scp username@ /opt/misserver
rpm -qa|grep #check rpm installation
rpm -e
ssh -s nat@ -p 22 netconf #ssh connection to netconf
ls -lR|grep "205.29"|wc -l #count the number of files
find ./ -type f -name "*.*" | xargs grep "symm" #find files by content in ./ drectory
request snmp spoof-trap jnxFruRemoval variable-bindings "jnxFruName=PIC:1x10GE(LAN/WAN)@2/0/0" ###spoof trap in juniper device
keytool -import -alias cacerts -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts" -file "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\maven.cer" -trustcacerts ##import certificate for jvm
netstat -tlnp|grep ##to see what process is using this port
tracert #in NT
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=251
操作系统 TTL(Time To Live) LINUX 64 WIN2K/NT 128 WINDOWS系列 32 UNIX系列 255, 每过一个路由至少-1
Learn to quickly create useful and effective Command Line software and scripts using the world's most popular native web scripting language, PHP. Enjoy the benefits of writing CLI scripts in ...
### 使用Sed的一行命令详解 #### 概述 Sed(Stream Editor)是一种功能强大的文本处理工具,常用于Linux及Unix系统中的脚本编写、数据流编辑等场景。本文档将详细介绍一系列实用的sed一行命令,适用于系统管理员在...
### ArubaOS 6.0 Command Line Interface (CLI) Reference Guide #### Introduction ArubaOS 6.0 CLI Reference Guide is designed to provide comprehensive guidance on configuring and managing controllers ...
NirCmd is a small command-line utility that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface.
GDAL 1.6的全部网上文档。GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is ... It also comes with a variety of useful commandline utilities for data translation and processing.
GDAL is a translator library for ... It also comes with a variety of useful commandline utilities for data translation and processing. The NEWS page describes the August 2013 GDAL/OGR 1.10.1 release.
command line to tell a Linux system what to do. Here’s an example command that counts lines of text in a file, myfle: wc -l myfile We’ll cover the most important Linux commands for the aver‐ age ...
* **Command Line and GUI Environments:** Rothwell covers essential skills for both Linux command line and GUI environments, introducing text editors and other tools for efficient coding. * **Text ...
Writing a command-line application that’s self-documenting, robust, adaptable and forever useful is easier than you might think. Ruby is particularly suited to this task, because it combines high-...
This tool is useful for running automated queries against a Lucene database without writing any code, or for making quick changes from the command line. The tool also supports commands such as ...
MEGA can be used with either a graphical user interface (useful for visual exploration of data and results) or a command-line interface (useful for batch or scripted execution). The graphical user ...
While working through the examples in this book, you will spend a great deal of time in the command line. You should feel comfortable using the command line of your operating system. Modern web ...
Blat is useful for creating s cripts where mail has to be sent automatically (CGI, backups, etc.), or just as a quick way to send a file or message quickly from the command line. It will store ...
Analytics and beginning your quest to understand the Linux Command Line Operating System Two manuscripts for the price of one! What's included in this 2 book bundle manuscript: Data Analytics: ...
剪辑 Cliphp 仍在开发中。 根据项目的需要可能会发生剧烈的变化。... Although not mandatory it useful to keep // track of versions. const SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.0.1' ; // Configuration fun
Android launcher based on command line UI A tiny project I made for a weekly competition on /r/androidthemes Not a real terminal emulator, just a really, really barebones launcher. Was a cool idea but...
This build number can be specified on the command line, or via a response file. If a response file is used, StampVer can autoincrement the version number contained it it. <br>This can be...
MethodTracerCli is a command-line interface of Android Studio's method tracer. You can run it independently without Android Studio. It's very useful when you want to do method tracing on a non-gui ...