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- Init Parameter Start Sequence
select * from v$system_parameter 查看所有参数
alter system set name=value scope=memory(spfile,both)
desc v$system_parameter
ISSES_MODIFIABLE(true,false) ISSYS_MODIFIABLE(immediate,deferred,none) - Create spfile
create spfile from pfile - Oracle Managed File (OMF)
DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST: for data files
DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_N: redo, control files N maximun=5
drop tablespace xxx including contents and datafiles - Startup
startup [nomount|mount|open]
alter database db01 mount
alter database db01 open read only
alter database open read only
alter system enable restricted session
grant restricted session to xxx
alter system disable restricted session - shutdown
Normal transactional immediate abort
- Diagnostic Files
Background trace files (bdump) BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST
User trace files (udump) 缺省是关闭的 USER_DUMP_DEST MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE(default 10M)
sql_trace boolean FALSE
trace_enabled boolean TRUE
Session level: dbms_system.SET_SQL_TRACE_IN_SESSION
(1)execute DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_SQL_TRACE_IN_SESSION(7, 1304, true);
(2)SELECT t.SID,t.SERIAL# FROM v$session t
2011-07-01 23:45 778alter user xxx identified by xx ... -
2010-07-07 16:49 869http://www.hellodba.com/Doc/ora ... -
(15)Managing User
2010-07-07 13:59 855SQL> alter user xxx quo ... -
(14) Managing Password Security and Resources
2010-07-07 13:59 770Password Management SQL> ... -
(13) Managing Data Integrity
2010-07-07 13:58 760... -
(12) Managing Indexes
2010-07-07 13:58 751a -
(11)Managing Table
2010-07-07 13:57 824Storing User Data(1) Regular t ... -
(10) Managing Undo Data
2010-07-07 13:56 810show parameter undo; ... -
(9) Storage Structure and Relationships
2010-07-07 13:55 987Extent Allocat ... -
(8) Managing Tablespaces and Data files
2010-07-07 13:55 1107SQL> select * from v$tabl ... -
(7) Maintaining Redo Log Files
2010-07-07 13:54 1155SQL> select * from v$lo ... -
(6) Maintaining Control file
2010-07-07 13:54 719select * from v$database; se ... -
(5)Data Dictionary Content and Usage
2010-07-07 13:53 1025Data Dictionary(1) Data Dictio ... -
(4)Create a Database
2010-07-07 13:52 822Operating System EnvironmentOR ... -
(2)Getting Start With the Oracle Server
2010-07-07 11:24 807Interactive Installation$ ./r ... -
2010-07-07 11:23 22541. Oracle Architectural Compone ... -
Oracle EXP/IMP命令详解
2010-07-07 10:01 1086EXP命令 格式: EXP KEYWORD=value ... -
Oracle EXP Direct
2010-07-07 10:00 1249Oracle提供2种模式导出表数据,传统模式CONVENTIO ... -
2010-07-07 09:53 1059EXPDP命令行选项 1. ATTACHexpd ... -
Oracle GoldenGate备份软件
2010-07-05 13:46 2577转载:http://edu.codepub.com/2010/ ...
- 通过“开始”菜单中的 “IBMTivoliMonitoring” > “Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services” 进行配置。 - 选择 “Monitoring Agent for Oracle Database Extended”,并点击右键选择 “高级” > “配置高级”。 -...
The 1Z0-811 exam is a significant step towards achieving Oracle Java SE certification. By following a structured preparation plan, utilizing resources like DBExam.com, and focusing on key topics such ...
3. 实例恢复(Instance Recovery):Oracle 10G改进了实例恢复机制,使得在数据库实例失败后能更快地恢复服务,降低了系统停机时间。 4. 高可用性(High Availability):Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)是...
Oracle 9i introduced several advancements over its predecessor, such as the ability to manage large amounts of unstructured data, improved scalability, and enhanced integration with other ...
2. **instanceconfig.xml**:位于`~\OracleBIData\web\config`目录下,主要用于配置前台报表展现目录。 - `<CatalogPath>D:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/XXXX</CatalogPath>`:指定报表展现目录。 #### 五、安全配置...
It's crucial to plan accordingly to ensure smooth operation and scalability as your JIRA instance grows. 2.2. Installing JIRA The installation process starts by downloading JIRA from the official ...
BIEE(Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition),是Oracle公司提供的一款强大的商业智能工具,用于帮助企业用户进行数据分析、报告制作以及仪表板展示等功能。本文档旨在详细介绍BIEE的安装与配置流程,帮助读者...
3. **解决端口冲突**:如果Oracle或Apache占用80端口,需修改httpd.conf文件中的端口号至8099,避免与IIS冲突。 4. **执行安装向导**:按照安装向导提示,依次完成各步骤,包括设置账户权限、目录路径及注册选项等。...
- **Instance**: 实例是Oracle数据库运行时的内存结构和后台进程的集合,与数据库物理文件相关联。 - **State**: 在数据库上下文中,状态可能指的是数据库的运行状态,如在线、离线或只读。 - **Constant**: 常量...
7. **实例(instance)**:在Oracle数据库中,实例是内存结构和后台进程的集合,与数据库文件一起工作,提供对数据的访问。 8. **状态(state)**:在数据库管理中,状态通常指的是数据库或其组件(如表、索引)的当前...