DbProvider.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.sql.Connection; /** * 数据库信息提供者。该抽象类基于JDBC实现了与数据库方言无关的方法,把与数据库方言相关的操作分派给子类实现。 * @author 黄天政 */ public abstract class DbProvider { private Connection conn; private JdbcConfig jdbcConfig; /** * 根据数据库连接构造一个数据库信息提供者 * @param conn 数据库连接 */ public DbProvider(Connection conn) { super(); this.conn = conn; } /** * 根据jdbc配置模型构造一个数据库信息提供者 * @param jdbcConfig jdbc配置模型 */ public DbProvider(JdbcConfig jdbcConfig) { super(); this.jdbcConfig = jdbcConfig; } /** * @return 获取一个数据库连接 */ protected Connection getConn() { if(conn==null){ if(jdbcConfig==null){ try { throw new Exception(this.getClass().getName()+"jdbcConfig和conn不能同时为null"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } conn = JdbcUtil.getConn(jdbcConfig); } return conn; } } JdbcUtil.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; /** * Jdbc操作工具类 * @author 黄天政 * */ public class JdbcUtil { //private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JdbcUtil.class); /** * 从结果集里当前行某一列数据,列号index从1开始 * @param rs * @param index 列号 从1开始, 如1,2,3.... * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static Object getResultSetValue(ResultSet rs, int index) throws SQLException { Object obj = rs.getObject(index); if (obj instanceof Blob) { obj = rs.getBytes(index); } else if (obj instanceof Clob) { obj = clobToString(rs.getClob(index)); } else if ((obj != null) && (obj.getClass().getName().startsWith("oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP"))) { obj = rs.getTimestamp(index); } else if ((obj != null) && (obj.getClass().getName().startsWith("oracle.sql.DATE"))) { String metaDataClassName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(index); if (("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(metaDataClassName)) || ("oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP".equals(metaDataClassName))) { obj = rs.getTimestamp(index); } else { obj = rs.getDate(index); } } else if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof Date) && ("java.sql.Timestamp".equals(rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(index)))) { obj = rs.getTimestamp(index); } return obj; } /** * 把Oracle的Clob类型转化为String * @param clob * @return */ public static String clobToString(java.sql.Clob clob){ String str=""; Reader inStream; try { inStream = clob.getCharacterStream(); char[] c = new char[(int) clob.length()]; inStream.read(c); //data是读出并需要返回的数据,类型是String str = new String(c); inStream.close(); return str; }catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return str; } public static void safelyClose(Connection conn) { if(conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void safelyClose(PreparedStatement pstmt) { if(pstmt != null) { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void safelyClose(Statement stmt) { if(stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void safelyClose(ResultSet rs) { if(rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void safelyClose(ResultSet rs,Statement stmt){ safelyClose(rs); safelyClose(stmt); } public static void safelyClose(ResultSet rs,Statement stmt,Connection conn) { safelyClose(rs); safelyClose(stmt); safelyClose(conn); } public static void safelyClose(ResultSet rs,PreparedStatement pstmt,Connection conn) { safelyClose(rs); safelyClose(pstmt); safelyClose(conn); } public static void safelyClose(PreparedStatement pstmt, Connection conn) { safelyClose(pstmt); safelyClose(conn); } public static void safelyClose(Statement stmt, Connection conn) { safelyClose(stmt); safelyClose(conn); } public static Connection getConn(JdbcConfig jdbcConfig){ String driver = jdbcConfig.getDriver(); String url = jdbcConfig.getUrl(); String user =jdbcConfig.getUser(); String password =jdbcConfig.getPassword(); try { Class.forName(driver).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Connection con = null; try { con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); if(con!=null){ //System.out.println("取得jdbc数据连接成功!"); }else{ System.out.println("取得jdbc数据连接失败!"+jdbcConfig); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return con; } } Exceptions.java /** * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 springside.org.cn * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; /** * 关于异常的工具类. * @author calvin * @version 2013-01-15 */ public class Exceptions { /** * 将CheckedException转换为UncheckedException. */ public static RuntimeException unchecked(Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { return (RuntimeException) e; } else { return new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * 将ErrorStack转化为String. */ public static String getStackTraceAsString(Exception e) { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)); return stringWriter.toString(); } /** * 判断异常是否由某些底层的异常引起. */ public static boolean isCausedBy(Exception ex, Class<? extends Exception>... causeExceptionClasses) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); while (cause != null) { for (Class<? extends Exception> causeClass : causeExceptionClasses) { if (causeClass.isInstance(cause)) { return true; } } cause = cause.getCause(); } return false; } } FileUtil.