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下面是美国加州大学 老年中心主任G.Small博士写的文章。
UCLA ( University of California at Los Angeles ) ON ALZHEIMERS
Food for Thought
"The idea that Alzheimer's is entirely genetic and unpreventable is perhaps the Greatest misconception about the disease," says Gary Small, M.D., director of The UCLA Center on Aging. Researchers now know that Alzheimer's, like heart Disease and cancer, develops over decades and can be influenced by lifestyle Factors including cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, depression, education, Nutrition, sleep and mental, physical and social activity.
洛杉矶加州大学老年中心主任Gray Small 博士说:「那种认为脑退化症(译注-阿兹海默氏症-过去亦称老人痴呆症,按香港医务卫生署建议改为脑退化症-下 同)完全来自遗传的和不可预防的想法,是对这个病症的最大误解。」研究人员现在已经明白,脑退化症就像心脏病和癌症,是经年累月发展起来的病症,是受生活方式因素所影响,这些因素包括胆固醇、血压、肥胖、癌症、忧鬱、教育、营养、睡眠、脑力、体力和社交活动等等。
The big news: Mountains of research reveals that simple things you do every day might cut your odds of losing your mind to Alzheimer's.
In search of scientific ways to delay and outlive Alzheimer's and other Dementias, I tracked down thousands of studies and interviewed dozens of Experts. The results in a new book: 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss (Little, Brown; $19.99). Here are 10 strategies I found most surprising.
1. Have coffee. In an amazing flip-flop, coffee is the new brain tonic. A large European study showed that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day in Midlife cut Alzheimer's risk 65% in late life. University of South Florida Researcher Gary Arendash credits caffeine: He says it reduces dementia-causing amyloid in animal brains. Others credit coffee's antioxidants. So drink up, Arendash advises, unless your doctor says you shouldn't.
1.喝咖啡咖啡得平反,现在认为咖啡是一种新的补脑品。根据欧洲大量研究表明,中年时每日饮3-5杯咖啡,晚年时出现脑退化症的风险可以下降65%。美国南佛罗里达研究人员Gary Arendash 赞许咖啡,他说咖啡可以减少动物脑中的导致失忆的类淀粉含量。其他研究人员则因抗氧化剂的功用给咖啡加分。Arendash劝人多饮咖啡,除非你的医生认为你不宜饮咖啡。
2. Floss. Oddly, the health of your teeth and gums can help predict dementia. University of Southern California research found that having periodontal disease before age 35 quadrupled the odds of dementia years later. Older people with tooth and gum disease score lower on memory and cognition tests, other studies show. Experts speculate that inflammation in diseased mouths migrates to the brain.
3.Google. Doing an online search can stimulate your aging brain even more than reading a book, says UCLA's Gary Small, who used brain MRIs to prove it. The biggest surprise: Novice Internet surfers, ages 55 to 78, activated key memory and learning centers in the brain after only a week of Web surfing for an hour a day.
3.使用谷歌搜索 (译注-上网)加州大学的Gary Small用核磁共振证实,上网搜索比阅读书本更能刺激长者的大脑。最令人惊讶的是:55-78岁的新手,只要一个星期每日上网一小时,便能活化大脑的主记忆和学习中心。
4. Grow new brain cells. Impossible, scientists used to say. Now it's believed that thousands of brain cells are born daily. The trick is to keep the newborns Alive..
4. What works: aerobic exercise (such as a brisk 30-minute walk every day), strenuous mental activity, eating salmon and other fatty fish, and avoiding obesity, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, heavy drinking and vitamin B deficiency.
4新生大脑细胞 以前科学家们老是说大脑不可能产生新的细胞。现在却认为大脑每日产生万千个新细胞,关键是怎样使这些新细胞存活。
方法是:带氧运动(例如每日急散步30分钟),紧张的脑力活动,进食沙文鱼和其他含脂肪高的鱼,避免过胖、慢性应激、剥夺睡眠、酗酒和维生素 B缺乏。
5. Drink apple juice. Apple juice can push production of the "memory chemical" acetylcholine; that's the way the popular Alzheimer's drug Aricept works, says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., of the University of Massachusetts . He was surprised that old mice given apple juice did better on learning and memory tests than mice that received water. A dose for humans: 16 ounces, or two to three apples a day. (Important - apples are heavily sprayed so go for the organic juice)
5. 饮苹果汁麻萨诸萨斯大学的Thomas Shea博士这样说,苹果汁可以促进「记忆化学物」乙酰胆碱的产生。这也就是治疗脑退化症常用药 Aricept 的作用机理。他用苹果汁饲喂的老龄老鼠比用水饲养的老鼠,在学习和记忆试验中表现得比较优胜。人类的服食剂量:16安士或每日2-3个苹果。(注意 - 苹果通常喷大量农药,饮有机果汁较佳)
6. Protect your head. Blows to the head, even mild ones early in life, increase odds of dementia years later. Pro football players have 19 times the typical rate of memory-related diseases. Alzheimer's is four times more common in elderly who suffer a head injury, Columbia University finds. Accidental falls doubled an older person's odds of dementia five years later in another study. Wear seat belts and helmets, fall-proof your house, and don't take risks.
