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Things I learned creating a jQuery Plugin



    How I learned to learn English练习题2.doc

    How I learned to learn English练习题2.doc

    Everything I Learned About Scaling Online Games I Learned at Google and eBay

    本文是为 Everything I Learned About Scaling Online Games I Learned at Google and eBay 知识共享。目录如下: Background Real-Time Strategy Games are ... How to Scale - Scaling Code Embrace Open Source ...

    Long Press

    Long Press is a jQuery plugin to ease the writing of accented or rare characters.I wrote this plugin because I wanted to be able to insert rare characters as easily as on Android or iOS. I learned ...

    Everything I ever learned in JVM tuning in Twitter

    - 使用更高效的I/O模型,如非阻塞I/O或异步I/O。 - 减少不必要的网络往返次数,通过批量处理请求等方式。 - 利用缓存来减少频繁的磁盘访问。 ### 总结 在Twitter这样的高并发系统中,JVM调优是至关重要的。通过...

    One of my first projects for school when I learned how to co

    One of my first projects for school when I learned how to code with the If/Then statements. Great little Morse Code code for any new beginners

    Lessons Learned in Software Testing A Context-Driven Approach



    在项目管理领域,"Lesson Learned Document"(经验教训文档)是至关重要的工具,它记录了项目执行过程中的成功与失败,为未来的项目提供宝贵的参考。这份文档通常包括项目的各个阶段,从规划、执行到收尾,旨在提升...



    R in a Nutshell 2nd 原版PDF by Adler

    It’s been over 10 years since I was first introduced to R. Back then, I was a young product development manager at DoubleClick, a ...I’ve learned a lot about data and matured a lot as a data analyst.

    宜宾学院期间学习代码,包括C,Python,HTML, Java等代码。用于以后回顾复习查阅,I learned t.zip

    用于以后回顾复习查阅,I learned t.zip”中,包含了不同编程语言的学习资源,这些语言是现代计算机科学和技术的基础。让我们逐一深入探讨这些语言的重要性和相关的知识点。 首先,C语言是计算机科学的经典语言,它...

    Mastering Atari Go Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model.pdf

    标题中提到的“Mastering Atari Go Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model.pdf”意为《通过学习模型的规划掌握Atari、围棋、象棋和将棋》,展示了谷歌DeepMind的研究团队在2019年11月发表的关于无模型...

    Parallel I/O for Cluster Computing

    Chapter 3 - A Sensitivity Study of Parallel I/O under PVFS—Lessons Learned Using a Parallel File System on PC Clusters Chapter 4 - The Parallel Effective I/O Bandwidth Benchmark—b_eff_io ...

    Lessons Learned in Software Testing 英文版

    本书《Lessons Learned in Software Testing - A Context-Driven Approach》由Cem Kaner、James Bach和Bret Pettichord共同编写,由John Wiley & Sons出版于2002年,是一本共314页的软件测试专业指导手册。...

    A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning

    a substantial amount of “black art” that is hard to find in textbooks. This article summarizes twelve key lessons that machine learning researchers and practitioners have learned. These include ...


    "lessons_learned_in_software_testing"的主题显然聚焦于软件测试过程中的经验总结和最佳实践。以下是对这个主题的详细阐述: 一、测试的重要性 软件测试是确保软件产品质量的关键环节,它通过发现并修复缺陷,降低...


    Windows 10 for the Internet of Things presents a set of example projects covering a wide range of techniques designed specifically to jump start your own Internet of Things creativity. You'll learn ...


    Title: HOW-I-LEARNED-TO-STOP-WORRYING-AND-LOVE全文翻译.pdf Description: ICLR2023 模型剪枝论文 Tag: 剪枝 内容: 一、模型剪枝的必要性 现代神经网络架构通常高度过度参数化,包含数百万甚至数十亿个参数,...

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