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Properties; /** * 文件操作工具类 */ public class FileUtil { /** * 根据键值获取properties文件的值 * @param key properties键值 * @param filepath properties文件路径 * @return */ public static String getPropertiesByKey(String key,String filepath){ Properties po=new Properties(); FileInputStream inStream; try { inStream = new FileInputStream("resource/application.properties"); po.load(inStream); return po.getProperty(key); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * 初始化properties文件 * @param key * @param filepath * @return */ public static Properties initProperties(String filepath){ Properties po=new Properties(); FileInputStream inStream; try { inStream = new FileInputStream(filepath); po.load(inStream); return po; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } FileUtils.java /** * Copyright © 2012-2013 <a href="www.whty.com.cn">whty</a> All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipEntry; import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipFile; import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipOutputStream; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * 文件操作工具类 实现文件的创建、删除、复制、压缩、解压以及目录的创建、删除、复制、压缩解压等功能 * * @author 舒海洋 * @version 2013-01-15 */ public class FileUtils { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileUtils.class); /** * 复制单个文件,如果目标文件存在,则不覆盖 * * @param srcFileName * 待复制的文件名 * @param descFileName * 目标文件名 * @return 如果复制成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean copyFile(String srcFileName, String descFileName) { return FileUtils.copyFileCover(srcFileName, descFileName, false); } /** * 复制单个文件 * * @param srcFileName * 待复制的文件名 * @param descFileName * 目标文件名 * @param coverlay * 如果目标文件已存在,是否覆盖 * @return 如果复制成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean copyFileCover(String srcFileName, String descFileName, boolean coverlay) { File srcFile = new File(srcFileName); // 判断源文件是否存在 if (!srcFile.exists()) { log.debug("复制文件失败,源文件" + srcFileName + "不存在!"); return false; } // 判断源文件是否是合法的文件 else if (!srcFile.isFile()) { log.debug("复制文件失败," + srcFileName + "不是一个文件!"); return false; } File descFile = new File(descFileName); // 判断目标文件是否存在 if (descFile.exists()) { // 如果目标文件存在,并且允许覆盖 if (coverlay) { log.debug("目标文件已存在,准备删除!"); if (!FileUtils.delFile(descFileName)) { log.debug("删除目标文件" + descFileName + "失败!"); return false; } } else { log.debug("复制文件失败,目标文件" + descFileName + "已存在!"); return false; } } else { if (!descFile.getParentFile().exists()) { // 如果目标文件所在的目录不存在,则创建目录 log.debug("目标文件所在的目录不存在,创建目录!"); // 创建目标文件所在的目录 if (!descFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { log.debug("创建目标文件所在的目录失败!"); return false; } } } // 准备复制文件 // 读取的位数 int readByte = 0; InputStream ins = null; OutputStream outs = null; try { // 打开源文件 ins = new FileInputStream(srcFile); // 打开目标文件的输出流 outs = new FileOutputStream(descFile); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; // 一次读取1024个字节,当readByte为-1时表示文件已经读取完毕 while ((readByte = ins.read(buf)) != -1) { // 将读取的字节流写入到输出流 outs.write(buf, 0, readByte); } log.debug("复制单个文件" + srcFileName + "到" + descFileName + "成功!"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("复制文件失败:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { // 关闭输入输出流,首先关闭输出流,然后再关闭输入流 if (outs != null) { try { outs.close(); } catch (IOException oute) { oute.printStackTrace(); } } if (ins != null) { try { ins.close(); } catch (IOException ine) { ine.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * 复制整个目录的内容,如果目标目录存在,则不覆盖 * * @param srcDirName * 源目录名 * @param descDirName * 目标目录名 * @return 如果复制成功返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean copyDirectory(String srcDirName, String descDirName) { return FileUtils.copyDirectoryCover(srcDirName, descDirName, false); } /** * 复制整个目录的内容 * * @param srcDirName * 源目录名 * @param descDirName * 目标目录名 * @param coverlay * 如果目标目录存在,是否覆盖 * @return 如果复制成功返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean copyDirectoryCover(String srcDirName, String descDirName, boolean coverlay) { File srcDir = new File(srcDirName); // 判断源目录是否存在 if (!srcDir.exists()) { log.debug("复制目录失败,源目录" + srcDirName + "不存在!"); return false; } // 判断源目录是否是目录 else if (!srcDir.isDirectory()) { log.debug("复制目录失败," + srcDirName + "不是一个目录!"); return false; } // 如果目标文件夹名不以文件分隔符结尾,自动添加文件分隔符 String descDirNames = descDirName; if (!descDirNames.endsWith(File.separator)) { descDirNames = descDirNames + File.separator; } File descDir = new File(descDirNames); // 如果目标文件夹存在 if (descDir.exists()) { if (coverlay) { // 允许覆盖目标目录 log.debug("目标目录已存在,准备删除!"); if (!FileUtils.delFile(descDirNames)) { log.debug("删除目录" + descDirNames + "失败!"); return false; } } else { log.debug("目标目录复制失败,目标目录" + descDirNames + "已存在!"); return false; } } else { // 创建目标目录 log.debug("目标目录不存在,准备创建!"); if (!descDir.mkdirs()) { log.debug("创建目标目录失败!"); return false; } } boolean flag = true; // 列出源目录下的所有文件名和子目录名 File[] files = srcDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // 如果是一个单个文件,则直接复制 if (files[i].isFile()) { flag = FileUtils.copyFile(files[i].getAbsolutePath(), descDirName + files[i].getName()); // 如果拷贝文件失败,则退出循环 if (!flag) { break; } } // 如果是子目录,则继续复制目录 if (files[i].isDirectory()) { flag = FileUtils.copyDirectory(files[i].getAbsolutePath(), descDirName + files[i].getName()); // 如果拷贝目录失败,则退出循环 if (!flag) { break; } } } if (!flag) { log.debug("复制目录" + srcDirName + "到" + descDirName + "失败!"); return false; } log.debug("复制目录" + srcDirName + "到" + descDirName + "成功!"); return true; } /** * * 删除文件,可以删除单个文件或文件夹 * * @param fileName * 被删除的文件名 * @return 如果删除成功,则返回true,否是返回false */ public static boolean delFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { log.debug(fileName + "文件不存在!"); return true; } else { if (file.isFile()) { return FileUtils.deleteFile(fileName); } else { return FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fileName); } } } /** * * 删除单个文件 * * @param fileName * 被删除的文件名 * @return 如果删除成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean deleteFile(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { if (file.delete()) { log.debug("删除单个文件" + fileName + "成功!"); return true; } else { log.debug("删除单个文件" + fileName + "失败!"); return false; } } else { log.debug(fileName + "文件不存在!"); return true; } } /** * * 删除目录及目录下的文件 * * @param dirName * 被删除的目录所在的文件路径 * @return 如果目录删除成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean deleteDirectory(String dirName) { String dirNames = dirName; if (!dirNames.endsWith(File.separator)) { dirNames = dirNames + File.separator; } File dirFile = new File(dirNames); if (!dirFile.exists() || !dirFile.isDirectory()) { log.debug(dirNames + "目录不存在!"); return true; } boolean flag = true; // 列出全部文件及子目录 File[] files = dirFile.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // 删除子文件 if (files[i].isFile()) { flag = FileUtils.deleteFile(files[i].getAbsolutePath()); // 如果删除文件失败,则退出循环 if (!flag) { break; } } // 删除子目录 else if (files[i].isDirectory()) { flag = FileUtils.deleteDirectory(files[i].getAbsolutePath()); // 如果删除子目录失败,则退出循环 if (!flag) { break; } } } if (!flag) { log.debug("删除目录失败!"); return false; } // 删除当前目录 if (dirFile.delete()) { log.debug("删除目录" + dirName + "成功!"); return true; } else { log.debug("删除目录" + dirName + "失败!"); return false; } } /** * 创建单个文件 * * @param descFileName * 文件名,包含路径 * @return 如果创建成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean createFile(String descFileName) { File file = new File(descFileName); if (file.exists()) { log.debug("文件" + descFileName + "已存在!"); return false; } if (descFileName.endsWith(File.separator)) { log.debug(descFileName + "为目录,不能创建目录!"); return false; } if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { // 如果文件所在的目录不存在,则创建目录 if (!file.getParentFile().mkdirs()) { log.debug("创建文件所在的目录失败!"); return false; } } // 创建文件 try { if (file.createNewFile()) { log.debug(descFileName + "文件创建成功!"); return true; } else { log.debug(descFileName + "文件创建失败!"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.debug(descFileName + "文件创建失败!"); return false; } } /** * 创建目录 * * @param descDirName * 目录名,包含路径 * @return 如果创建成功,则返回true,否则返回false */ public static boolean createDirectory(String descDirName) { String descDirNames = descDirName; if (!descDirNames.endsWith(File.separator)) { descDirNames = descDirNames + File.separator; } File descDir = new File(descDirNames); if (descDir.exists()) { log.debug("目录" + descDirNames + "已存在!"); return false; } // 创建目录 if (descDir.mkdirs()) { log.debug("目录" + descDirNames + "创建成功!"); return true; } else { log.debug("目录" + descDirNames + "创建失败!"); return false; } } /** * 压缩文件或目录 * * @param srcDirName * 压缩的根目录 * @param fileName * 根目录下的待压缩的文件名或文件夹名,其中*或""表示跟目录下的全部文件 * @param descFileName * 目标zip文件 */ public static void zipFiles(String srcDirName, String fileName, String descFileName) { zipFiles(srcDirName, fileName, descFileName, null); } /** * 压缩文件或目录 * * @param srcDirName * 压缩的根目录 * @param fileName * 根目录下的待压缩的文件名或文件夹名,其中*或""表示跟目录下的全部文件 * @param descFileName * 目标zip文件 */ public static void zipFiles(String srcDirName, String fileName, String descFileName, String encoding) { // 判断目录是否存在 if (srcDirName == null) { log.debug("文件压缩失败,目录" + srcDirName + "不存在!"); return; } File fileDir = new File(srcDirName); if (!fileDir.exists() || !fileDir.isDirectory()) { log.debug("文件压缩失败,目录" + srcDirName + "不存在!"); return; } String dirPath = fileDir.getAbsolutePath(); File descFile = new File(descFileName); try { ZipOutputStream zouts = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(descFile)); if (encoding != null) { zouts.setEncoding(encoding); } if ("*".equals(fileName) || "".equals(fileName)) { FileUtils.zipDirectoryToZipFile(dirPath, fileDir, zouts); } else { File file = new File(fileDir, fileName); if (file.isFile()) { FileUtils.zipFilesToZipFile(dirPath, file, zouts); } else { FileUtils.zipDirectoryToZipFile(dirPath, file, zouts); } } zouts.close(); log.debug(descFileName + "文件压缩成功!"); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("文件压缩失败:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 解压缩ZIP文件,将ZIP文件里的内容解压到descFileName目录下 * * @param zipFileName * 需要解压的ZIP文件 * @param descFileName * 目标文件 */ public static boolean unZipFiles(String zipFileName, String descFileName) { String descFileNames = descFileName; if (!descFileNames.endsWith(File.separator)) { descFileNames = descFileNames + File.separator; } try { // 根据ZIP文件创建ZipFile对象 ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zipFileName); ZipEntry entry = null; String entryName = null; String descFileDir = null; byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int readByte = 0; // 获取ZIP文件里所有的entry @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enumeration enums = zipFile.getEntries(); // 遍历所有entry while (enums.hasMoreElements()) { entry = (ZipEntry) enums.nextElement(); // 获得entry的名字 entryName = entry.getName(); descFileDir = descFileNames + entryName; if (entry.isDirectory()) { // 如果entry是一个目录,则创建目录 new File(descFileDir).mkdirs(); continue; } else { // 如果entry是一个文件,则创建父目录 new File(descFileDir).getParentFile().mkdirs(); } File file = new File(descFileDir); // 打开文件输出流 OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); // 从ZipFile对象中打开entry的输入流 InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry); while ((readByte = is.read(buf)) != -1) { os.write(buf, 0, readByte); } os.close(); is.close(); } zipFile.close(); log.debug("文件解压成功!"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("文件解压失败:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * 将目录压缩到ZIP输出流 * * @param dirPath * 目录路径 * @param fileDir * 文件信息 * @param zouts * 输出流 */ public static void zipDirectoryToZipFile(String dirPath, File fileDir, ZipOutputStream zouts) { if (fileDir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = fileDir.listFiles(); // 空的文件夹 if (files.length == 0) { // 目录信息 ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(getEntryName(dirPath, fileDir)); try { zouts.putNextEntry(entry); zouts.closeEntry(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isFile()) { // 如果是文件,则调用文件压缩方法 FileUtils.zipFilesToZipFile(dirPath, files[i], zouts); } else { // 如果是目录,则递归调用 FileUtils.zipDirectoryToZipFile(dirPath, files[i], zouts); } } } } /** * 将文件压缩到ZIP输出流 * * @param dirPath * 目录路径 * @param file * 文件 * @param zouts * 输出流 */ public static void zipFilesToZipFile(String dirPath, File file, ZipOutputStream zouts) { FileInputStream fin = null; ZipEntry entry = null; // 创建复制缓冲区 byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int readByte = 0; if (file.isFile()) { try { // 创建一个文件输入流 fin = new FileInputStream(file); // 创建一个ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(getEntryName(dirPath, file)); log.debug(entry.getName()); // 存储信息到压缩文件 zouts.putNextEntry(entry); // 复制字节到压缩文件 while ((readByte = fin.read(buf)) != -1) { zouts.write(buf, 0, readByte); } zouts.closeEntry(); fin.close(); System.out.println("添加文件" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "到zip文件中!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * 获取待压缩文件在ZIP文件中entry的名字,即相对于跟目录的相对路径名 * * @param dirPat * 目录名 * @param file * entry文件名 * @return */ private static String getEntryName(String dirPath, File file) { String dirPaths = dirPath; if (!dirPaths.endsWith(File.separator)) { dirPaths = dirPaths + File.separator; } String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); // 对于目录,必须在entry名字后面加上"/",表示它将以目录项存储 if (file.isDirectory()) { filePath += "/"; } int index = filePath.indexOf(dirPaths); return filePath.substring(index + dirPaths.length()); } } FreeMarkers.java /** * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */ package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader; import org.springframework.core.io.Resource; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; /** * FreeMarkers工具类 * @author 舒海洋 * @version 2013-01-15 */ public class FreeMarkers { public static String renderString(String templateString, Map<String, ?> model) { try { StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); Template t = new Template("name", new StringReader(templateString), new Configuration()); t.process(model, result); return result.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.unchecked(e); } } public static String renderTemplate(Template template, Object model) { try { StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); template.process(model, result); return result.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.unchecked(e); } } public static Configuration buildConfiguration(String directory) throws IOException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); Resource path = new DefaultResourceLoader().getResource(directory); cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(path.getFile()); return cfg; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // // renderString // Map<String, String> model = com.google.common.collect.Maps.newHashMap(); // model.put("userName", "calvin"); // String result = FreeMarkers.renderString("hello ${userName}", model); // System.out.println(result); // // renderTemplate // Configuration cfg = FreeMarkers.buildConfiguration("classpath:/"); // Template template = cfg.getTemplate("testTemplate.ftl"); // String result2 = FreeMarkers.renderTemplate(template, model); // System.out.println(result2); // Map<String, String> model = com.google.common.collect.Maps.newHashMap(); // model.put("userName", "calvin"); // String result = FreeMarkers.renderString("hello ${userName} ${r'${userName}'}", model); // System.out.println(result); } } GenFunctions.