7. Meditate. Brain scans show that people who meditate regularly have less cognitive decline and brain shrinkage - a classic sign of Alzheimer's - as they age. Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine says yoga meditation of 12 minutes a day for two months improved blood flow and cognitive functioning in seniors with memory problems.
7.冥思脑部扫描显示,经常沉思默想的人,在年龄日长时,脑退化症的典型症状—认知衰退和脑萎缩比较少。宾夕凡尼亚医学院的Andrew Newberg 说,记忆力有问题的的长者,若每日作12分钟的瑜伽冥想,实践两个月,便可改进血液流通和思考功能。
8. Take vit D. A "severe deficiency" of vitamin D boosts older Americans' risk of Cognitive impairment 394%, an alarming study by England 's University of Exeter finds. And most Americans lack vitamin D. Experts recommend a daily dose of 800 IU to 2,000 IU of vitamin D3.
8.服食维他命D英国埃克塞特大学的研究惊人地发现,由于严重缺乏维他命D,美国的长者的认知障碍症急升394%。专家建议 每日服食维他命 D3,800-2000 国际单位。
9. Fill your brain. It's called "cognitive reserve." A rich accumulation of life experiences - education, marriage, socializing, a stimulating job, language skills, having a purpose in life, physical activity and mentally demanding leisure activities - makes your brain better able to tolerate plaques and tangles. You can even have significant Alzheimer's pathology and no symptoms of dementia if you have high cognitive reserve, says David Bennett, M.D., of Chicago 's Rush University Medical Center .
9.充实大脑即所谓 "认知储备"。生活经验的累积 — 教育、婚姻、社交、具刺激性的工作、语言技巧、生活有目标、要动脑的休闲活动 — 都可以令大脑较好地忍受色斑和緾结 (译注—色斑plagues通常指amyloid plaques淀粉质色斑,是在脑退化症患者的大脑所发现的结构异常特征。tangles是指neurofibrillary tangles是脑退化症患者大脑神经原纤维溷乱状态。这两者都是脑退化症患者死后尸剖的诊断依据)。芝加哥鲁殊大学医学中心的 David Bennet博士认为,如果有丰富的认知,学习知识储备,一个人可以有明显的脑退化症的病理学病徵,但没有痴呆的病状。
10. Avoid infection. Astonishing new evidence ties Alzheimer's to cold sores, gastric ulcers, Lyme disease, pneumonia and the flu., Ruth Itzhaki Ph.D., of the University of Manchester in England estimates the cold-sore herpes simplex virus is incriminated in 60% of Alzheimer's cases. The theory: Infections trigger excessive beta amyloid "gunk" that kills brain cells. Proof is still lacking, but why not avoid common infections and take appropriate vaccines, antibiotics and antiviral agents?
10.预防感染英国曼彻斯特大学 Ruth Itzhaki博士新近的证据令人惊讶地证明疱疹,胃溃疡,莱姆病 (译注 - 一种由蜱传播的全身疾病),肺炎,流感都与脑退化症有密切关系。按他的估计60%脑退化症的元凶是单纯疱疹病毒。理论是:感染激发产生多馀的淀粉样蛋白"煳"从而杀死脑细胞。虽然证据尚未充足,但是为甚麽不注射适合的疫苗、服抗生素、抗病毒药物来避免感染呢?
What to Drink for Good Memory A great way to keep your aging memory sharp and avoid Alzheimer's is to drink the right stuff.
喝甚麽来改善记忆 饮正确的饮料是保持你的记忆力和避免得脑退化症的好方法。
a. Tops: Juice. A glass of any fruit or vegetable juice three times a week slashed Alzheimer's odds 76% in Vanderbilt University research. Especially protective:blueberry, grape and apple juice, say other studies.
b. Tea: Only a cup of black or green tea a week cut rates of cognitive decline in older people by 37%, reports the Alzheimer's Association. Only brewed tea works. Skip bottled tea, which is devoid of antioxidants.
c. Caffeine beverages. Surprisingly, caffeine fights memory loss and Alzheimer's, suggest dozens of studies. Best sources: coffee (one Alzheimer's researcher drinks five cups a day), tea and chocolate. Beware caffeine if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, insomnia or anxiety.
