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Wireshark报The capture session could not be initiated 错误

今天使用wireshark抓包,需要抓取的是无线网卡的数据包,但是打开后wireshark报The capture session could not be initiated (failed to set hardware filter to promiscuous mode)这样的错误。通过查找资料,需要将wireshark设置一下:
首先找到“Capture”菜单项,然后点击选择“Option”,去掉“promiscuous mode”前面的对勾就OK了……



    TCP RST problem Wireshark packet capture

    TCP RST problem Wireshark packet capture



    Packet Analysis with Wireshark

    Halfway through the book, you'll be mastering the features of Wireshark, analyzing different layers of the network protocol, looking for any anomalies. As you reach to the end of the book, you will ...

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    wireshark-filter - The Wireshark Network Analyzer 2.4.1 1

    Wireshark User Guide

    As Wireshark has become a very complex program since the early days, not every feature of Wireshark may be explained in this book. This book is not intended to explain network sniffing in general ...

    Mastering Wireshark 2 pdf

    It efficiently deals with the second to the seventh layer of network protocols, and the analysis made is presented in a form that can be easily read by people. Mastering Wireshark 2 helps you gain ...


    Halfway through the book, you'll be mastering the features of Wireshark, analyzing different layers of the network protocol, looking for any anomalies. As you reach to the end of the book, you will ...


    As Wireshark has become a very complex program since the early days, not every feature of Wireshark may be explained in this book. This book is not intended to explain network sniffing in general and ...

    Network Analysis Using Wireshark 2 Cookbook

    It also includes Wireshark capture files so that you can practice what you’ve learned in the book. You will understand the normal operation of E-mail protocols and learn how to use Wireshark for ...

    [Wireshark] Wireshark 权威指南 (英文版)

    Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, with a rich feature set that includes deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, live capture, offline analysis and many other features....

    wireshark 1.8.0 源代码

    To install Wireshark, just download the appropriate installer program from http://www.wireshark.org/download/win32 or http://www.wireshark.org/download/win64 and start it. Just keep the default ...


    Wireshark是一款强大的网络封包分析软件,常用于网络故障排查、网络安全分析和协议解析等任务。标题"wireshark报文"表明我们将探讨与Wireshark捕获和解析网络报文相关的知识点。 在描述中提到的链接指向了一个CSDN...


    Wireshark has a rich feature set which includes the following: Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, with more being added all the time Live capture and offline analysis Standard three-pane ...

    Wireshark for Security Professionals Using Wireshark and the Metasploit 无水印pdf

    Wireshark for Security Professionals Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者...


    6. **利用专家信息**: Wireshark的“专家信息”功能能指出可能存在的问题,比如错误、警告或提示。这对于识别和解决问题非常有帮助。 7. **导出和分析结果**: 完成分析后,你可以选择保存捕获的数据包以便后续查看...


    Wireshark-GM-Wireshark 是一个专为中国用户定制的Wireshark版本,它集成了许多方便国内用户的功能和优化。Wireshark是一款全球知名的网络封包分析软件,广泛用于网络故障排查、性能分析以及网络安全检测。在这个...



    wireshark 抓包 实验报告

    打开 Wireshark,开始截获报文,我们只需截获与此实验相关内容报文,将 Wireshark 的 Capture Filter 设置为 No Broadcast and no Multicast。然后,打开 Wireshark,加载实训文件夹中的 ip-ethereal-trace-1 文件并...


    1000多页Wireshark is the world's most popular network analyzer tool with over 500,000 downloads per month. This book provides insider tips and tricks to spot performance issues fast - no more finger ...

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