在上一篇实现的erlang分布式入门(三)-TCP Server-Client
accept(LSocket) ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(LSocket),
spawn(fun() -> loop(Socket) end),
spawn(Fun) -> pid()
Fun = function()
Returns the pid of a new process started by the application of Fun to the empty list []. Otherwise works like spawn/3.
spawn(Node, Fun) -> pid()
Node = node()
Fun = function()
Returns the pid of a new process started by the application of Fun to the empty list [] on Node. If Node does not exist, a useless pid is returned. Otherwise works like spawn/3.
spawn(Module, Function, Args) -> pid()
Module = Function = atom()
Args = [term()]
Returns the pid of a new process started by the application of Module:Function to Args. The new process created will be placed in the system scheduler queue and be run some time later.
error_handler:undefined_function(Module, Function, Args) is evaluated by the new process if Module:Function/Arity does not exist (where Arity is the length of Args). The error handler can be redefined (see process_flag/2). If error_handler is undefined, or the user has redefined the default error_handler its replacement is undefined, a failure with the reason undef will occur.
> spawn(speed, regulator, [high_speed, thin_cut]).
spawn(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> pid()
Node = node()
Module = module()
Function = atom()
Args = [term()]
Returns the pid of a new process started by the application of Module:Function to Args on Node. If Node does not exists, a useless pid is returned. Otherwise works like spawn/3.
accept(ListenSocket) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason}
accept(ListenSocket, Timeout) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason}
ListenSocket = socket()
Returned by listen/2.
Timeout = timeout()
Socket = socket()
Reason = closed | timeout | system_limit | inet:posix()
Accepts an incoming connection request on a listen socket. Socket must be a socket returned from listen/2. Timeout specifies a timeout value in ms, defaults to infinity.
Returns {ok, Socket} if a connection is established, or {error, closed} if ListenSocket is closed, or {error, timeout} if no connection is established within the specified time, or {error, system_limit} if all available ports in the Erlang emulator are in use. May also return a POSIX error value if something else goes wrong, see inet(3) for possible error values.
Packets can be sent to the returned socket Socket using send/2. Packets sent from the peer are delivered as messages:
{tcp, Socket, Data}
unless {active, false} was specified in the option list for the listen socket, in which case packets are retrieved by calling recv/2.

-export([start/2, loop/1]).
%% @spec start(Port::integer(), Max::integer())
%% @doc echo server
start(Port, Max) ->
generic_server:start(echo_server, Port, Max, {?MODULE, loop}).
%% @spec loop(Sock::port())
%% @doc echo_server
loop(Sock) ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0) of
{ok, Data} ->
io:format("server recv data close~p~n",[Data]),
gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data),
{error, closed} ->
io:format("client sock close~n"),
gen_server:cast(echo_server, {connect_close, self()})
%% a generic tcp server
-author('cheng litaocheng@gmail.com').
-define(TCP_OPTIONS, [binary, {packet, raw}, {active, false}, {reuseaddr, true}]).
-record(server_state, {
port, % listen port
loop, % the logic fun
ip=any, % ip
lsocket=null, % listen socket
conn=0, % curent connect
maxconn % max connect
%% internal export
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, code_change/3, terminate/2]).
%% start tcp server
%% start the generic server
start(Name, Port, Max, Loop) ->
State = #server_state{port=Port, loop=Loop, maxconn=Max},
io:format("max connection is ~p~n", [Max]),
gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, State, []).
