
然而,这个图并不完全正确,或者说并没有完全表示出java 堆中真正发生的事情。
2. JDK6中的substring()
java中字符串是通过字符数组来支持实现的,在JDK6中,String类包含3个域,char[] value、int offset、int count。分别用于存储真实的字符数组、数组的偏移量,以及String所包含的字符的个数。
当substring()方法被调用的时候,它会创建一个新的字符串对象,但是这个字符串的值在java 堆中仍然指向的是同一个数组,这两个字符串的不同在于他们的count和offset的值。和我们之前说的一致,即新创建的String对象和原来的对象是共用同一个value数组,即指向相同的内存空间(并没有重新开辟新的内存空间),而只是通过offset和count来确定新的字串的值。


3. jdk6中substring()将会导致的问题
1 x = x.substring(x, y) + ""
4. 在JDK7中有所改进,substring()方法在堆中真正的创建了一个新的数组,当原字符数组没有被引用后就被GC回收了.因此避免了上述问题.


Name: rmT116609 Date: 02/13/2002
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)
and also
java version "1.3.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build co130-20010925 (JIT enabled: jitc)
String.substring() and StringBuffer.substring() attempt to improve performance (and reduce the memory footprint) by sharing the underlying char[] across various Strings.
However, a problem arises in the following scenerio:
1) Create a huge temporary StringBuffer
2) Extract short strings using substring() and place them in long-term storage (in a table of some sort)
3) Delete the StringBuffer, assuming it will be garbage-collected
However, due to implementation issues the huge StringBuffer will not be garbage collected so long as the substrings extracted from it live. This poses a problem and can potencially lead to huge memory leaks.
I don't necessarily have a solution, but I *did* want to point out this problem. This lead to a memory leak of 10MB/second on my sample app and I only managed to track down the problem by looking at the sources in String.java.
Upon forcing a String copy via getChars(), the memory leak disappeared and the huge buffer was being garabage collected properly.
The API should handle this problem better or at the very least provide extensive documentation on this topic.
This bug can be reproduced always.
class Test{
public static void main(String a[]) {
String [] buffer = new String[10000];
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
buffer[i] = new String(new char[10000000]).substring(0, 1);
The above is really bad coding, but it demonstrates what is happening. The above will keep references to all char[10000000] instances for as long as buffer[] lives.
Copy substrings manually; however this makes the code JVM-specific.
(Review ID: 139509)

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实例90 如何使用substring()方法截取子串 118 实例91 分解字符串 119 实例92 字母大小写转换 120 实例93 去除多余的空白 120 实例94 原始数组类型的String形式 121 实例95 Java合法标识符 122 ...
实例90 如何使用substring()方法截取子串 118 实例91 分解字符串 119 实例92 字母大小写转换 120 实例93 去除多余的空白 120 实例94 原始数组类型的String形式 121 实例95 Java合法标识符 122...
实例90 如何使用substring()方法截取子串 118 实例91 分解字符串 119 实例92 字母大小写转换 120 实例93 去除多余的空白 120 实例94 原始数组类型的String形式 121 实例95 Java合法标识符 122 实例96 显示一周各星期...
实例90 如何使用substring()方法截取子串 118 实例91 分解字符串 119 实例92 字母大小写转换 120 实例93 去除多余的空白 120 实例94 原始数组类型的String形式 121 实例95 Java合法标识符 122 实例96 显示一...