本文给出一个java字节码的例子。 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。
本文将详细解释一个字节码例子。 看过一些相关的文章和书籍,但是给出的例子一般都更加简化,然后给出理论解释。
本文的例子来自于: [KB JVM - How to print readable bytecode from class file -> An example of bytecode - java]
区别在于:1)JVM没有寄存器,所有操作均在Stack上执行 2)但是有局部变量表
load : slot# --> stackstore: slot# <-- stackconst: const --> stack
这里还有个简单的例子: [P161 Ref 1 zzm]
note:局部变量表 0 - this, 1..m m个方法参数,剩下的是可用的slot
[Java Source Code]
public class Volatile { private volatile int field = 0; public void increase(){ field++; } public static void main(String[] args){ Volatile ex = new Volatile(); ex.increase(); } }
javap -verbose Volatile.class
D:\baoying_no_index\360CloudDisk_Compiling_Output\BaoyingCleanProject\bin>javap -verbose Volatile Compiled from "Volatile.java" public class Volatile extends java.lang.Object SourceFile: "Volatile.java" minor version: 0 major version: 50 Constant pool: const #1 = class #2; // Volatile const #2 = Asciz Volatile; const #3 = class #4; // java/lang/Object const #4 = Asciz java/lang/Object; const #5 = Asciz field; const #6 = Asciz I; const #7 = Asciz <init>; const #8 = Asciz ()V; const #9 = Asciz Code; const #10 = Method #3.#11; // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V const #11 = NameAndType #7:#8;// "<init>":()V const #12 = Field #1.#13; // Volatile.field:I const #13 = NameAndType #5:#6;// field:I const #14 = Asciz LineNumberTable; const #15 = Asciz LocalVariableTable; const #16 = Asciz this; const #17 = Asciz LVolatile;; const #18 = Asciz increase; const #19 = Asciz main; const #20 = Asciz ([Ljava/lang/String;)V; const #21 = Method #1.#11; // Volatile."<init>":()V const #22 = Method #1.#23; // Volatile.increase:()V const #23 = NameAndType #18:#8;// increase:()V const #24 = Asciz args; const #25 = Asciz [Ljava/lang/String;; const #26 = Asciz ex; const #27 = Asciz SourceFile; const #28 = Asciz Volatile.java; BY: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_bytecode_instruction_listings { public Volatile(); Code: --BY: Stack=2 max Stack size --BY: Locals=1, it means the Slot capacity is 1. It contains 'this' only. --BY: Args_size=1. only 'this' as default parameter. Stack=2, Locals=1, Args_size=1 0: aload_0 BY: push slot#0 ('this') to Stack. after Stack: this 1: invokespecial #10; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V BY: invoke parent constructor. After Stack: empty 4: aload_0 BY: push slot#0 ('this') to Stack. Why again? A: it is required by the following(#6) putfield.(20150630) After Stack: this 5: iconst_0 BY: push 0 to Stack. After Stack: (top)0, this (bottom) 6: putfield #12; //Field field:I BY: assign field#12 with 0 (const #12 = Field #1.#13; // Volatile.field:I). After Stack: empty. 9: return LineNumberTable: line 9: 0 line 11: 4 line 9: 9 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 10 0 this LVolatile; // public void increase(){ // field++; // } public void increase(); Code: Stack=3, Locals=1, Args_size=1 0: aload_0 BY: push 'this' to Stack. slot #0 is 'this'. why aload_0 is required?. A: It is used by the last ( line #7 put field) (20150630) . after: Stack:(top) this (bottom) 1: dup BY: dup the top of the stack, why dup is required?. A: it is used by the following(line #2) getfield. Although the getfile/putfied spec does not mention that it is required to put the 'this' side of the field, it is required! another example here http://cs.au.dk/~mis/dOvs/jvmspec/ref--18.html (20150630) after: Stack:(top)this, this (bottom) 2: getfield #12; //Field field:I BY: push the field #12 reference to Stack. after: Stack:(top)field #12, this(bottom) 5: iconst_1 BY: push 1 to Stack. Stack:(top)1, field #12, this, this(bottom) 6: iadd BY: pop 2 values and push adding result back.. after: Stack:(top) value of field #12+1, this(bottom) 7: putfield #12; //Field field:I BY: pop 2 values, set field #12 value. after: Stack:(top) (bottom) 10: return LineNumberTable: line 14: 0 line 15: 10 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 11 0 this LVolatile; // public static void main(String[] args){ // Volatile ex = new Volatile(); // ex.increase(); // } //const #21 = Method #1.#11; // Volatile."<init>":()V //const #22 = Method #1.#23; // Volatile.increase:()V public static void main(java.lang.String[]); Code: Stack=2, Locals=2, Args_size=1 0: new #1; //class Volatile BY: create a new Volatile object, after: Stack (top)ex(bottom) 3: dup BY:after: Stack (top)ex,ex(bottom) 4: invokespecial #21; //Method "<init>":()V BY:initialize ex, top popped for this instructino after: Stack (top)ex(bottom) 7: astore_1 BY: save ex to Slot #1 .after: Stack (top)ex(bottom) 8: aload_1 BY: save ex back to stack .after: Stack (top)ex(bottom). Note, no change for stack, after astore_1 and aload_1, but the Slot #1 saved value 'ex' why it is required? Because the following invokation will take Slot. The Slot should prepare Slot[0] = this, Slot[1..m] as arguments. (20150630) 9: invokevirtual #22; //Method increase:()V 12: return LineNumberTable: line 19: 0 line 20: 8 line 21: 12 LocalVariableTable: Start Length Slot Name Signature 0 13 0 args [Ljava/lang/String; 8 5 1 ex LVolatile; }
这篇博客文章《java字节码例子 可以动态修改类 bcel》(链接:https://andilyliao.iteye.com/blog/899925)可能详细介绍了如何使用BCEL进行字节码操作。虽然没有具体的描述内容,但可以推测文章会涵盖以下知识点: ...
### Java字节码揭秘 #### 一、Java体系结构概览 ...以上就是关于Java字节码及其相关概念的详细介绍,涵盖了从Java体系结构到字节码指令的具体例子,以及类加载机制的关键知识点。希望对您理解Java字节码有所帮助。
本文主要介绍了一个强大的Java字节码处理类库——Javaassist。 Javaassist是一个开源库,允许开发者在运行时动态地修改或者创建Java类。它提供了一种简洁的API,使得程序员无需深入了解字节码的细节就能实现复杂的...
Java字节码是Java程序编译后的产物,它以`.class`文件的形式存在,是Java虚拟机(JVM)能够理解和执行的二进制代码。本文将深入解析Java字节码的格式,帮助你理解其背后的运行机制。 1. **Java字节码结构** Java...
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Java字节码框架ASM是一个强大的库,它允许程序员在运行时动态生成和修改Java类和接口的字节码。ASM提供了对JVM字节码的底层访问,这使得开发者能够实现诸如AOP(面向切面编程)或者元编程等高级功能。 首先,我们...
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以 HelloWorld.class 文件为例,文件头的四个字节 "ca fe ba be" 是魔数,用于识别这是一个Java字节码文件。接下来是版本号,包括主次版本号,如上述例子中的00 00 00 34代表主版本号为52(即Java 8)。类文件包含...