%% create listen socket
init(State = #server_state{port=Port}) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(Port, ?TCP_OPTIONS) of
{ok, LSocket} ->
{ok, accept(State#server_state{lsocket=LSocket})};
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, {create_listen_socket, Reason}}
%% accept spawn a new process
accept(State =#server_state{lsocket=LSocket, loop=Loop, conn=Conn, maxconn=Max}) ->
proc_lib:spawn(generic_server, accept_loop, [self(), LSocket, Loop, Conn, Max]),
%% accept the new connection
accept_loop(Server, LSocket, {M, F}, Conn, Max) ->
{ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:accept(LSocket),
Conn + 1 > Max ->
io:format("reach the max connection~n"),
true ->
gen_server:cast(Server, {accept_new, self()}),
%% the server receive the notify that a connect has construct
handle_cast({accept_new, _Pid}, State=#server_state{conn=Cur}) ->
io:format("current connect:~p~n", [Cur+1]),
{noreply, accept(State#server_state{conn=Cur+1})};
%% someone connect has been close, so change the max connect
handle_cast({connect_close, _Pid}, State=#server_state{conn=Cur}) ->
io:format("current connect:~p~n", [Cur-1]),
{noreply, State#server_state{conn=Cur-1}}.
handle_call(_From, _Request, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
Erlang Server源码分析与详解 Erlang是一种面向并发的、函数式编程语言,以其在分布式系统、高可用性和容错性方面的优势而受到广泛关注。尤其在构建大规模聊天室服务器这样的实时通信系统中,Erlang的性能表现突出...
在这个案例中,文件名分别为 "rabbitmq-server-3.8.3-1.el7.noarch.rpm" 和 "erlang-22.3.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm"。 安装步骤如下: 1. **安装 Erlang**:Erlang 是 RabbitMQ 的运行时环境,首先需要安装。在命令行中...
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- **25672**:Erlang分布式的内部通信端口,默认计算公式为 AMQP 端口 + 20000。 - **15672 (Management Plugin)**:Web管理界面端口。 - **61613, 61614 (STOMP)**:STOMP协议端口。 - **1883, 8883 (MQTT)**:MQTT...
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### RabbitMQ 技术帮助文档知识点详解 #### 一、RabbitMQ 概述 RabbitMQ 是一种基于 AMQP(高级消息队列协议)的消息中间件,它提供了一个健壮的消息传递系统,用于在分布式系统中处理消息的发布、订阅和路由。...
**Tsung + Erlang 包详解** Tsung 是一个开源的多协议负载和性能测试工具,它可以模拟大量用户并发访问服务器,从而评估系统的负载能力和稳定性。Tsung 的设计目标是提供一个灵活、可扩展的解决方案,能够测试各种...
### RabbitMQ Linux 安装详解 #### 一、概述 RabbitMQ 是一款开源的消息中间件,基于 AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)协议。它能够帮助开发者在分布式系统之间传递消息,支持多种消息传递模式,包括...
**Erlang与ESockd库详解** Erlang是一种为构建高并发、分布式和容错系统而设计的编程语言,特别适用于实时通信系统。在Erlang中,`esockd`是一个高效的网络库,它提供了一种简单且强大的方式来处理套接字操作,使得...
<server host="" port="5222" type="tcp"></server> <!-- 负载配置 --> <users maxnumber="12000" interarrival="0.1" unit="second"></users> <!-- XMPP 参数配置 --> <!-- 其他参数...
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7. **安装步骤**:在Linux环境下,可以通过`rpm`命令安装这些包,例如`sudo rpm -ivh erlang-*.rpm socat-*.rpm rabbitmq-server-*.rpm`。安装后,还需要启动RabbitMQ服务并配置相关参数。 8. **管理工具**:...
- **erlang**:Erlang是一种面向并发的、函数式编程语言,常用于构建高可用性、分布式系统,尤其适合处理大量并发连接和实时性需求。 - **HTTPErlang**:可能是指Erlang中的HTTP相关库或工具,强调了这个客户端是用...
- **Connection**:TCP连接,应用程序与Broker之间的网络通道。 - **Channel**:信道,基于TCP连接的逻辑通道,减少系统资源消耗。 - **Message**:消息,包含Properties和Body,是实际传输的数据。 - **...
**RabbitMQ学习笔记与软件插件详解** RabbitMQ是一种广泛应用的消息中间件,它基于AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)协议,提供可靠的消息传递服务。在分布式系统中,RabbitMQ扮演着数据交换中心的角色,...
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