d. Red wine: If you drink alcohol, a little red wine is most apt to benefit your aging brain. It's high in antioxidants. Limit it to one daily glass for women, two for men. Excessive alcohol, notably binge drinking, brings on Alzheimer's.
d.红酒 : 饮小量红酒对日渐老化的大脑有好处。红酒含大量抗氧化物。妇女一天不可超过一普通玻璃杯,男士两杯300 C.C。(译注 -我对这一段有怀疑,daily glass通常是指家庭常用水杯,标准是8安士或250毫升,亦有以500毫升作一杯,一天饮两杯300 C.C红酒是不是太多了罢)过量的酒精,豪饮均可招致脑退化症。
e. Two to avoid: Sugary soft drinks, especially those sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. They make lab animals dumb. Water with high copper content also can up your odds of Alzheimer's. Use a water filter that removes excess minerals.
e.有两种饮品不可以饮: 含糖高的饮料,特别是果糖含量高的玉米糖浆。它使试验动物反应迟钝。含铜高的水,也可以使患老人痴呆症机会升高。应当使用可以除去多馀矿物质的滤水器。
5 Ways to Save Your Kids from Alzheimer's. Now Alzheimer's isn't just a disease that starts in old age. What happens to your child's brain seems to have a dramatic impact on his or her likelihood of Alzheimer's many decades later.
Here are five things you can do now to help save your child from Alzheimer's and memory loss later in life, according to the latest research.
1. Prevent head blows: Insist your child wear a helmet during biking, skating, skiing, baseball, football, hockey, and all contact sports. A major blow as well as tiny repetitive unnoticed concussions can cause damage, leading to memory loss and Alzheimer's years later.
2 Encourage language skills: A teenage girl who is a superior writer is eight times more likely to escape Alzheimer's in late life than a teen with poor linguistic skills. Teaching young children to be fluent in two or more languages makes them less vulnerable to Alzheimer's.
3. Insist your child go to college: Education is a powerful Alzheimer's deterrent. The more years of formal schooling, the lower the odds. Most Alzheimer's prone: teenage drop outs. For each year of education, your risk of dementia drops 11%, says a recent University of Cambridge study.
3.一定要孩子上大学教育是防止脑退化症的强力武器。在学校越读多几年书,发病机会就越低。多数的脑退化症患者,都是年青时期辍学。剑桥大学近年的研究,多读一年书,脑退化症发病机会下降 11%!
4. Provide stimulation: Keep your child's brain busy with physical, mental and social activities and novel experiences. All these contribute to a bigger, better functioning brain with more so-called 'cognitive reserve.' High cognitive reserve protects against memory decline and Alzheimer's.
4.提供刺激用体力、脑力、社交活动和新奇的经历使孩子的大脑忙碌起来。所有这些都有利于建立更大更好、更多的 "认知储备"。高认知储备可预妨记忆衰退和脑退化症。
5. Spare the junk food: Lab animals raised on berries, spinach and high omega-3 fish have great memories in old age. Those overfed sugar, especially high fructose in soft drinks, saturated fat and trans fats become overweight and diabetic, with smaller brains and impaired memories as they age, a prelude to Alzheimer's.
5.拚弃垃圾食品使用浆果类、菠菜、和奥米加(OMGA) 3 含量高的鱼类饲养的试验动物,在老年时仍保有很好的记忆力。而用含糖高,尤其是含高果糖的饮料,饱和脂肪及反式脂肪 饲料喂饲的,当牠们年老时,就有超重,糖尿,大脑体积较细和记忆力受损,这些都是脑退化症
UCLA ( University of California at Los Angeles ) ON ALZHEIMERS
Food for Thought
"The idea that Alzheimer's is entirely genetic and unpreventable is perhaps the Greatest misconception about the disease," says Gary Small, M.D., director of The UCLA Center on Aging. Researchers now know that Alzheimer's, like heart Disease and cancer, develops over decades and can be influenced by lifestyle Factors including cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, depression, education, Nutrition, sleep and mental, physical and social activity.
洛杉矶加州大学老年中心主任Gray Small 博士说:「那种认为脑退化症(译注-阿兹海默氏症-过去亦称老人痴呆症,按香港医务卫生署建议改为脑退化症-下 同)完全来自遗传的和不可预防的想法,是对这个病症的最大误解。」研究人员现在已经明白,脑退化症就像心脏病和癌症,是经年累月发展起来的病症,是受生活方式因素所影响,这些因素包括胆固醇、血压、肥胖、癌症、忧鬱、教育、营养、睡眠、脑力、体力和社交活动等等。
The big news: Mountains of research reveals that simple things you do every day might cut your odds of losing your mind to Alzheimer's.
