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使用PBKDF2算法方案,该算法是一个标准的密钥导出算法,可用于导出对称密钥, 应用PBKDF2的密钥导出函数主要是用来导出根秘钥(也叫初始密钥),然后用此根秘钥加密工作秘钥(工作秘钥由信息中心通过https传送给iRAD客户端或者其他安全通道预共享的方式传送给iRad客户端,用于记住密码功能中的加密)保存到本地。在使用PBKDF2导出根秘钥时,用到两个参数“初始向量”和“秘钥因子”, 为了满足合规要求,一是要求这两个参数都要随机生成(长度不少于128位或16字节);二是要求这两个参数分开存储,通常的做法时将初始向量数组(通过预设的随机运算——例如来自于openssl的安全随机数序列,然后产生初始向量数组)硬编码到代码中,而将秘钥因子(16进制)存储到配置文件中。
计算公式为:DK = PBKDF2(Password, Salt, count, dkLen)
Password :用户输入的口令或者读取的一串字符串,这里使用“密钥因子”。
Salt :盐值,字符串,这里使用“初始向量”
count :迭代次数,正整数,默认使用“50,000”次,华为要求不小于10000次
dkLen :导出密钥的字节长度,正整数,该长度需根据应用程序或密码应用模块所需要的工作密钥长度来定义,以AES128加密算法为例,密钥长度为128bit,即16字节。
DK :导出的密钥,长度为dkLen个字节的字符串。
计算公式为:DK = PBKDF2(Password, Salt, count, dkLen)
Password :用户输入的口令或者读取的一串字符串,这里使用“密钥因子”。
Salt :盐值,字符串,这里使用“初始向量”
count :迭代次数,正整数,默认使用“50,000”次,华为要求不小于10000次
dkLen :导出密钥的字节长度,正整数,该长度需根据应用程序或密码应用模块所需要的工作密钥长度来定义,以AES128加密算法为例,密钥长度为128bit,即16字节。
DK :导出的密钥,长度为dkLen个字节的字符串。

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TestPassword { public class PasswordSecurity { class InvalidHashException : Exception { public InvalidHashException() { } public InvalidHashException(string message) : base(message) { } public InvalidHashException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } class CannotPerformOperationException : Exception { public CannotPerformOperationException() { } public CannotPerformOperationException(string message) : base(message) { } public CannotPerformOperationException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } public class PasswordStorage { // These constants may be changed without breaking existing hashes. public const int SALT_BYTES = 16; // The number of bytes of salt. By default, 24 bytes, which is 192 bits. This is more than enough. This constant should not be changed. public const int HASH_BYTES = 16; public const int PBKDF2_ITERATIONS = 100000; // PBKDF2 迭代次数,默认32000 // These constants define the encoding and may not be changed. // 对应format: algorithm:iterations:hashSize:salt:hash public const int HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX = 0; // 加密方式所对应的索引,目前只支持sha1 public const int ITERATION_INDEX = 1; // 迭代次数所对应的索引 public const int HASH_SIZE_INDEX = 2; // hashsize所对应的索引 public const int SALT_INDEX = 3; // salt值所对应的索引 public const int PBKDF2_INDEX = 4; // hash值所对应的索引 public const int HASH_SECTIONS = 5; // 总共存储几段数据;根据分隔符,对应 format中字段 private const string HASH_ALGORITHM = "sha1"; // 加密方式,目前只支持sha1 /// <summary> /// 创建hash+salt后的密码 /// </summary> /// <param name="password">原始密码,比如abcdef</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string CreateHash(string password) { // Generate a random salt byte[] salt = new byte[SALT_BYTES]; try { using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider csprng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { csprng.GetBytes(salt); } } catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Random number generator not available.", ex); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Invalid argument given to random number generator.", ex); } byte[] hash = PBKDF2(password, salt, PBKDF2_ITERATIONS, HASH_BYTES); // format: algorithm:iterations:hashSize:salt:hash /* * algorithm is the name of the cryptographic hash function ("sha1"). iterations is the number of PBKDF2 iterations ("64000"). hashSize is the length, in bytes, of the hash field (after decoding). salt is the salt, base64 encoded. hash is the PBKDF2 output, base64 encoded. It must encode hashSize bytes. * */ return Convert.ToBase64String(hash); //return string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}" // , HASH_ALGORITHM // , PBKDF2_ITERATIONS // , hash.Length // , Convert.ToBase64String(salt) // , Convert.ToBase64String(hash)); } /// <summary> /// 验证密码是否有效 /// </summary> /// <param name="password">原始密码,比如abcdef</param> /// <param name="goodHash">已存的hash,从DB中读取;format: algorithm:iterations:hashSize:salt:hash</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool VerifyPassword(string password, string goodHash) { char[] delimiter = { ':' }; string[] split = goodHash.Split(delimiter); if (split.Length != HASH_SECTIONS) { throw new InvalidHashException("Fields are missing from the password hash."); } // We only support SHA1 with C#. if (split[HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX] != HASH_ALGORITHM) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Unsupported hash type."); } int iterations = 0; try { iterations = Int32.Parse(split[ITERATION_INDEX]); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Invalid argument given to Int32.Parse", ex); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("Could