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The purpose of the 100 (Continue) status (see section 10.1.1) is to allow a client that is sending a request message with a request body to determine if the origin server is willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before the client sends the request body. In some cases, it might either be inappropriate or highly inefficient for the client to send the body if the server will reject the message without looking at the body.

Requirements for HTTP/1.1 clients:

      - If a client will wait for a 100 (Continue) response before
        sending the request body, it MUST send an Expect request-header
        field (section 14.20) with the "100-continue" expectation.

      - A client MUST NOT send an Expect request-header field (section
        14.20) with the "100-continue" expectation if it does not intend
        to send a request body.

Because of the presence of older implementations, the protocol allows ambiguous situations in which a client may send "Expect: 100- continue" without receiving either a 417 (Expectation Failed) status or a 100 (Continue) status. Therefore, when a client sends this header field to an origin server (possibly via a proxy) from which it has never seen a 100 (Continue) status, the client SHOULD NOT wait for an indefinite period before sending the request body.

Requirements for HTTP/1.1 origin servers:

      - Upon receiving a request which includes an Expect request-header
        field with the "100-continue" expectation, an origin server MUST
        either respond with 100 (Continue) status and continue to read
        from the input stream, or respond with a final status code. The
        origin server MUST NOT wait for the request body before sending
        the 100 (Continue) response. If it responds with a final status
        code, it MAY close the transport connection or it MAY continue
        to read and discard the rest of the request.  It MUST NOT
        perform the requested method if it returns a final status code.

      - An origin server SHOULD NOT send a 100 (Continue) response if
        the request message does not include an Expect request-header
        field with the "100-continue" expectation, and MUST NOT send a
        100 (Continue) response if such a request comes from an HTTP/1.0
        (or earlier) client. There is an exception to this rule: for
        compatibility with RFC 2068, a server MAY send a 100 (Continue)
        status in response to an HTTP/1.1 PUT or POST request that does
        not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-
        continue" expectation. This exception, the purpose of which is
        to minimize any client processing delays associated with an
        undeclared wait for 100 (Continue) status, applies only to
        HTTP/1.1 requests, and not to requests with any other HTTP-
        version value.

      - An origin server MAY omit a 100 (Continue) response if it has
        already received some or all of the request body for the
        corresponding request.

      - An origin server that sends a 100 (Continue) response MUST
        ultimately send a final status code, once the request body is
        received and processed, unless it terminates the transport
        connection prematurely.

      - If an origin server receives a request that does not include an
        Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation,
        the request includes a request body, and the server responds
        with a final status code before reading the entire request body
        from the transport connection, then the server SHOULD NOT close
        the transport connection until it has read the entire request,
        or until the client closes the connection. Otherwise, the client
        might not reliably receive the response message. However, this
        requirement is not be construed as preventing a server from
        defending itself against denial-of-service attacks, or from
        badly broken client implementations.

Requirements for HTTP/1.1 proxies:

      - If a proxy receives a request that includes an Expect request-
        header field with the "100-continue" expectation, and the proxy
        either knows that the next-hop server complies with HTTP/1.1 or
        higher, or does not know the HTTP version of the next-hop
        server, it MUST forward the request, including the Expect header

      - If the proxy knows that the version of the next-hop server is
        HTTP/1.0 or lower, it MUST NOT forward the request, and it MUST
        respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status.

      - Proxies SHOULD maintain a cache recording the HTTP version
        numbers received from recently-referenced next-hop servers.

      - A proxy MUST NOT forward a 100 (Continue) response if the
        request message was received from an HTTP/1.0 (or earlier)
        client and did not include an Expect request-header field with
        the "100-continue" expectation. This requirement overrides the
        general rule for forwarding of 1xx responses (see section 10.1).





    HTTP 状态码 大全

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    ### HTTP状态码详解 ...本篇将详细介绍各种HTTP状态码的意义及其应用场景。...在实际开发过程中,合理使用HTTP状态码能够帮助开发者更准确地表达客户端与服务器之间交互的结果,提高系统的可用性和用户体验。




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    例如,状态码100(Continue)表示客户端可以继续发送请求的主体部分,如果客户端在请求头中使用了"Expect: 100-continue"。 101:切换协议 状态码101(Switching Protocols)意味着服务器将遵循请求头中的Upgrade...


    HTTP状态码是Web服务器向客户端发送的用于表示HTTP请求结果的三位数字代码,它反映了服务器处理请求的不同状态。这些状态码被分为五类,每类都代表特定的意义和响应情况。 1xx(临时响应):这类状态码表示服务器...


    - **410 Gone**: 如果请求的资源一去不复返了,应当使用410状态码。 - **411 Length Required**: 服务器拒绝在没有定义Content-Length头的情况下接受请求。 - **412 Precondition Failed**: 服务器在验证在请求的头...


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