In search of scientific ways to delay and outlive Alzheimer's and other Dementias, I tracked down thousands of studies and interviewed dozens of Experts. The results in a new book: 100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss (Little, Brown; $19.99). Here are 10 strategies I found most surprising.
1. Have coffee. In an amazing flip-flop, coffee is the new brain tonic. A large European study showed that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day in Midlife cut Alzheimer's risk 65% in late life. University of South Florida Researcher Gary Arendash credits caffeine: He says it reduces dementia-causing amyloid in animal brains. Others credit coffee's antioxidants. So drink up, Arendash advises, unless your doctor says you shouldn't.
1.喝咖啡咖啡得平反,现在认为咖啡是一种新的补脑品。根据欧洲大量研究表明,中年时每日饮3-5杯咖啡,晚年时出现脑退化症的风险可以下降65%。美国南佛罗里达研究人员Gary Arendash 赞许咖啡,他说咖啡可以减少动物脑中的导致失忆的类淀粉含量。其他研究人员则因抗氧化剂的功用给咖啡加分。Arendash劝人多饮咖啡,除非你的医生认为你不宜饮咖啡。
2. Floss. Oddly, the health of your teeth and gums can help predict dementia. University of Southern California research found that having periodontal disease before age 35 quadrupled the odds of dementia years later. Older people with tooth and gum disease score lower on memory and cognition tests, other studies show. Experts speculate that inflammation in diseased mouths migrates to the brain.
3.Google. Doing an online search can stimulate your aging brain even more than reading a book, says UCLA's Gary Small, who used brain MRIs to prove it. The biggest surprise: Novice Internet surfers, ages 55 to 78, activated key memory and learning centers in the brain after only a week of Web surfing for an hour a day.
3.使用谷歌搜索 (译注-上网)加州大学的Gary Small用核磁共振证实,上网搜索比阅读书本更能刺激长者的大脑。最令人惊讶的是:55-78岁的新手,只要一个星期每日上网一小时,便能活化大脑的主记忆和学习中心。
4. Grow new brain cells. Impossible, scientists used to say. Now it's believed that thousands of brain cells are born daily. The trick is to keep the newborns Alive..
4. What works: aerobic exercise (such as a brisk 30-minute walk every day), strenuous mental activity, eating salmon and other fatty fish, and avoiding obesity, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, heavy drinking and vitamin B deficiency.
4新生大脑细胞 以前科学家们老是说大脑不可能产生新的细胞。现在却认为大脑每日产生万千个新细胞,关键是怎样使这些新细胞存活。
方法是:带氧运动(例如每日急散步30分钟),紧张的脑力活动,进食沙文鱼和其他含脂肪高的鱼,避免过胖、慢性应激、剥夺睡眠、酗酒和维生素 B缺乏。
5. Drink apple juice. Apple juice can push production of the "memory chemical" acetylcholine; that's the way the popular Alzheimer's drug Aricept works, says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., of the University of Massachusetts . He was surprised that old mice given apple juice did better on learning and memory tests than mice that received water. A dose for humans: 16 ounces, or two to three apples a day. (Important - apples are heavily sprayed so go for the organic juice)
5. 饮苹果汁麻萨诸萨斯大学的Thomas Shea博士这样说,苹果汁可以促进「记忆化学物」乙酰胆碱的产生。这也就是治疗脑退化症常用药 Aricept 的作用机理。他用苹果汁饲喂的老龄老鼠比用水饲养的老鼠,在学习和记忆试验中表现得比较优胜。人类的服食剂量:16安士或每日2-3个苹果。(注意 - 苹果通常喷大量农药,饮有机果汁较佳)
6. Protect your head. Blows to the head, even mild ones early in life, increase odds of dementia years later. Pro football players have 19 times the typical rate of memory-related diseases. Alzheimer's is four times more common in elderly who suffer a head injury, Columbia University finds. Accidental falls doubled an older person's odds of dementia five years later in another study. Wear seat belts and helmets, fall-proof your house, and don't take risks.
7. Meditate. Brain scans show that people who meditate regularly have less cognitive decline and brain shrinkage - a classic sign of Alzheimer's - as they age. Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine says yoga meditation of 12 minutes a day for two months improved blood flow and cognitive functioning in seniors with memory problems.
7.冥思脑部扫描显示,经常沉思默想的人,在年龄日长时,脑退化症的典型症状—认知衰退和脑萎缩比较少。宾夕凡尼亚医学院的Andrew Newberg 说,记忆力有问题的的长者,若每日作12分钟的瑜伽冥想,实践两个月,便可改进血液流通和思考功能。
8. Take vit D. A "severe deficiency" of vitamin D boosts older Americans' risk of Cognitive impairment 394%, an alarming study by England 's University of Exeter finds. And most Americans lack vitamin D. Experts recommend a daily dose of 800 IU to 2,000 IU of vitamin D3.
