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上海交大?ms工作六年?感觉好屌啊我厂一堆10K 20K 98 ...
IT人为什么难以拿到高薪? -
如果加入listView 在滑动的时候偶尔会空指针异常,加入P ...
Android组件推荐-侧滑效果DragLayout -
小公司是锻炼人的 不管是业务技术都会有突飞猛进的进度 进步 ...
程序员在大公司工作好?还是在小公司工作?我的经历和建议[ZT] -
必须有所专长 技术和业务都需要 你必须在一个行业够牛逼
程序员的出路之一,拥有一技之长、打造自己的精品、更广阔的市场【ZT】 -
StarUML 不能在64位的windows7下运行,提示错误的解决方案
todolist的是一个任务管理工具,允许你无限制的添加子任务,同时将任务很直观的展现给你,方便查看。 todolist的一直在不断发展并且是一个正在开发中的项目,它已经有6年的历史了。 您的任务列表存储在XML,并且提供提供先进的style样式,允许您将任务转换为各种自定义的格式。 todolist的灵活的设计使得它非常适用于IT有关的项目,以及更普遍的GTD的用途。
不到1M ,不需要安装,U盘随身携带都是没有问题的。
和 IE7,IE8 一样的标签式浏览,可同时打开多个项目文件,不同的文件建立不同的项目,非常适合多项目任务管理。
可以把任务分成多个子任务,outlook 是不支持这个的,对于项目来说非常有用,往往一些任务一定得分成多个子任务来更清晰,更合理。
可以导出到 outlook,思维导图 FreeMind (这一点我是最为喜欢的) ,HTML等等格式。
- Files are stored in XML format with .xml file extension.
- Trying to load a non-tasklist file will generally fail (unless you read the code to see how to circumvent it).
- The number of items/subitems is limited only by memory (although performance may be the deciding factor before you exhaust memory).
- Marking a parent item as 'done' will also gray-out child items, but they are not disabled or automatically marked as 'done'.
- An ellipsis (...) indicates that an item has sub-items.
- All items can be expanded or collapsed (by double-clicking).
- Top-level items and sub-items are created using different toolbar buttons.
- There are task-specific context-menus.
- The previously open tasklists are re-opened on startup.
- The tasklist is automatically saved when closing the software or minimizing it to the system tray.
- The priority of a task is shown as a grayscale box to the left of the item.
4 、下载地址
Latest Update (6.4 Beta Release)
In addition to rewriting the 'tabbed-view' management (to better support more tabbed views in the future) 6.4 contains the following changes:
- Added support for 'natural' sorting (a la Explorer-sorting)
- Added support for 'new' style file-open dialog under Vista/Windows 7
- Added file version to backups, so that no new version will overwrite the backups of a previous version
- Added preference to Calendar plugin to specify font size
- Added 'task path' column to list
- Added option to display entire sub tree of filtered task
- Added options to expand due/started tasks only
- Added 'selected tasks' filter
- Added 'and parent task' to selection dialog
- Added 'Tags' task attribute
- Added preferences to better manage backup paths
- Added commandline switches for the remaining task attributes, and to control how new tasks are created
- Added much-improved Outlook drag'n'drop support
- Added support for unc paths in comments field
- Added 'selected tasks' filter
- Added options for specifying backup paths
- Added 'include parent task' to selection dialog (Export, Print, Transform)
- Added 'Save Tasklist As' to tasklist tabbar context menu
- Added 'Recalc from start date' to recurrence dialog
- Added popup dialog for choosing how to link to files in richtext comments
- Added support for military time to start/due/completed time droplists (eg. 0530, 1705)
- Added support for edit fields to be positioned to the right of the task view. Useful for wide, shallow displays.
