* For transactions stuck in MMTT
update mtl_material_transactions_temp
set process_flag = 'Y',
lock_flag = NULL ,
Transaction_mode = 3 ,
Error_code = NULL ,
Error_explanation = NULL
where transaction_header_id = &transaction_header_id
and error_code is not NULL;
*For transactions stuck in MTI
update mtl_transactions_interface
set process_flag = 1,
lock_flag = NULL ,
Transaction_mode = 3 ,
Error_code = NULL ,
Error_explanation = NULL
where transaction_header_id = &transaction_header_id
and error_code is not NULL;
Meaning |
Description |
NULL or 1 |
Online Processing |
Online processing is used by the Oracle Applications to immediately process records. This does not require that a concurrent program be run. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for online processing. |
2 |
Concurrent Processing |
Transactions marked as concurrent transaction mode are processed by a dedicated transaction worker to explicitly process a set of transactions. The Transaction Manager does not process transactions marked for concurrent processing. |
3 |
Background Processing |
Interface transactions marked for Background processing will be picked up by the transaction manager polling process and assigned to a transaction worker. These transactions will not be processed unless the transaction manager is running. |
8 |
Internal Processing (Not visible in the pending transactions form) |
Transaction mode 8 is not a mode normally visible to the user as it is used for internal processing. Transactions with this mode are not visible in the Pending transactions form. Transaction_mode of 8 is used internally to identify if records came from the interface table to the pending table or came directly into the pending table. |
Meaning |
Description |
1 |
Locked |
Flag indicating whether the transaction is locked by the Transaction Manager or Workers.this prevents two different Workers from processing the same transaction; You should always specify ’2’ |
2 or NULL or 'N' |
NOT Locked |
Meaning |
Description |
1 or Y |
Ready |
Transaction is ready to be processed by the Transaction Manager or Worker (’1’ for ready, ’2’ for not ready); if the transaction fails for some reason, the Transaction Worker sets the value of PROCESS_FLAG to ’3’. |
2 or NULL |
NOT Ready |
E |
Error |
1 or Null | Default behavior |
2 | Save only |
3 | Ready to process |
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"dart_transaction_db"这个标题暗示了我们可能正在讨论一个使用Dart编写的数据库事务处理系统或者一个与数据库交互的库。下面将详细介绍这个主题可能涵盖的知识点。 首先,我们要理解Dart中的数据库连接和操作。...