8.服食维他命D英国埃克塞特大学的研究惊人地发现,由于严重缺乏维他命D,美国的长者的认知障碍症急升394%。专家建议 每日服食维他命 D3,800-2000 国际单位。
9. Fill your brain. It's called "cognitive reserve." A rich accumulation of life experiences - education, marriage, socializing, a stimulating job, language skills, having a purpose in life, physical activity and mentally demanding leisure activities - makes your brain better able to tolerate plaques and tangles. You can even have significant Alzheimer's pathology and no symptoms of dementia if you have high cognitive reserve, says David Bennett, M.D., of Chicago 's Rush University Medical Center .
9.充实大脑即所谓 "认知储备"。生活经验的累积 — 教育、婚姻、社交、具刺激性的工作、语言技巧、生活有目标、要动脑的休闲活动 — 都可以令大脑较好地忍受色斑和緾结 (译注—色斑plagues通常指amyloid plaques淀粉质色斑,是在脑退化症患者的大脑所发现的结构异常特征。tangles是指neurofibrillary tangles是脑退化症患者大脑神经原纤维溷乱状态。这两者都是脑退化症患者死后尸剖的诊断依据)。芝加哥鲁殊大学医学中心的 David Bennet博士认为,如果有丰富的认知,学习知识储备,一个人可以有明显的脑退化症的病理学病徵,但没有痴呆的病状。
10. Avoid infection. Astonishing new evidence ties Alzheimer's to cold sores, gastric ulcers, Lyme disease, pneumonia and the flu., Ruth Itzhaki Ph.D., of the University of Manchester in England estimates the cold-sore herpes simplex virus is incriminated in 60% of Alzheimer's cases. The theory: Infections trigger excessive beta amyloid "gunk" that kills brain cells. Proof is still lacking, but why not avoid common infections and take appropriate vaccines, antibiotics and antiviral agents?
10.预防感染英国曼彻斯特大学 Ruth Itzhaki博士新近的证据令人惊讶地证明疱疹,胃溃疡,莱姆病 (译注 - 一种由蜱传播的全身疾病),肺炎,流感都与脑退化症有密切关系。按他的估计60%脑退化症的元凶是单纯疱疹病毒。理论是:感染激发产生多馀的淀粉样蛋白"煳"从而杀死脑细胞。虽然证据尚未充足,但是为甚麽不注射适合的疫苗、服抗生素、抗病毒药物来避免感染呢?
What to Drink for Good Memory A great way to keep your aging memory sharp and avoid Alzheimer's is to drink the right stuff.
喝甚麽来改善记忆 饮正确的饮料是保持你的记忆力和避免得脑退化症的好方法。
a. Tops: Juice. A glass of any fruit or vegetable juice three times a week slashed Alzheimer's odds 76% in Vanderbilt University research. Especially protective:blueberry, grape and apple juice, say other studies.
b. Tea: Only a cup of black or green tea a week cut rates of cognitive decline in older people by 37%, reports the Alzheimer's Association. Only brewed tea works. Skip bottled tea, which is devoid of antioxidants.
c. Caffeine beverages. Surprisingly, caffeine fights memory loss and Alzheimer's, suggest dozens of studies. Best sources: coffee (one Alzheimer's researcher drinks five cups a day), tea and chocolate. Beware caffeine if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, insomnia or anxiety.
d. Red wine: If you drink alcohol, a little red wine is most apt to benefit your aging brain. It's high in antioxidants. Limit it to one daily glass for women, two for men. Excessive alcohol, notably binge drinking, brings on Alzheimer's.
d.红酒 : 饮小量红酒对日渐老化的大脑有好处。红酒含大量抗氧化物。妇女一天不可超过一普通玻璃杯,男士两杯300 C.C。(译注 -我对这一段有怀疑,daily glass通常是指家庭常用水杯,标准是8安士或250毫升,亦有以500毫升作一杯,一天饮两杯300 C.C红酒是不是太多了罢)过量的酒精,豪饮均可招致脑退化症。
e. Two to avoid: Sugary soft drinks, especially those sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. They make lab animals dumb. Water with high copper content also can up your odds of Alzheimer's. Use a water filter that removes excess minerals.
e.有两种饮品不可以饮: 含糖高的饮料,特别是果糖含量高的玉米糖浆。它使试验动物反应迟钝。含铜高的水,也可以使患老人痴呆症机会升高。应当使用可以除去多馀矿物质的滤水器。
5 Ways to Save Your Kids from Alzheimer's. Now Alzheimer's isn't just a disease that starts in old age. What happens to your child's brain seems to have a dramatic impact on his or her likelihood of Alzheimer's many decades later.