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; /** * 文件操作工具类 */ public class GenFunctions { /** * 将传入的字符串首字母大写 * @param str * @return */ public static String firstToUpperCase(String str) { str=str.toLowerCase(); int strLength = str.length(); if (strLength > 1) { String post = str.substring(1, strLength); char first = str.charAt(0); return String.valueOf(first).toUpperCase() + post; } else { return str.toUpperCase(); } } public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(firstToUpperCase("USER")); } } JdbcConfig.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; /** * JDBC配置模型 * @author 黄天政 * */ public class JdbcConfig { private String driver; private String url; private String user; private String password; public JdbcConfig() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public JdbcConfig(String driver, String url, String user, String password) { super(); this.driver = driver; this.url = url; this.user = user; this.password = password; } /** * @return 取得JDBC驱动类 */ public String getDriver() { return driver; } /** * @param driver 设置JDBC驱动类 */ public void setDriver(String driver) { this.driver = driver; } /** * @return 取得JDBC连接字符串 */ public String getUrl() { return url; } /** * @param url 设置JDBC连接字符串 */ public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } /** * @return 取得JDBC连接的用户名,即当前数据库连接的属主 */ public String getUser() { return user; } /** * @param user 设置JDBC连接的用户名,即当前数据库连接的属主 */ public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } /** * @return 取得JDBC连接的密码 */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** * @param password 设置JDBC连接的密码 */ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } } MysqlProvider.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * 针对Oracle的数据库信息提供者 * @author 黄天政 * */ public class MysqlProvider extends DbProvider { public MysqlProvider(Connection conn) { super(conn); } public MysqlProvider(JdbcConfig jdbcConfig) { super(jdbcConfig); } /** * 根据表名和库名得到该表的所有列模型 * @param tableName 表名 * @param Schema 库名 * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<TableModel> getTableSCRIPTModelList(String tableName,String Schema) throws IOException{ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; String sql = "select * from Information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME='"+tableName.toLowerCase()+"' and table_schema='"+Schema.toLowerCase()+"'"; TableModel tb=null; List<TableModel> list=new ArrayList<TableModel>(); try{ stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); //rs1=stmt.executeQuery(sql); String commstr=""; String priStr=""; String sqlstr="-- Create table \r\n" +" create table "+tableName +"\r\n" +"(\r\n"; boolean first=true; while(rs.next()){ String column_name = rs.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); //列名 //System.out.println(column_name); String is_nullable = rs.getString("is_nullable").toLowerCase(); //是否允许为空 //System.out.println(is_nullable); String column_key=rs.getString("column_key").toLowerCase(); //主键信息 //System.out.println(column_key); String column_type = rs.getString("column_type").toLowerCase(); //数据类型 //System.out.println(column_type); String column_comment = rs.getString("column_comment").toLowerCase(); //备注 //System.out.println(column_comment); if(first==true){ sqlstr=sqlstr +" \r\n"; first=false; }else{ sqlstr=sqlstr+", \r\n"; } if(column_key.toLowerCase().equals("pri")){ sqlstr=sqlstr+column_name+" number not null "; priStr=priStr+"alter table "+ tableName+"\r\n"; priStr=priStr+" add constraint PK_"+tableName +"_ID primary key ("+column_name+");\r\n"; }else{ sqlstr=sqlstr+column_name+" "+column_type.replace("bigint(20)", "number").replace("bigint", "number").replace("varchar", "varchar2").replace("int", "number").replace("datetime","date").replace("text", "CLOB").replace("double", "number"); if(is_nullable.equals("no")){ sqlstr=sqlstr+" not null "; } } //String pri=rs.getString("column_key").toLowerCase();//主键 //String data_type = rs.getString("data_type").toLowerCase(); //数据类型 //String character_maximum_length= rs.getString("character_maximum_length").toLowerCase(); //字符长度 //String numeric_precision = rs.getString("numeric_precision").toLowerCase(); //数字长度 //String numeric_scale = rs.getString("numeric_scale").toLowerCase(); //小数位数 //String extra=rs.getString("extra").toLowerCase(); //是否自增 // String column_type_name; // String column_type_jname; // int column_type_num1=0; // int column_type_num2=0; // String []typesplit=column_type.split("\\("); // if(typesplit.length>1){ // column_type_name=typesplit[0]; //类型名 // String column_lengths=typesplit[1]; // if(!column_lengths.equals("")){ // String []column_length=column_lengths.split("\\)"); // // if(column_length[0].split(",").length>1){ // column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[0]); // column_type_num2=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[1]); // }else{ // column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0]); // } // // } // }else{ // column_type_name=column_type; // } // Properties po=FileUtil.initProperties("resource/datatype.properties"); // column_type_jname=po.getProperty(column_type_name); // tb=new TableModel(column_name, is_nullable, extra, column_key, column_type, column_comment,column_type_name, column_type_jname, column_type_num1,column_type_num2); // list.add(tb); commstr=commstr+"comment on column "+tableName+"."