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Each program runs in at least one thread.
You can think of each thread as a separate process of program execution, each running parallel to the others.
If you have some kind of user interface, or other code that needs to listen to events (like network ports), you need a run loop.
Every NSThread automatically gets its own run loop, and you very rarely have to concern yourself with them directly.
The run loop is also in charge of creating and releasing autorelease pools.
[EDIT: See comments for more discussion about autorelease pools.
The most important point to keep in mind is that new threads must take care of setting up an autorelease pool.
For example, methods that are invoked with detachNewThreadSelector (see below) should have the following as their first and last lines:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [ [ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ];
[code here]
[pool release];
The same applies for threads spawned(催生了) using other techniques.
In the main thread, where all the UI handling is taking place, the run loop is very important, since it keeps the interface reactive.
That's why you should never run code that's time consuming on the main thread:
it will eat up all time on the thread and the run loop will not be allowed to run often enough, resulting in a locked or slow interface.
If you need to perform time consuming calculations(计算), or keep a task running in the background, you should create a new thread.
Again, you probably don't have to think about the new run loop being created.
An easy way of performing a method in a new thread:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(theSelector) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
Inter-thread communication can be tricky, and you should be aware of the methodsperformSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: andperformSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
(Great tips on sending NSNotifications across threads here.)
Timers are also handled by run loops. In contrast to run loops, you are likely to often be using timers directly in your program.
The very easiest way of creating a timer is:
[self performSelector:@selector(aSelector) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];
but sometimes you want to create and manage NSTimer objects yourself, for example to be able to cancel and re-use a timer.
An NSTask is used to run another program as a subprocess of the current one.
It's a bit similar to starting a separate thread, but if a subprocess crashes, your main program will keep running.
Communication between programs is also very different from communication between several threads in the same process.
You tagged your question with "iphone", and on the iPhone you will never be using NSTasks.
NSOperations are used when you need to handle a larger amount of different tasks, placing them in queues and/or processing them in separate threads (although they don't have to run in separate threads). If your application needs to create just a few, specialized threads, then there is no reason to use the NSOperation class. But if you will routinely generate tasks (like communicating with a server) that must be kept track of, NSOperation and NSOperationQueue will come in handy.
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介绍您可能已经知道, NSTimer , NSThread和CADisplayLink实例保留其目标。 如果目标也保留这些类之一的实例,则我们有一个保留周期:目标和实例都不会被释放。 您为什么要保留这些类之一的实例? 假设您有某种需要...
5. 展示如何在`NSThread`和`Dispatch Queue`之间切换,以及如何在不同线程的`NSRunLoop`之间传递消息。 通过分析`NSRunLoopTest`的源代码,我们可以学习如何有效地使用`NSRunLoop`、`NSThread`和`Dispatch Queue`来...
正确理解和使用`NSTimer`,可以提高用户体验,优化应用性能。在使用过程中,需要注意其生命周期、RunLoop、线程安全和内存管理等问题。通过"ios 时间定时器 NSTimer应用demo",开发者可以深入学习并实践这些概念。
在iOS开发中,`NSRunLoop` 是一个至关重要的概念,它是事件循环(event loop)的核心机制。`NSRunLoopDemo` 提供了关于`...通过学习这个项目,你可以掌握如何有效地使用`NSRunLoop`来提升应用程序的性能和用户体验。
在描述的问题中,关键在于如何正确管理和关闭cell中的 `NSTimer`。以下是一些最佳实践: 1. **避免在 `cellForRowAtIndexPath:` 中直接创建 `NSTimer`**:因为这个方法会被频繁调用,每次cell被复用时都会创建新的...
`NSTimer`不是线程安全的,通常在主线程中创建和触发。 二、创建NSTimer的类方法 1. `+ (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval target:(id)target selector:(SEL)aSelector userInfo...
这样就会导致 NSTimer 和 target 之间形成循环引用,无法释放内存。今天,我们将介绍 iOS NSTimer 循环引用的办法,解决这个常见的问题。 NSTimer 循环引用的原因 ------------------------ 在上面的代码中,我们...
1. NSTimer的创建和配置方式。 2. NSTimer的触发回调函数及其参数处理。 3. NSTimer与RunLoop的关系,以及如何确保在正确的RunLoop模式下运行。 4. 如何处理应用进入后台时的定时器暂停问题。 5. 如果源码中有,可能...
`NSTimer`通过调度到一个运行循环(`NSRunLoop`)来实现定时功能。 #### 三、创建NSTimer ##### 1. 基本语法 创建一个`NSTimer`对象的基本语法如下: ```swift let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval...
NSTimer-Blocks, 在NSTimer上提供块功能,简单分类 自述文件NSTimer上非常简单的类别,它可以使用块。工作原理我认为如果你使用的是一个块,你可以能不需要将任何用户指定的对象传递到计时器。 你只要从街区里得到你...
`NSTimer`是`NSRunLoop`的一部分,它可以在运行循环中按照预定的时间间隔触发事件。创建一个`NSTimer`通常包括以下几个步骤: 1. **创建定时器**: 使用`+ (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:...
在这个项目中,我们关注的是如何利用`UIScrollView`与`UIPageControl`以及`NSTimer`来实现一个自动循环滑动的效果。下面我们将详细探讨这些知识点。 1. **UIScrollView 循环滑动** 在`UIScrollView`中实现循环滑动...
首先,`NSTimer`是`NSRunLoop`的一部分,它可以在指定的时间间隔后调用一个方法。创建`NSTimer`的基本步骤如下: 1. **创建计时器**: 使用`+ (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval ...
注意,添加和移除`NSTimer`都应对应于同一个RunLoop模式。 4. **使用操作队列**:如果你的定时器是在一个自定义的GCD队列上运行,那么可以在适当时候取消队列,这会自动取消所有在队列上的任务,包括定时器。但...