Here are five things you can do now to help save your child from Alzheimer's and memory loss later in life, according to the latest research.
1. Prevent head blows: Insist your child wear a helmet during biking, skating, skiing, baseball, football, hockey, and all contact sports. A major blow as well as tiny repetitive unnoticed concussions can cause damage, leading to memory loss and Alzheimer's years later.
2 Encourage language skills: A teenage girl who is a superior writer is eight times more likely to escape Alzheimer's in late life than a teen with poor linguistic skills. Teaching young children to be fluent in two or more languages makes them less vulnerable to Alzheimer's.
3. Insist your child go to college: Education is a powerful Alzheimer's deterrent. The more years of formal schooling, the lower the odds. Most Alzheimer's prone: teenage drop outs. For each year of education, your risk of dementia drops 11%, says a recent University of Cambridge study.
3.一定要孩子上大学教育是防止脑退化症的强力武器。在学校越读多几年书,发病机会就越低。多数的脑退化症患者,都是年青时期辍学。剑桥大学近年的研究,多读一年书,脑退化症发病机会下降 11%!
4. Provide stimulation: Keep your child's brain busy with physical, mental and social activities and novel experiences. All these contribute to a bigger, better functioning brain with more so-called 'cognitive reserve.' High cognitive reserve protects against memory decline and Alzheimer's.
4.提供刺激用体力、脑力、社交活动和新奇的经历使孩子的大脑忙碌起来。所有这些都有利于建立更大更好、更多的 "认知储备"。高认知储备可预妨记忆衰退和脑退化症。
5. Spare the junk food: Lab animals raised on berries, spinach and high omega-3 fish have great memories in old age. Those overfed sugar, especially high fructose in soft drinks, saturated fat and trans fats become overweight and diabetic, with smaller brains and impaired memories as they age, a prelude to Alzheimer's.
5.拚弃垃圾食品使用浆果类、菠菜、和奥米加(OMGA) 3 含量高的鱼类饲养的试验动物,在老年时仍保有很好的记忆力。而用含糖高,尤其是含高果糖的饮料,饱和脂肪及反式脂肪 饲料喂饲的,当牠们年老时,就有超重,糖尿,大脑体积较细和记忆力受损,这些都是脑退化症
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SOH-SVM算法:斑点鬣狗优化技术对支持向量机的改进与解析,优化算法助力机器学习:SOH-SVM改进及源码解析与参考,SOH-SVM:斑点鬣狗优化算法改进支持向量机:SOH-SVM。 代码有注释,附源码和参考文献,便于新手理解,~ ,SOH-SVM; 斑点鬣狗优化算法; 代码注释; 源码; 参考文献,SOH-SVM算法优化:附详解代码与参考
电动汽车充电负荷预测:基于出行链分析与OD矩阵的蒙特卡洛模拟研究,电动汽车充电负荷预测:基于出行链分析与OD矩阵的蒙特卡洛模拟方法,电动汽车充电负荷预测,出行链,OD矩阵,蒙特卡洛模拟 ,电动汽车充电负荷预测; 出行链; OD矩阵; 蒙特卡洛模拟,基于出行链的电动汽车充电负荷预测研究:蒙特卡洛模拟与OD矩阵分析
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内容概要:本文全面介绍使用示波器进行一系列电学实验和项目的内容。从基础实验,如示波器的操作入门和常见波形的测量,再到进阶部分,比如电路故障排除与复杂项目设计,旨在帮助学生掌握示波器的各项技能。文中不仅提供了详尽的操作流程指导,还包括针对每个阶段的学习目标设定、预期成果评估和所需注意事项。最终通过对示波器的深入理解和熟练运用,在实际应用场景(如构造简单设备或是进行音频处理)达到创新解决问题的目的。 适用人群:面向有志于深入理解电工仪器及其应用的学生或者技术人员,尤其是刚开始接触或正在强化自己这方面能力的学习者。 使用场景及目标:①作为培训材料支持初学者快速上手专业级电工测试设备—示波器;②用于教学环节辅助讲解电学概念以及实际操作技巧;③鼓励用户参与更高层次的DIY工程任务从而培养解决问题的能力.
