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interface Eat{ public void eatBread(); public void eatApple(); public void eatBanana(); } abstract class PersonEat implements Eat{ public void eatBread(){ } public void eatApple(){} public void eatBanana(){} } class Person extends PersonEat{ public void eatBread(){ System.out.println("我在吃面包"); } public void eatApple(){ System.out.println("我在吃苹果"); } } public class Demo02 { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Person p=new Person(); p.eatBread(); p.eatApple(); } }
class Single{ private Single(){} private static final Single s1=new Single(); public static Single getSingleInstance(){ return s1; } public void Say(){ System.out.println("我开始说话了。。。。"); } } public class SingletonDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Single s=Single.getSingleInstance(); s.Say(); } }
interface Car{ public void run(); public void stop(); } class Benz implements Car{ public void run(){ System.out.println("Benz开始启动了。。。。。"); } public void stop(){ System.out.println("Benz停车了。。。。。"); } } class Ford implements Car{ public void run(){ System.out.println("Ford开始启动了。。。"); } public void stop(){ System.out.println("Ford停车了。。。。"); } } class Toyota implements Car{ public void run(){ System.out.println("Toyota开始启动了。。。"); } public void stop(){ System.out.println("Toyota停车了。。。。"); } } class Factory{ public static Car getCarInstance(String type){ Car c=null; try { c=(Car)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo03."+type).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return c; } } public class FactoryDemo03 { public static void main(String[] args) { Car c=Factory.getCarInstance("Toyota"); if(c!=null){ c.run(); c.stop(); }else{ System.out.println("造不了这种汽车。。。"); } } }
abstract interface AbstractFactory { }
class CarFactory implements AbstractFactory { public Car getCar(String type) { Car c = null; try { c = (Car)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo02." + type).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return c; } }
class BusFactory implements AbstractFactory { public Car getBus(String type) { Car c = null; try { c = (Car)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo02." + type).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return c; } }
//NWFactory-->女娲 interface NWFactory{ public Person getPerson(String type); public Animal getAnimal(String type); } //阳绳-->用来造男人和雄性动物(Bull) class YangSheng implements NWFactory{ Man m=null; Bull b=null; public Man getPerson(String type){ try { m=(Man)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo03."+type).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return m; } public Bull getAnimal(String type){ try { b=(Bull)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo03."+type).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return b; } } //阴绳-->用来造女人和雌性动物(Cow) class YinSheng implements NWFactory{ Woman w=null; Cow c=null; public Woman getPerson(String type){ try { w=(Woman)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo03."+type).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return w; } public Cow getAnimal(String type){ try { c=(Cow)Class.forName("org.jzkangta.factorydemo03."+type).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return c; } }
abstract class SaleComputer{ abstract public void SaleComputer(); } //真实的主题角色(ComputerMaker) class ComputerMaker extends SaleComputer{ public void SaleComputer(){ System.out.println("卖出了一台电脑。。。"); } } //代理的主题角色(ComputerProxy) class ComputerProxy extends SaleComputer{ ComputerMaker cm=null; public void youHui(){ System.out.println("我给你优惠...."); } public void giveMouse(){ System.out.println("我还送你一个鼠标。。。"); } public void SaleComputer(){ youHui(); giveMouse(); if(cm==null){ cm=new ComputerMaker(); } cm.SaleComputer(); } } public class ProxyDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //SaleComputer sc=new ComputerMaker(); SaleComputer sc=new ComputerProxy(); sc.SaleComputer(); } }
public interface SaleComputer { public void sale(String type); }
public class ComputerMaker implements SaleComputer { public void sale(String type) { System.out.println("卖出了一台"+type+"电脑"); } }
public class ComputerProxy { public static SaleComputer getComputerMaker(){ ProxyFunction pf=new ProxyFunction(); return (SaleComputer)Proxy.newProxyInstance(ComputerMaker.class.getClassLoader(), ComputerMaker.class.getInterfaces(), pf); } }
public class ProxyFunction implements InvocationHandler { private ComputerMaker cm; public void youHui(){ System.out.println("我给你一些优惠。。。"); } public void giveMouse(){ System.out.println("我还要送你一个鼠标。。。 "); } public Object invoke(Object arg0, Method arg1, Object[] arg2) throws Throwable { String type=(String)arg2[0]; if(type.equals("联想")||type.equals("三星")){ if(cm==null){ cm=new ComputerMaker(); youHui(); giveMouse(); arg1.invoke(cm, type); } }else{ System.out.println("我没有你要的这个牌子的电脑。。。。"); } return null; } }
//抽象的策略角色 public abstract class Operation { public abstract void oper(float a,float b); } public class Add extends Operation{ public void oper(float a,float b){ float result=a+b; System.out.println("相加的结果为-->"+result); } } public class Calc { private Operation o; public final static Operation add=new Add(); public final static Operation jian=new Jian(); public final static Operation cheng=new Cheng(); public final static Operation chu=new Chu(); public void oper(float a,float b){ o.oper(a, b); } }
public abstract class Template { protected String pcType; public Template(String pcType){ this.pcType=pcType; } //留给子类去实现的基本方法1 abstract protected void makeCPU(String pcType); //留给子类去实现的基本方法2 abstract protected void makeMainBorad(String pcType); //留给子类去实现的基本方法3 abstract protected void makeHD(String pcType); //基本方法,已经实现好了 public final void makeOver(String pcType){ System.out.println(pcType+"造好了"); } //模板方法,造电脑 public final void makePC(){ makeCPU(pcType); makeMainBorad(pcType); makeHD(pcType); makeOver(pcType); } }
public class PC extends Template{ public PC(String pcType) { super(pcType); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override protected void makeCPU(String pcType) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(pcType+"的CPU造好了"); } @Override protected void makeHD(String pcType) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(pcType+"的硬盘造好了"); } @Override protected void makeMainBorad(String pcType) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(pcType+"的主板造好了"); } }
Java设计模式详解涵盖了在Java编程中广泛使用的一些经典设计模式。这些模式不仅有助于提高代码的可读性、可维护性和可扩展性,还能促进团队之间的沟通与协作。下面,我们将深入探讨几个重要的Java设计模式。 1. ...
Java设计模式详解 设计模式是软件开发中的重要概念,它是一种在特定场景下解决常见问题的标准解决方案,旨在提高代码的可重用性、可读性和可维护性。设计模式是面向对象编程领域的宝贵经验总结,它将过去成功的编程...
Java设计模式详解涉及到23种设计模式,这些设计模式可以根据其目的和范围被划分为三大类:创建型模式(Creational Patterns)、结构型模式(Structural Patterns)和行为型模式(Behavioral Patterns)。下面将详细...
本份帮助文档主要是为了向读者介绍二十三种设计模式,包括模式的描述,适用性,模式的组成部分,并附带有简单的例 子和类图,目的是为了让读者了解二十三种设计模式,并能方便的查阅各种设计模式的用法及注意点。 ...
Java设计模式是软件开发中的重要概念,它是一种在特定情境下解决问题的经验总结,可以提高代码的可重用性、可维护性和灵活性。本PPT详细讲解了Java设计模式的精髓,帮助开发者理解和应用这些模式。 首先,我们来...
### Java设计模式详解 #### 一、背景与概念 在软件工程领域,设计模式是一种用于解决常见问题的可重用解决方案。《Java设计模式PDF》是一本由James W. Cooper编写的经典书籍,该书详细介绍了Java编程语言中的设计...