要知道现在vp已经交由我们公司最牛的人来维护, 然而他还是时会而冒出些"娱乐新闻"
这很大程度上是历史遗留问题, 当然另一方面是我们的用法比较bt(我可以肯定公司没有第二这像我们这样使用vp的组)
场景介绍完毕, 故事正式开始.
昨天使用公司内部的一个软件:VP, 进行测试,
很快, vp就因内存溢出而崩溃......
因为我们还想试一试别的版本的vp, 于是我们就卸载安装了几个回合,
1. explorer中,搜索功能失效, 只能看见大黄狗, 看不见搜索框.
2. 金山词霸google合作版的字典, 无法运行, 启动报错.
不过还好, 我们组的Shi同学以前也遇到过类似的情况, 他告诉我们需要将Windows修复一下(重新安装->修复, 不是进入错误控制台). Liu同学照着做, 一切OK, 可我的rp看来是很差, 我修复的过程中微软报错:
换了张盘,没有用,事后我也进行了确认, 这个文件确实存在于i386文件夹下, 而且确实可读.
google了一下, 发现了这个帖子: http://www.sysopt.com/forum/showthread.php?t=191276
上面说是因为本地该文件的版本要比安装盘上的版本高, 于是微软不进行拷贝, 一路跳过即可. 原话是这样的:
bunkerbob 写道
I know this is an old thread, but for the benefit of others who may find it, I had the same problem and successfully resolved it.
When doing a repair install of a fully updated Windows XP Professional installation, following motherboard replacement, I got the same strange messages that clbcatq.dl_, comuid.dl_, and a long list of others could not be found on the installation CD, which was a slipstreamed WinXP Pro SP2 disk. I was able to verify that the files were indeed on the CD and could be read by other computers, so the "not found" message didn't make any sense. I browsed my C: drive and found that each of the DLL's in question already existed in the System32 folder (in expanded DLL form, not DL_), and when I checked the versions I found that the ones already on the hard drive were newer than the versions on the XP SP2 installation CD. So it seems that maybe Windows' real problem was that it was looking for the newer versions of these files. So I decided to skip every one of the files that couldn't be found, despite numerous warnings that I was skipping critical files that could cause Windows not to function properly. I was pessimistic about whether things would work out, but surprisingly, after hanging on the very first boot, the system booted normally the next time. I successfully reactivated by internet; not even a phone call required. At some point I determined that most, if not all, of the dll's that couldn't be found had been updated on one of my other computers by a Microsoft Hotfix KB902400, published October 2005. So I have downloaded and installed that hotfix, which hopefully will preempt any issues that might have developed later on.
我试验了一下, 确实好用, 但是在取消的过程中微软对我进行了n轮的"恐吓", 所系统可能无法运行如何如何, 我想如果没有看到这个帖子我是不敢轻易进行得. 也许我会取消修复? 呵呵.
在IIS服务器环境中,当ASP应用程序无法正常运行,出现"Application Server Error"的报错时,这通常意味着IIS遇到了解析ASP页面时的故障。该问题可能由多种原因引起,包括但不限于COM+服务的问题、IIS本身的安装问题...
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clbcatq.dll, 2001.12.10941.16384, C:\WINDOWS\System32\ CLDAPI.dll, 10.0.16299.15, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ codeguardide250.bpl, 25.0.28979.1978, d:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\19.0\Bin\ ...