标题中的“ntc热敏电阻 MF52AT 10K 3950精度1%STM32采集带数字滤波”表明我们要讨论的是一个使用STM32微控制器进行数据采集的系统,该系统中包含NTC热敏电阻MF52AT作为温度传感器。NTC热敏电阻是一种负温度系数的电阻器,其阻值随温度升高而降低。MF52AT型号的热敏电阻具有10K欧姆的标称电阻和3950的B值,表示在特定温度下(通常为25℃)的阻值和温度特性曲线。精度1%意味着该电阻的阻值有1%的允许误差,这对于温度测量应用来说是相当高的精度。 描述中提到的“MF52AT热敏电阻STM32数据采集2路”,暗示我们有两个这样的热敏电阻连接到STM32微控制器的模拟输入端口,用于采集温度数据。STM32是一款基于ARM Cortex-M内核的微控制器,广泛应用于各种嵌入式系统中,包括温度监测等应用。由于STM32内部集成了多个ADC(模拟数字转换器),因此它可以同时处理多路模拟输入信号。 "带滤波,项目中实际运用,温差范围在±0.5度",这表明在实际应用中,数据采集系统采用了某种数字滤波技术来提高信号质量,可能是低通滤波、滑动平均滤波或更复杂的数字信号处理算法。
SSM框架整合是Java开发中常见的技术栈,包括Spring、SpringMVC和Mybatis三个核心组件。这个压缩包提供了一个已经验证过的整合示例,帮助开发者理解和实践这三大框架的协同工作。 Spring框架是Java企业级应用的基石,它提供了一种依赖注入(Dependency Injection,DI)的方式,使得对象之间的依赖关系得以解耦,便于管理和服务。Spring还提供了AOP(面向切面编程)功能,用于实现如日志记录、事务管理等跨切面关注点的处理。 SpringMVC是Spring框架的一部分,专门用于构建Web应用程序。它采用了模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller,MVC)设计模式,将业务逻辑、数据展示和用户交互分离,提高了代码的可维护性和可扩展性。在SpringMVC中,请求被DispatcherServlet接收,然后分发到相应的处理器,处理器执行业务逻辑后返回结果,最后由视图解析并展示给用户。 Mybatis是一个优秀的持久层框架,它简化了JDBC的繁琐操作,支持SQL语句的动态编写,使得开发者可以直接使用SQL来操作数据库,同时还能保持数
Matlab 2021及以上版本:电气工程与自动化仿真实践——电力电子变换器微网建模与仿真研究,涵盖Boost、Buck整流逆变器闭环控制及光伏蓄电池电路等多重电气仿真,基于Matlab 2021及以上的电气工程与自动化仿真研究:电力电子变换器微网建模与Boost、Buck整流逆变器闭环控制及光伏蓄电池电路等多电气仿真分析,电气工程及其自动化仿真 Matlab simulink 电力电子变器微网建模仿真 仅限matlab版本2021及以上 Boost,Buck,整流逆变器闭环控制 光伏蓄电池电路等多种电气仿真 ,电气工程; Matlab simulink; 电力电子变换器; 微网建模仿真; Boost; Buck; 整流逆变器; 闭环控制; 光伏蓄电池电路; 电气仿真,Matlab 2021版电气工程自动化仿真研究:微网建模与控制策略
考虑新能源消纳的火电机组深度调峰策略:建立成本模型与经济调度,实现风电全额消纳的优化方案,考虑新能源消纳的火电机组深度调峰策略与经济调度模型研究,考虑新能源消纳的火电机组深度调峰策略 摘要:本代码主要做的是考虑新能源消纳的火电机组深度调峰策略,以常规调峰、不投油深度调峰、投油深度调峰三个阶段,建立了火电机组深度调峰成本模型,并以风电全额消纳为前提,建立了经济调度模型。 约束条件主要考虑煤燃烧约束、系统旋转备用功率约束、启停、爬坡、储热约束等等。 复现结果非常良好,结果图展示如下: 1、代码非常精品,有注释方便理解; ,核心关键词:新能源消纳;火电机组深度调峰策略;常规调峰;不投油深度调峰;投油深度调峰;成本模型;经济调度模型;煤燃烧约束;系统旋转备用功率约束;启停约束;爬坡约束;储热约束。,新能源优化调度策略:火电机组深度调峰及经济调度研究