+column_name+" is '"+column_comment+"';\r\n"; } sqlstr=sqlstr+" \r\n);"; System.out.println(sqlstr); System.out.println("-- Add comments to the columns "); System.out.println(commstr); System.out.println(priStr); /*while(rs1.next()){ String column_comment = rs1.getString("column_comment").toLowerCase(); //备注 String column_name = rs1.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); //列名 System.out.println("comment on column "+tableName+"."+column_name+" is '"+column_name+"';"); }*/ return list; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } /** * 根据表名和库名得到该表的所有列模型 * @param tableName 表名 * @param Schema 库名 * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<TableModel> getTableModelList(String tableName,String Schema) throws IOException{ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select * from Information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME='"+tableName.toUpperCase()+"' and table_schema='"+Schema.toUpperCase()+"'"; TableModel tb=null; List<TableModel> list=new ArrayList<TableModel>(); try{ stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while(rs.next()){ String column_name = rs.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); //列名 String is_nullable = rs.getString("is_nullable").toLowerCase(); //是否允许为空 // String data_type = rs.getString("data_type").toLowerCase(); //数据类型 // String character_maximum_length= rs.getString("character_maximum_length").toLowerCase(); //字符长度 // String numeric_precision = rs.getString("numeric_precision").toLowerCase(); //数字长度 // String numeric_scale = rs.getString("numeric_scale").toLowerCase(); //小数位数 String extra=rs.getString("extra").toLowerCase(); //是否自增 String column_key=rs.getString("column_key").toLowerCase(); //主键信息 String column_type = rs.getString("column_type").toLowerCase(); //数据类型 String column_comment = rs.getString("column_comment").toLowerCase(); //备注 String column_type_name; String column_type_jname; int column_type_num1=0; int column_type_num2=0; String []typesplit=column_type.split("\\("); if(typesplit.length>1){ column_type_name=typesplit[0]; //类型名 String column_lengths=typesplit[1]; if(!column_lengths.equals("")){ String []column_length=column_lengths.split("\\)"); if(column_length[0].split(",").length>1){ column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[0]); column_type_num2=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[1]); }else{ column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0]); } } }else{ column_type_name=column_type; } Properties po=FileUtil.initProperties("resource/datatype.properties"); column_type_jname=po.getProperty(column_type_name); tb=new TableModel(column_name, is_nullable, extra, column_key, column_type, column_comment,column_type_name, column_type_jname, column_type_num1,column_type_num2); list.add(tb); } return list; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } public List<Tables> getTablesList(String Schema) throws IOException{ Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select * from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema='"+Schema.toLowerCase()+"'"; Tables tb=null; List<Tables> list=new ArrayList<Tables>(); try{ stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while(rs.next()){ String table_name = rs.getString("table_name").toLowerCase(); //列名 String table_comment = rs.getString("table_comment").toLowerCase(); //是否允许为空 tb=new Tables(table_name, table_comment); list.add(tb); } return list; }catch(SQLException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } } OracleProvider.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; /** * 针对Oracle的数据库信息提供者 * * @author 黄天政 * */ public class OracleProvider extends DbProvider { public OracleProvider(Connection conn) { super(conn); } public OracleProvider(JdbcConfig jdbcConfig) { super(jdbcConfig); } /** * 根据表名和库名得到该表的所有列模型 * * @param tableName * 表名 * @param Schema * 库名 * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<TableModel> getTableSCRIPTModelList(String tableName, String Schema) throws IOException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; String sql = "select * from Information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME='" + tableName.toLowerCase() + "' and table_schema='" + Schema.toLowerCase() + "'"; TableModel tb = null; List<TableModel> list = new ArrayList<TableModel>(); try { stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); // rs1=stmt.executeQuery(sql); String commstr = ""; String priStr = ""; String sqlstr = "-- Create table \r\n" + " create table " + tableName + "\r\n" + "(\r\n"; boolean first = true; while (rs.next()) { String column_name = rs.