not parse the iteration count as an integer.", ex); } catch (OverflowException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("The iteration count is too large to be represented.", ex); } if (iterations < 1) { throw new InvalidHashException("Invalid number of iterations. Must be >= 1."); } byte[] salt = null; try { salt = Convert.FromBase64String(split[SALT_INDEX]); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Invalid argument given to Convert.FromBase64String", ex); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("Base64 decoding of salt failed.", ex); } byte[] hash = null; try { hash = Convert.FromBase64String(split[PBKDF2_INDEX]); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Invalid argument given to Convert.FromBase64String", ex); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("Base64 decoding of pbkdf2 output failed.", ex); } int storedHashSize = 0; try { storedHashSize = Int32.Parse(split[HASH_SIZE_INDEX]); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { throw new CannotPerformOperationException("Invalid argument given to Int32.Parse", ex); } catch (FormatException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("Could not parse the hash size as an integer.", ex); } catch (OverflowException ex) { throw new InvalidHashException("The hash size is too large to be represented.", ex); } if (storedHashSize != hash.Length) { throw new InvalidHashException("Hash length doesn't match stored hash length."); } byte[] testHash = PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations, hash.Length); return SlowEquals(hash, testHash); } private static bool SlowEquals(byte[] a, byte[] b) { uint diff = (uint)a.Length ^ (uint)b.Length; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length && i < b.Length; i++) { diff |= (uint)(a[i] ^ b[i]); } return diff == 0; } private static byte[] PBKDF2(string password, byte[] salt, int iterations, int outputBytes) { using (Rfc2898DeriveBytes pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt)) { pbkdf2.IterationCount = iterations; return pbkdf2.GetBytes(outputBytes); } } /// <summary> /// HMAC-SHA256 加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="input"> 要加密的字符串 </param> /// <param name="key"> 密钥 </param> /// <param name="encoding"> 字符编码 </param> /// <returns></returns> public static string HMACSHA256Encrypt(string input, string key, Encoding encoding) { return HashEncrypt(new HMACSHA256(encoding.GetBytes(key)), input, encoding); } /// <summary> /// 哈希加密算法 /// </summary> /// <param name="hashAlgorithm"> 所有加密哈希算法实现均必须从中派生的基类 </param> /// <param name="input"> 待加密的字符串 </param> /// <param name="encoding"> 字符编码 </param> /// <returns></returns> private static string HashEncrypt(HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm, string input, Encoding encoding) { var data = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(encoding.GetBytes(input)); return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", ""); } } } } ///生成根秘钥 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TestPassword { class Program { public Program() { } /// <summary> /// 加密字符串 /// </summary> /// <param name="rmd"></param> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string CharEncrypt(RootModel rmd, string str) { string strKey = string.Empty; //解密工作秘钥 (加密方式AES/CBC/ISO10126) string strWorkKey = AesHelper.AESDecryptNew(rmd.workKeyEcpt, rmd.rootKey, rmd.workKeyIV); //先UTF-8,BASE 64 string EnStr = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)); //加密字符串 strKey = AesHelper.AESEncrypt(EnStr, strWorkKey, RNGCSP.RNGGetRandom()); if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strKey)) { strKey += "@" + RNGCSP.RNGGetRandom(); } return strKey; } /// <summary> /// 解密字符串 /// </summary> /// <param name="rmd"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string WorkDecrypt(RootModel rmd, string strDecrypt) { //解密工作秘钥 (加密方式AES/CBC/ISO10126) string strWorkKey= AesHelper.AESDecryptNew(rmd.workKeyEcpt, rmd.rootKey, rmd.workKeyIV); string strNew = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strDecrypt)) { if(strDecrypt.Contains("@")) { string[] arr = strDecrypt.Split('@'); if (arr.Length>1) { //解密字符串 strNew = AesHelper.AESDecryptNew(arr[0], strWorkKey, arr[1]); } } } return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(strNew)); } static void Main(string[] args) { Program pro = new Program(); RootModel rm = new RootModel(); //根密钥 rm.rootKey = "M2UyYzQ0NmMwNjNjYTQ4OA=="; //工作秘钥IV rm.workKeyIV = "mlJDbTEmDjBD/1xy6jBomg=="; //工作秘钥加密后 rm.workKeyEcpt = "3R8RaUxY1Fy7UJ8BvOdYbYxkL6fzdXaOfObdl21bxaI="; //解密字符串 