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Performance Benchmarking of Embedded Databases

update: I’ve update some of the results to include HSQLDB’s CACHED tables.


As part of my PhD research I am developing a fairly complex simulation of pedestrian movement. Well, it’s at least moderately complex, particularly when scaled up to tens of thousands of people! I’ve have developed the simulation with MySQL as a backend, serving both to provide the input data (overall configuration, street maps, routes, agent preferences, etc) and collect the output data (basically an event is generated whenever two pedestrians walk past each other). Further overviews on my research can be found at in the research section

MySQL was initially chosen because I had some experience with it via PHP, version 4.1 supports OpenGIS definitions (which, for example, allows me to query for all streets within a particular area) and it has plenty of formal and informal support (partiularly documentation and management tools). In order to explore the parameter space of my simulation I need to deploy it on the University’s research cluster. However, accessing a remote database, particularly for such frequent input/output, was not a plausible or efficient situation. The easiest solution was to replace MySQL with a pure-Java, embedded database. Embedded databases eschew the client-server architecture of a mainstream database (such as Oracle, Postgres, MySQL) and instead execute within the JVM and store their data in local files. Most embedded databases still use the standard JDBC interface through which traditional client-server databases are accessed. Thus, you should be able to change the database drivers (and possibly make minors modifications to the SQL) and everything would work just like with MySQL—but faster and with no network requirements. In reality, it isn’t quite that simple.

It seemed like a wise step to spend a short time comparing the available solutions which is what this article is all about. Please note that, although I’m a Java programmer for the past 8 years, I am not a database expert. I make no claims to the accuracy of this article. Please don’t simply scan the graphs and read the conclusions without understanding what I have benchmarked! Also, I wouldn’t try to generalise the results too much—it’s always best to benchmark your own candidates with a representative usecase from your application. I supply the benchmark source code for you to peruse and adapt as you require.

Candidate Databases

So, based on Google, Java-source and general knowledge, I went in search of a pure Java embedded database which would fulfil my criteria:

  • Free for non-commercial/educational use and/or open source (well, I am a student!)
  • Save to local files (which should be documented so I can retrieve them from the remote machines)
  • Support JDBC and act as a relational database
  • Support auto-incremented integer columns
  • Be fast and small with minimal external configuration
  • INSERT operations are probably more important than SELECTs so optimisation there would be appreciated
  • Good documentation
  • Recently updated and under active development

Probably the most widely used embedded database is Sleepycat’s BerkeleyDB, of which they now offer a pure Java version. Personally I’m a bit of a fan of this database but it uses a record structure, not a relational one, and therefore it doesn’t support JDBC. I’ve found three other possible candidates: HSQLDB, Derby (previously IBM’s Cloudscape) and Daffodil’s One$DB. I give a very brief overvew of each database below but the primary focus of this article is performance benchmarking not feature comparison.


For the sake of completeness, I include MySQL here as it is the database I’m migrating from.
MySQL is a popular cross-platform open-source database with extensive documentation, books and tools. MySQL is a native application, which is accessed in a client-server fashion, and is widely used in combination with PHP and Apache for web applications.


HSQLDB, previously known as HypersonicDB, is a mature Java embedded database which has recently found favour with the OpenOffice.org team and it will be integrated with their forthcoming database office application, Base. HSQLDB is often used in combination with Hibernate. The website for HSQLDB is fairly plain, but easy to navigate, and the documentation appears to be quite comprehensive. There are a few tools supplied with HSQLDB, including a database browser, but several other tools also support this database (including the useful and attractive DbVisualiser)


Derby (previously known as Cloudscape) was recently open-sourced by IBM and contributed to the Apache project. As such, it is a mature product but a relatively unknown quantity to most developers. The website is clean and there is a good level of useful documentation available. There are a few tools provided with the distribution including a rudimentary viewer and a command -line interface.

Daffodi One$DB

One$DB is the open-source version of DaffodilDB but retains most of it’s features. One$DB was open sourced in December 2004 and can be embedded into your application or in a typical client-server database. One$DB is supplied with a database browser (although you can also use DbVisualiser) and a good selection of well-presented documentation (although their SQL reference could use some examples). Daffodil can also supply an ODBC driver and database replicator which work with One$DB.


My primary goals were to perform the same tests on each database using the default setup for each system. To this end I’ve written a class, unimaginatively called Benchmark, which creates a table, INSERTs some rows and then reads them back using a SELECT statement. Originally, I had intended to use the same SQL for all four databases but there were enough differences that each database now has its own SQL statements. I was concerned that many of the embedded database would be doing some heavy caching. To exclude this possibility, the database connection is closed after each operation:

start timer 1
open database
DROP the table if it exists and (re-)CREATE the table
close the database
stop timer 1
start timer 2
open the database
INSERT n rows using a PreparedStatement
close the database
stop timer 2
start timer 3
open the database
SELECT all rows using a PreparedStatement
close the database
stop timer 3

This is an example of the table used in the benchmark. It is a simple combination of popular column types which I shall require in my work:

name VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL,
longnumber BIGINT NOT NULL,
floatnumber FLOAT NOT NULL,


I won’t write too much on the actual implementation of the benchmarks since its pretty simple and boring. The whole suite (such as it is) is available for download [~6MB]. It contains the source code, all the required libraries and a Netbeans 4.0 project to build it with. Of course, since Netbeans actually uses ANT as a build environment you can just type ant jar it the main dbBenchmark directory (sorry for the blatant publisising but I’m a bit of a Netbeans 4 fan). There are a bunch of .bat files which may need to be modified for your environments but they should provide you with an understanding of the various command-line options.

