |
PROPAGATION_REQUIRED | Support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists. (Default) |
PROPAGATION_NESTED | Execute within a nested transaction if a current transaction exists, behave like PROPAGATION_REQUIRED else. |
PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW | Create a new transaction, suspend the current transaction if one exists. |
PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW starts a new, independent "inner" transaction for the given scope. This transaction will be committed or rolled back completely independent from the outer transaction, having its own isolation scope, its own set of locks, etc. The outer transaction will get suspended at the beginning of the inner one, and resumed once the inner one has completed.
Such independent inner transactions are for example used for id generation through manual sequences, where the access to the sequence table should happen in its own transactions, to keep the lock there as short as possible. The goal there is to avoid tying the sequence locks to the (potentially much longer running) outer transaction, with the sequence lock not getting released before completion of the outer transaction.
PROPAGATION_NESTED on the other hand starts a "nested" transaction, which is a true subtransaction of the existing one. What will happen is that a savepoint will be taken at the start of the nested transaction. if the nested transaction fails, we will roll back to that savepoint. The nested transaction is part of of the outer transaction, so it will only be committed at the end of of the outer transaction.
Nested transactions essentially allow to try some execution subpaths as subtransactions: rolling back to the state at the beginning of the failed subpath, continuing with another subpath or with the main execution path there - all within one isolated transaction, and not losing any previous work done within the outer transaction.
For example, consider parsing a very large input file consisting of account transfer blocks: The entire file should essentially be parsed within one transaction, with one single commit at the end. But if a block fails, its transfers need to be rolled back, writing a failure marker somewhere. You could either start over the entire transaction every time a block fails, remembering which blocks to skip - or you mark each block as a nested transaction, only rolling back that specific set of operations, keeping the previous work of the outer transaction. The latter is of course much more efficient, in particular when a block at the end of the file fails.
Such independent inner transactions are for example used for id generation through manual sequences, where the access to the sequence table should happen in its own transactions, to keep the lock there as short as possible. The goal there is to avoid tying the sequence locks to the (potentially much longer running) outer transaction, with the sequence lock not getting released before completion of the outer transaction.
PROPAGATION_NESTED on the other hand starts a "nested" transaction, which is a true subtransaction of the existing one. What will happen is that a savepoint will be taken at the start of the nested transaction. if the nested transaction fails, we will roll back to that savepoint. The nested transaction is part of of the outer transaction, so it will only be committed at the end of of the outer transaction.
Nested transactions essentially allow to try some execution subpaths as subtransactions: rolling back to the state at the beginning of the failed subpath, continuing with another subpath or with the main execution path there - all within one isolated transaction, and not losing any previous work done within the outer transaction.
For example, consider parsing a very large input file consisting of account transfer blocks: The entire file should essentially be parsed within one transaction, with one single commit at the end. But if a block fails, its transfers need to be rolled back, writing a failure marker somewhere. You could either start over the entire transaction every time a block fails, remembering which blocks to skip - or you mark each block as a nested transaction, only rolling back that specific set of operations, keeping the previous work of the outer transaction. The latter is of course much more efficient, in particular when a block at the end of the file fails.
Spring @Transactional boundaries
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### Spring中的Transaction事务传播行为种类详解 #### 一、引言 在开发基于Spring框架的应用程序时,事务管理是确保数据一致性的重要手段之一。Spring框架提供了丰富的事务管理功能,其中包括了事务传播行为...
根据给定的信息,本文将详细解析“transaction事务”这一核心概念及其在数据库操作中的应用,特别是结合提供的代码示例来探讨事务处理的具体实现方法。 ### 一、事务(Transaction)的基本概念 事务是数据库中一系列...
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在这个名为"TCC-Transaction分布式事务DEMO"的项目中,我们将深入探讨TCC模式以及如何在基于Mysql数据库的环境中实现它。 **TCC模式详解** TCC(Try-Confirm-Cancel)是一种补偿型的分布式事务处理模式,主要由三...
根据提供的文件信息,可以提炼出以下与“Principles of transaction processing”相关的知识点: 1. 事务处理的原理 事务处理系统是计算机系统的一个重要组成部分,它涉及到如何高效、安全地处理各种事务。事务处理...
Begin Transaction事务的定义开始;Commit Transaction提交事务;RollBack Transaction取消事务。 并发控制是数据库管理系统的另一个重要部分。并发控制是指在多个事务并发执行时,如何确保事务之间的隔离性和一致...
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本文将深入探讨“C#中调用Transaction”的相关知识点,包括事务的基本概念、事务的特性、如何在C#代码中创建和管理事务,以及与数据库交互时事务的应用。 ### 1. 事务基本概念 事务是数据库操作的一组逻辑单元,它...
1. **开启事务**:使用`BEGIN TRANSACTION`语句开启一个事务。这标志着事务的开始,所有的SQL操作将在同一个事务中执行,直到事务被提交或回滚。 ```sql begin transaction ``` 2. **执行SQL操作**:在开启事务后...
标记事务类似于命名事务,但不提供一个显式的名字,而是直接通过`BEGIN TRANSACTION`启动。例如: ```sql begin transaction RoyaltyUpdate; go use pubs; go update roysched set royalty = royalty * 1.10 where ...
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自定义事物类,以及 System....System.Transactions 基础结构通过支持在 SQL Server、ADO.NET、MSMQ 和 Microsoft 分布式事务协调器 (MSDTC) 中启动的事务,使事务编程在整个平台上变得简单和高效、看来没别的对象了。
3. 事务管理器(Transaction Manager):负责协调全局事务的整个生命周期,包括协调事务分支的提交或回滚,以及处理故障恢复。 4. 资源管理器(Resource Manager):负责管理对单一数据资源的访问,例如数据库、...
驱动器用于与待测设备(DUT)的接口进行交互,它从序列器接收事务(transaction),然后将这些事务应用到DUT上。 3. uvm_monitor 监视器负责观察DUT的接口,收集信号信息,并将这些信息转化为事务(transaction)...