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Important Things for Scrum Master

I wrote a piece of notes that may help when scrum master rule is coming up.

The most important requirements for a Scrum Master are:
• interested in learning and teaching about Scrum
• knowledge about the Scrum process and the under lying mind-set
• willing to facilitate the team
• willing to protect the team and to remove impediments

Things for scrum master:
1. First day of sprint, hold the sprint planning meeting
    -make sure the meeting room, vioce, webex are all ok.
    -make sure the person who required in this meeting is informed.
    -make sure the sprintback log is prepared, and the main tasks in this sprint are certain.
    -Host the meeting process, ask question and fill out sprintback log.

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2. Each day of sprint.
-Remind scrum member attending the daily meeting on time.
-Before meeting read over the sprintback log, to know the status of all tasks.
-Within meeting pay attention for each one’s words, what the status of their tasks, and what block issues they have.
-After meeting update the sprintback log and put it in wiki page, and try to move the block team has.
-Report the status to APO, keep touch with other team which related.
-Study early and study more, understand the system and all the user stories.
-Do the task you have, but most important thing is to help whole team get good process.

3. The day before last day, hold the retrospective meeting.
   - With team review the task status this sprint.
   - What tasks are completed, what aren’t.
   - Why those tasks uncompleted, what impediments we have.
   - How can we get better in next sprint?

4. The last day, hold the sprint review meeting.
    -make sure the meeting room, vioce, webex are all ok.
    -make sure the person who required in this meeting is informed.
-prepare the wiki page which is final status of this sprint.
-prepare the demo, lab is ok, function is ok, who make the demo, introduce materials.
-introduce the sprint status to teams, PO, APO and answer their question.
-If any uncertain things for next sprint, ask PO and APO.


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