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); // 列名 // System.out.println(column_name); String is_nullable = rs.getString("is_nullable").toLowerCase(); // 是否允许为空 // System.out.println(is_nullable); String column_key = rs.getString("column_key").toLowerCase(); // 主键信息 // System.out.println(column_key); String column_type = rs.getString("column_type").toLowerCase(); // 数据类型 // System.out.println(column_type); String column_comment = rs.getString("column_comment") .toLowerCase(); // 备注 // System.out.println(column_comment); if (first == true) { sqlstr = sqlstr + " \r\n"; first = false; } else { sqlstr = sqlstr + ", \r\n"; } if (column_key.toLowerCase().equals("pri")) { sqlstr = sqlstr + column_name + " number not null "; priStr = priStr + "alter table " + tableName + "\r\n"; priStr = priStr + " add constraint PK_" + tableName + "_ID primary key (" + column_name + ");\r\n"; } else { sqlstr = sqlstr + column_name + " " + column_type.replace("bigint(20)", "number") .replace("bigint", "number") .replace("varchar", "varchar2") .replace("int", "number") .replace("datetime", "date") .replace("text", "CLOB") .replace("double", "number"); if (is_nullable.equals("no")) { sqlstr = sqlstr + " not null "; } } // String pri=rs.getString("column_key").toLowerCase();//主键 // String data_type = rs.getString("data_type").toLowerCase(); // //数据类型 // String character_maximum_length= // rs.getString("character_maximum_length").toLowerCase(); // //字符长度 // String numeric_precision = // rs.getString("numeric_precision").toLowerCase(); //数字长度 // String numeric_scale = // rs.getString("numeric_scale").toLowerCase(); //小数位数 // String extra=rs.getString("extra").toLowerCase(); //是否自增 // String column_type_name; // String column_type_jname; // int column_type_num1=0; // int column_type_num2=0; // String []typesplit=column_type.split("\\("); // if(typesplit.length>1){ // column_type_name=typesplit[0]; //类型名 // String column_lengths=typesplit[1]; // if(!column_lengths.equals("")){ // String []column_length=column_lengths.split("\\)"); // // if(column_length[0].split(",").length>1){ // column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[0]); // column_type_num2=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[1]); // }else{ // column_type_num1=Integer.parseInt(column_length[0]); // } // // } // }else{ // column_type_name=column_type; // } // Properties // po=FileUtil.initProperties("resource/datatype.properties"); // column_type_jname=po.getProperty(column_type_name); // tb=new TableModel(column_name, is_nullable, extra, // column_key, column_type, column_comment,column_type_name, // column_type_jname, column_type_num1,column_type_num2); // list.add(tb); commstr = commstr + "comment on column " + tableName + "." + column_name + " is '" + column_comment + "';\r\n"; } sqlstr = sqlstr + " \r\n);"; System.out.println(sqlstr); System.out.println("-- Add comments to the columns "); System.out.println(commstr); System.out.println(priStr); /* * while(rs1.next()){ String column_comment = * rs1.getString("column_comment").toLowerCase(); //备注 String * column_name = rs1.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); //列名 * System * .out.println("comment on column "+tableName+"."+column_name+ * " is '"+column_name+"';"); } */ return list; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } /** * 根据表名和库名得到该表的所有列模型 * * @param tableName * 表名 * @param Schema * 库名 * @return * @throws IOException */ public List<TableModel> getTableModelList(String tableName, String Schema) throws IOException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "SELECT T1.Column_Id, T2.COMMENTS,T1.NULLABLE, T1.COLUMN_NAME,T1.DATA_TYPE,T1.DATA_TYPE || '(' || T1.DATA_LENGTH || ')' as column_type,T1.DATA_LENGTH FROM USER_TAB_COLS T1, USER_COL_COMMENTS T2 WHERE T1.TABLE_NAME = T2.TABLE_NAME AND T1.COLUMN_NAME = T2.COLUMN_NAME AND T1.TABLE_NAME ='" + tableName.toUpperCase() + "'"; // String sql = // "select * from Information_schema.columns where TABLE_NAME='"+tableName.toUpperCase()+"' and table_schema='"+Schema.toUpperCase()+"'"; TableModel tb = null; List<TableModel> list = new ArrayList<TableModel>(); try { stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { String column_name = rs.getString("column_name").toLowerCase(); // 列名 String is_nullable = rs.getString("nullable").toLowerCase(); // 是否允许为空 if (is_nullable.equals("n")) { is_nullable = "no"; } else { is_nullable = "yes"; } // String data_type = rs.getString("data_type").toLowerCase(); // //数据类型 // String character_maximum_length= // rs.getString("character_maximum_length").toLowerCase(); // //字符长度 // String numeric_precision = // rs.getString("numeric_precision").toLowerCase(); //数字长度 // String numeric_scale = // rs.getString("numeric_scale").toLowerCase(); //小数位数 String extra = ""; // 是否自增 String column_key = ""; // 主键信息 String column_type = rs.getString("column_type").toLowerCase(); // 数据类型 String column_comment=""; if(rs.getString("comments")==null){ column_comment=""; }else{ column_comment= rs.getString("comments").toLowerCase(); // 备注 } String column_type_name; String column_type_jname; int column_type_num1 = 0; int column_type_num2 = 0; String[] typesplit = column_type.split("\\("); if (typesplit.length > 1) { column_type_name = typesplit[0]; // 类型名 String column_lengths = typesplit[1]; if (!column_lengths.equals("")) { String[] column_length = column_lengths.split("\\)"); if (column_length[0].split(",").length > 1) { column_type_num1 = Integer .parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[0]); column_type_num2 = Integer .parseInt(column_length[0].split(",")[1]); } else { column_type_num1 = Integer .parseInt(column_length[0]); if (column_type_num1 == 22) { column_type_name = "bigint"; } } } } else { column_type_name = column_type; } Properties po = FileUtil .initProperties("resource/datatype.properties"); column_type_jname = po.getProperty(column_type_name); tb = new TableModel(column_name, is_nullable, extra, column_key, column_type, column_comment, column_type_name, column_type_jname, column_type_num1, column_type_num2); list.add(tb); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } public List<Tables> getTablesList(String Schema) throws IOException { Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sql = "select * from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema='" + Schema.toLowerCase() + "'"; Tables tb = null; List<Tables> list = new ArrayList<Tables>(); try { stmt = getConn().createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); while (rs.next()) { String table_name = rs.getString("table_name").toLowerCase(); // 列名 String table_comment = rs.getString("table_comment") .toLowerCase(); // 是否允许为空 tb = new Tables(table_name, table_comment); list.add(tb); } return list; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { JdbcUtil.safelyClose(rs, stmt); } } } TableModel.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.Serializable; public class TableModel implements Serializable{ private String column_name; //列名 private String is_nullable; //是否允许为空 private String extra; //是否自增 auto_increment private String column_key; //主键信息 PRI private String column_type; //数据类型 decimal(10,2), datetime private String column_comment; //备注 private String column_type_name; private String column_type_jname; private int column_type_num1; private int column_type_num2; public TableModel() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public TableModel(String columnName, String isNullable, String extra, String columnKey, String columnType, String columnComment, String columnTypeName, String columnTypeJname, int columnTypeNum1, int columnTypeNum2) { super(); column_name = columnName; is_nullable = isNullable; this.extra = extra; column_key = columnKey; column_type = columnType; column_comment = columnComment; column_type_name = columnTypeName; column_type_jname = columnTypeJname; column_type_num1 = columnTypeNum1; column_type_num2 = columnTypeNum2; } public String getColumn_name() { return column_name; } public void setColumn_name(String columnName) { column_name = columnName; } public String getIs_nullable() { return is_nullable; } public void setIs_nullable(String isNullable) { is_nullable = isNullable; } public String getExtra() { return extra; } public void setExtra(String extra) { this.extra = extra; } public String getColumn_key() { return column_key; } public void setColumn_key(String columnKey) { column_key = columnKey; } public String getColumn_type() { return column_type; } public void setColumn_type(String columnType) { column_type = columnType; } public String getColumn_comment() { return column_comment; } public void setColumn_comment(String columnComment) { column_comment = columnComment; } public String getColumn_type_name() { return column_type_name; } public void setColumn_type_name(String columnTypeName) { column_type_name = columnTypeName; } public String getColumn_type_jname() { return column_type_jname; } public void setColumn_type_jname(String columnTypeJname) { column_type_jname = columnTypeJname; } public int getColumn_type_num1() { return column_type_num1; } public void setColumn_type_num1(int columnTypeNum1) { column_type_num1 = columnTypeNum1; } public int getColumn_type_num2() { return column_type_num2; } public void setColumn_type_num2(int columnTypeNum2) { column_type_num2 = columnTypeNum2; } } Tables.java package com.whty.platform.generate.codegen; import java.io.Serializable; public class Tables implements Serializable{ /** * 表名 */ private String table_name; /** * 表评论 */ private String table_comment; public Tables() { super(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public Tables(String tableName, String tableComment) { super(); table_name = tableName; table_comment = tableComment; } public String getTable_name() { return table_name; } public void setTable_name(String tableName) { table_name = tableName; } public String getTable_comment() { return table_comment; } public void setTable_comment(String tableComment) { table_comment = tableComment; } }
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