- Fixed position field to retain order when sorting
- Fixed listview to calculate it's own column widths
- Fixed focus bug when setting task icon from list view
- Fixed initial hidden state of tree/list tab
- Fixed filtering to filter out parent tasks with empty attributes
- Fix filtering to filter out parent tasks with empty attributes
- Fix focus bug when setting task icon from list view
- Fixed bug with archiving encrypted tasklists
- Fixed bug with delay-loading of encrypted tasklists
- Fixed Html exporting of user-defined 'flagged' colour
- Fixed user-defined colours not being rendered in html export
Fixed display bug when moving mouse 'time spent' field's buttons
- Status-bar panes are now hidden to match column visibility
- Preferences file sections are now sorted
- Allowed user to edit tree/list icon when it's next to the title text by double-clicking
- Html images are now saved to subfolder of html file (when exporting)
- Speed-up tree building
- Allow user to edit task icon by double-click tree/list icon when it's next to the title text
- Always show droplist buttons in mapping dialogs
1. 在任务名称后,加一列,记录各个任务的执行情况。
2. 打印样式文件中,是否有一个打印样式——按屏幕显示样式打印出报表。
2011-10-09 15:10 7736.3.1 (02 Oct 2011) Fixe ... -
2011-10-09 15:07 1541TodoList升级到6.3之后,发现打开中文件名称后,关闭后 ... -
2011-09-29 11:40 1572附件中是同事kimsoft翻译的中文资源包,直 ... -
2011-09-27 20:53 12016.3 Feature Release (18 Se ... -
ToDoList更新到 6.3版本,内附下载地址
2011-08-28 11:18 11521、更新的主要内容如下: 6.3.b5 (19 ... -
2011-05-31 10:39 1560由于多日上不了codeProject网站,发现ToDoList ... -
About ToDoList软件
2011-04-23 07:26 41791、软件介绍 todolist的是一个任务管 ... -
# Gantt Viewer for ToDoList
2011-03-12 10:25 2549自动根据ToDoList任务集合,生成甘特图插件 ... -
ToDoList 6.1.9 Feature Release
2011-03-12 10:20 1076更新记录 6.1.9 (01 Mar 2011) ... -
ToDoList 6.1.7 版本发布了
2011-02-12 08:46 13266.1.7 (13 Feb 2011) Fixed ... -
ToDoList 6.1.5 版本发布了
2011-01-01 13:38 12126.1.5 版本更新 内容 Logging ta ... -
ToDoList 最新版本到 6.1.4
2010-12-21 14:34 12206.1.4 (19 Dec 2010) ... -
2010-12-07 21:42 1814将ToDoLIST博客打包成了PDF,欢迎各位统一 ... -
[TODOLIST]ToDoList 6.1.2版本发布
2010-12-07 20:12 14646.1.2 (30 Nov 2010) 主要功能如下:Mad ... -
2010-11-30 13:11 1978直接从ToDoList5.9升级到6.1.1中文版本会出现一个 ... -
2010-11-29 08:45 3806Introduction This is a small ... -
2010-11-27 07:01 2742ToDoListReminder is a useful ... -
[ToDoList]ToDoList 使用简要教程
2010-11-27 06:59 7989网上找到一片todolist教程,非常全, Yibie ... -
[ToDoList]ToDoList 6.1 简体中文版发布
2010-11-26 22:42 3887ToDoList 6.1 简体中文版发布。更新内容请看上一篇博 ... -
[ToDoList]ToDoList 6.1 发布
2010-11-26 22:36 1206Once again this release is no ...
Ace_todolist-是一个压缩包文件,其中包含了一个Python软件包的发行版本。这个软件包名为Ace_todolist,版本号为1.1.4.6,是为Python 3编写的。"whl"标签表明这个文件是一个Wheel格式的...
总之,Ace_todolist-是一个方便的Python应用分发包,通过解压和使用pip安装,用户可以快速地在Python 3环境中部署并使用Ace Todo List,实现任务管理的需求。同时,“使用说明.txt”...
react demo
在实际使用中,用户首先需要解压缩 Ace_todolist- 文件,然后使用Python的包管理工具pip来安装 `Ace_todolist-`。命令可能如下: ``` pip install Ace_...
综上所述,Ace_todolist-是一个Python的Wheel包,用于安装Ace Todo List应用,它提供了一种高效的任务管理和项目协作方式。配合“使用说明.txt”,用户可以顺利地安装和使用这个工具来...
总的来说,Ace_todolist-2.0-py3-none-any.whl.zip是一个适用于Python 3的跨平台任务管理软件,通过whl格式提供了便捷的安装体验。用户可以通过阅读“使用说明.txt”文件来学习如何使用这个工具,提升个人或团队的...
在信息化时代,有效的时间管理和任务规划显得尤为重要。"todolist_7.1.2.3.rar" 是一款专为个人用户设计的离线任务管理软件,旨在帮助用户轻松设定、跟踪并完成自己的待办事项。本文将详细解析这款软件的核心功能、...
Ace_todolist-2.1-py3-none-any.whl.zip 这个文件名揭示了它是一个Python软件包,特别是一种名为"whl"(Wheel)的格式,这是Python社区广泛使用的预编译二进制分发格式。"Ace_todolist"很可能是这个软件包的名字,...
【标题】"前端-完整ToDoList-时间排序切换Tab-vue技术.zip" 是一个前端开发的实战项目,主要使用Vue.js框架实现一个功能完善的待办事项列表(ToDoList)。这个项目不仅涵盖了Vue的基础知识,还涉及到时间排序和切换...