string strDecrypt = "EjwONCy04h0/AE3l+A4y9A==@Uz2VFravYLeG+oyqrFUS7w=="; //解密字符串 //string strChar = pro.WorkDecrypt(rm, strDecrypt); //加密字符串 string strEnChar = pro.CharEncrypt(rm, "testpjf"); Console.WriteLine(strEnChar); //string strChar = pro.WorkDecrypt(rm, strEnChar); ////生成根秘钥 初始向量、秘钥因子(字符串) byte[] RootKey = new byte[32]; ////生成根密钥(PBDF2导出根密钥) string RootSecretKey = pro.EncodePassWord("M2UyYzQ0NmMwNjNjYTQ4OA=="); Console.ReadKey(); } public string EncodePassWord(string strPwd) { return PasswordSecurity.PasswordStorage.CreateHash(strPwd); // sha1:64000:18:ou2x9eUw82+dnxGetsTaNJLzLXiaElu8:7Ga+qwM4g8Bb/iPOfnQTd6HA // sha1:64000:18:8daBj8djNvUBLE5Y3vRTvMaooydwBfYg:EV9mmvk1oinBGPoufd3aQ85m //Assert.IsNotNull(hashPassword); } public bool decodePassWord(string strPwd,string strEncodePwd) { return PasswordSecurity.PasswordStorage.VerifyPassword(strPwd,strEncodePwd); // Assert.IsTrue(result); } } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TestPassword { using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Security.Cryptography; //生成随机数 public class RNGCSP { private static RNGCryptoServiceProvider rngCsp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); private static int S_BYTES = 16; public static string RNGGetRandom() { string strResult=string.Empty; byte[] salt = new byte[S_BYTES]; try { using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider csprng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()) { csprng.GetBytes(salt); } } catch (CryptographicException ex) { return null; } return Convert.ToBase64String(salt); } } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TestPassword { public class RootModel { /// <summary> /// 加密后根密钥 /// </summary> public string rootKey { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 加密后工作秘钥 /// </summary> public string workKeyEcpt { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 工作IV盐值 /// </summary> public string workKeyIV { get; set; } } } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace TestPassword { public class AesHelper { /// <summary> /// AES加密 (128-ECB加密模式) /// </summary> /// <param name="toEncrypt">内容</param> /// <param name="key">秘钥</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string AESEncrypt(string toEncrypt, string key,string IV) { try { // byte[] keyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(key); byte[] toEncryptArray = Convert.FromBase64String(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toEncrypt))); byte[] IVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(IV); using (RijndaelManaged rDel = new RijndaelManaged()) { rDel.Key = keyArray; rDel.IV = IVArray; rDel.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; rDel.Padding = PaddingMode.ISO10126; ICryptoTransform cTransform = rDel.CreateEncryptor(); byte[] resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length); return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray, 0, resultArray.Length); } } catch { return null; } } /// <summary> /// AES解密(128-ECB加密模式) /// </summary> /// <param name="toDecrypt">密文</param> /// <param name="key">秘钥(Base64String)</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string AESDecryptNew(string toDecrypt, string Rootkey,string IV) { try { byte[] RootkeyArray = Convert.FromBase64String(Rootkey); //128bit byte[] toEncryptArray = Convert.FromBase64String(toDecrypt); byte[] IVArray = Convert.FromBase64String(IV); //128bit using ( RijndaelManaged rDel = new RijndaelManaged()) { rDel.Key = RootkeyArray; //获取或设置对称算法的密钥 rDel.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; //获取或设置对称算法的运算模式,必须设置为CBC rDel.IV = IVArray; rDel.Padding = PaddingMode.ISO10126; //获取或设置对称算法中使用的填充模式,必须设置为PKCS7 ICryptoTransform cTransform = rDel.CreateDecryptor(); //用当前的 Key 属性和初始化向量 (IV) 创建对称解密器对象 byte[] resultArray = cTransform.TransformFinalBlock(toEncryptArray, 0, toEncryptArray.Length); return Convert.ToBase64String(resultArray); } } catch { return null; } } } }
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通信加密解密是保障数据传输安全的重要手段,它通过特定的算法将明文数据加密成密文进行传输,接收方通过解密算法将密文还原成明文。 CTS(Common Type System)、CLS(Common Language Specification)和CLR...
例如,系统可能使用哈希算法对用户密码进行加密存储,然后在登录时比较输入的密码与存储的哈希值,以判断用户身份。 角色管理和权限设置是系统安全性的关键。在该系统中,不同用户可能拥有不同的角色,如管理员、...
采用加密算法保护用户数据,防止未经授权的访问和修改,同时提供数据备份功能,以防意外数据丢失。 7. 测试与维护 在开发过程中进行单元测试、集成测试和系统测试,确保系统稳定可靠。后期进行持续的维护更新,解决...
C#支持加密算法,可以保护读者隐私和图书馆数据不被非法获取。 在开发图书馆管理信息系统时,通常会采用三层架构,即表示层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。表示层负责用户交互,业务逻辑层处理业务规则,数据访问层则...
C#的数学运算能力和数据结构支持复杂费用算法的实现,同时,结合报表生成工具,可以自动生成账单和财务报表。 五、报修与服务请求 系统应具备报修功能,允许业主在线提交维修请求,物业人员接收到请求后进行处理。...