"数字设计原理与实践" 数字设计是计算机科学和电子工程两个领域的交叉点,涉及到数字电路的设计和实现。本书籍《数字设计-原理与实践》旨在为读者提供一个系统的数字设计指南,从基本原理到实际应用,涵盖了数字设计的方方面面。 1. 数字设计的定义和目标 数字设计是指使用数字电路和系统来实现特定的功能目标的设计过程。在这个过程中,设计师需要考虑到各种因素,如电路的可靠性、功耗、面积等,以确保设计的数字电路能够满足实际应用的需求。 2. 数字设计的基本原理 数字设计的基本原理包括数字电路的基本元件,如逻辑门、 Flip-Flop、计数器、加法器等,以及数字电路的设计方法,如Combinational Logic、Sequential Logic和 Finite State Machine等。 3. 数字设计的设计流程 数字设计的设计流程通常包括以下几个步骤: * 需求分析:确定设计的目标和约束条件。 *电路设计:根据需求设计数字电路。 * 仿真验证:使用软件工具对设计的数字电路进行仿真和验证。 * 实现和测试:将设计的数字电路实现并进行测试。 4. 数字设计在实际应用中的应用 数字设计在实际应用中
基于Simulink仿真的直流电机双闭环控制系统设计与分析:转速电流双闭环PWM控制策略及7天报告研究,基于Simulink仿真的直流电机双闭环控制系统分析与设计报告:转速电流双闭环PWM控制策略的7天实践,直流电机双闭环控制系统仿真 simulink仿真 7d 转速电流双闭环 PWM 含有报告哈 ,直流电机; 双闭环控制系统; Simulink仿真; 7d; 转速电流双闭环; PWM; 报告,7天完成双闭环控制系统仿真报告:直流电机转速电流PWM管理与Simulink仿真研究
三目标微电网能量调度优化:经济、环境友好与高效能分配的协同策略研究,微粒群算法在三目标微电网能量调度中的应用:经济、环境友好与优化调度的综合研究,微电网 能量调度 三目标微网调度, 经济调度 环境友好调度 优化调度 微电网能量调度问题的求解 问题描述: - 微电网:包含多个能量源,包括DG(分布式发电设备,如太阳能光伏板、微型燃气轮机等)、MT(燃油发电机)和FC(燃料电池)。 - 目标:通过合理分配各种能源的发电功率,满足负荷需求,同时使得微电网的发电成本最小化。 解决方法: 微粒群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO): - 步骤: - 初始化微粒群:根据给定的微电网问题约束,随机生成一定数量的微粒(粒子),每个粒子代表一种发电方案,包含DG、MT和FC的发电功率分配情况。 - 适应度函数:对每个粒子,计算其对应的发电成本,作为其适应度值。 - 更新速度和位置:根据当前适应度值和历史最优适应度值,通过PSO算法的公式,更新每个粒子的速度和位置,以寻找更优的发电功率分配。 - 约束处理:根据问题约束条件,
《无感滑膜技术:Microchip1078代码移植至ST芯片的实践指南》——新手必备的反正切算法与电子资料整合方案,《无感滑膜技术:Microchip1078代码移植至ST芯片的实践指南》——新手必备的反正切算法与电子资料全解析,无感滑膜,反正切,microchip1078代码移植到st芯片上,新手学习必备。 可以提供提供相应文档和keil工程,电子资料, ,无感滑膜; 反正切; microchip1078代码移植; ST芯片; 新手学习; 文档; Keil工程; 电子资料,无感滑膜算法移植至ST芯片的Microchip1078代码迁移指南
风光柴储混合微电网系统中的储能电池与互补能量管理技术研究及MATLAB模拟实现,风光柴储混合微电网系统中的储能电池与互补能量管理技术:基于MATLAB的智能调控体系,风光柴储+混合微电网+储能电池系统+互补能量管理+MATLA ,核心关键词:风光柴储; 混合微电网; 储能电池系统; 互补能量管理; MATLA;,风光柴储混合微网能量管理系统及储能电池应用
永磁同步电机PMSM无感FOC驱动与位置估算源码分享:跨平台兼容、高速动态响应、无需初始角度辨识,永磁同步电机PMSM无感FOC驱动与位置估算源码分享:跨平台兼容、高速动态响应、无需初始角度辨识,永磁同步电机pmsm无感foc驱动代码 位置估算源码 无刷直流电机无感foc源码,无感foc算法源码 若需要,可提供硬件 速度位置估算部分代码所使用变量全部使用国际标准单位,使用不到60行代码实现完整的位置速度观测器。 提供完整的观测器文档,供需要的朋友参考 程序使用自研观测器,代码全部是源码,不含任何库文件 送simulink仿真 代码可读性极好,关键变量注明单位 模块间完全解耦 高级工程师磁链法位置估算代码 跨平台兼容,提供ti平台或at32平台工程 电流环pi参数自动计算 效果如图 实现0速闭环启动 2hz以内转速角度收敛 动态响应性能好 无需初始角度辨识 电阻电感允许一定误差 ,核心关键词: 1. 永磁同步电机 (PMSM) 无感 FOC 驱动代码 2. 位置估算源码 3. 无刷直流电机无感 FOC 源码 4. 无感 FOC 算法源码 5. 硬件支持(可选) 6. 速度位置估算部分
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