Feel free to modify the benchmarks to suit your own requirements. I won’t dignify it by slapping an open-source licence on it but treat it as public domain code—although if you make any significant changes I’d be interested to hear about it in the comments below.


The benchmark is invoked from the command line using the following options:

usage: java com.ideasasylum.dbbenchmark.Benchmark

-I,—increment Increment the select and inserts for load testing
-b,—benchmark The class name of the benchmark to execute
-d,—database The JDBC url of the database
-j,—driver JDBC Driver
-n,—runs The number of benchmark run to perform
-o,—output The output file name (CSV format)
-p,—password The database password
-r,—rows The number of selects to perform (selects should be >= inserts)
-u,—username The database username

For example, the following command will benchmark a Derby database using the Benchmark class com.ideasasylum.dbbenchmark.DerbyBenchmark, the driver org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver and the database jdbc:derby:derbytest;create=true. It will perform 10 runs, starting with 5000 inserts and incrementing this by 5000 each time (so the last run will be inserting and retrieving 50000 rows). The output is sent to a comma-seperated file, derbyload.csv.

java -classpath dist/dbBenchmark.jar;lib/derby.jar;lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar com.ideasasylum.dbbenchmark.Benchmark -b com.ideasasylum.dbbenchmark.DerbyBenchmark -j org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver -d jdbc:derby:derbytest;create=true -n 10 -r 5000 -o derbyload.csv --increment=5000


Name Version Driver
MySQL 4.1.7-nt com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (version 3.1.7)
HSQLDB 1.7.3 org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
Derby org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
One$DB 4.0 in.co.daffodil.db.jdbc.DaffodilDBDriver

All tests were performed using Java 5 on a 2.6GHz P4, 1GB RAM and Windows XP. The machine was lightly loaded (e.g. email client etc). The results from each run are output into a CSV file. An Excel spreadsheet links in these files and plots a few graphs, calculates some averages etc. The data supplied here is not definitive but it is enough to provide a quick impression of the speed of each database.

During the course of the experiments it became clear that HSQLDB was unbelievably fast. Too fast. Upon checking the documentation, I discovered that HSQLDB should be shutdown by sending it the SQL command, SHUTDOWN. It doesn’t shutdown properly if connection.close() is used although, since it is a reliable database, no data loss appears to occur. I’ve included a seperate series called “HSQLDB Shutdown” which benchmarks HSQLDB when it is shutdown properly. Update: As someone pointed out, by default HSQLDB creates in-memory tables unless you use CREATE CACHED TABLE. I’ve added two more columns which show the results when HSQLDB is run using CACHED tables and when SHUTDOWN properly.


Drop/Create Performance

Rows MySQL HSQLDB Derby Daffodil HSQLDB Shutdown HSQLDB Cached HSQLDB Cached Shutdown
5000 532 3844 7625 4172 906 938 624
10000 141 0 454 750 375 16 219
15000 94 0 390 735 531 0 219
20000 125 0 344 703 750 0 203
25000 94 16 360 688 938 0 219
30000 94 0 406 704 1172 16 235
35000 93 0 375 703 1328 15 437
40000 110 0 359 672 1563 15 281
45000 94 0 297 688 1750 15 250
50000 110 0 344 703 1922 16 188

Insertion Performance

Rows MySQL HSQLDB Derby Daffodil HSQLDB Shutdown HSQLDB Cached HSQLDB Cached Shutdown
5000 113527 312 7078 4781 766 765 1860
10000 227511 422 10374 7156 890 625 1609
15000 332400 672 184 10531 1250 829 1984
20000 433583 890 21687 17499 1625 1110 2874
25000 540303 1094 35968 18765 1937 1375 3624
30000 671339 1313 32125 21733 2406 2531 4187
35000 792639 1500 37531 25156 2687 2375 4250
40000 934574 1750 42984 28827 3109 3188 5187
45000 1048950 1953 48499 32171 3469 2797 4828
50000 1246853 2140 53780 35093 3796 4547 4843

Selection Performance

Rows MySQL HSQLDB Derby Daffodil HSQLDB Shutdown HSQLDB Cached HSQLDB Cached Shutdown
5000 297 63 187 406 594 63 390
10000 265 31 188 359 891 46 328
15000 391 47 110 422 1328 46 391
20000 421 47 140 516 1734 62 516
25000 531 62 156 0 2016 63 703
30000 579 62 187 782 2469 266 859
35000 0 203 203 719 2828 282 922
40000 828 109 390 782 3125 344 968
45000 843 110 453 891 3484 125 1062
50000 921 125 375 1031 3813 984 1141

Other Data

  • MySQL displays very low CPU utilisation (~2% for the benchmark application and 5% for the mysql server) which probably indicates that the bottleneck is the client-server I/O (which is to be expected).
  • One$DB and HSQLDB had a very high CPU utilisation (>95% measured using the Windows XP Task Manager). Again, this was expected since the databases are integrated into the application and the only bottleneck is how fast it can process the data.
  • Derby had a lower CPU usage than the other embedded databases (~40-70%)





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