1、实体对象implements Lifecycle接口,Lifecycle接口代码:
<!---->public interface Lifecycle {
* 在实体对象Save/Insert操作之前触发.
public boolean onSave(Session s) throws CallbackException;
* 在Session.update()操作之前触发.
public boolean onUpdate(Session s) throws CallbackException;
* 在实体对象删除之前触发.
public boolean onDelete(Session s) throws CallbackException;
* 在实体对象加载之后触发.
public void onLoad(Session s, Serializable id);
2、实体对象implements Validatable接口,Validatable接口代码:
<!---->public interface Validatable {
public void validate() throws ValidationFailure;
3、实现Interceptor接口,在创建session时,指定加载Interceptor相应的实现类,此session 的持久化操作都将首先经由此拦截器捕获处理。Interceptor(Hibernate3)接口代码:
<!---->package org.hibernate;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
public interface Interceptor {
public boolean onLoad(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames,
Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState,
Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames,
Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
public void onDelete(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames,
Type[] types) throws CallbackException;
* Called before a collection is (re)created.
public void onCollectionRecreate(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException;
* Called before a collection is deleted.
public void onCollectionRemove(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException;
* Called before a collection is updated.
public void onCollectionUpdate(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException;
public void preFlush(Iterator entities) throws CallbackException;
public void postFlush(Iterator entities) throws CallbackException;
* Called to distinguish between transient and detached entities. The return value determines the
* state of the entity with respect to the current session.
* <ul>
* <li><tt>Boolean.TRUE</tt> - the entity is transient
* <li><tt>Boolean.FALSE</tt> - the entity is detached
* <li><tt>null</tt> - Hibernate uses the <tt>unsaved-value</tt> mapping and other heuristics to
* determine if the object is unsaved
* </ul>
* @param entity a transient or detached entity
* @return Boolean or <tt>null</tt> to choose default behaviour
public Boolean isTransient(Object entity);
* Called from <tt>flush()</tt>. The return value determines whether the entity is updated
* <ul>
* <li>an array of property indices - the entity is dirty
* <li>an empty array - the entity is not dirty
* <li><tt>null</tt> - use Hibernate's default dirty-checking algorithm
* </ul>
* @param entity a persistent entity
* @return array of dirty property indices or <tt>null</tt> to choose default behaviour
public int[] findDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState,
Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types);
* Instantiate the entity class. Return <tt>null</tt> to indicate that Hibernate should use
* the default constructor of the class. The identifier property of the returned instance
* should be initialized with the given identifier.
* @param entityName the name of the entity
* @param entityMode The type of entity instance to be returned.
* @param id the identifier of the new instance
* @return an instance of the class, or <tt>null</tt> to choose default behaviour
public Object instantiate(String entityName, EntityMode entityMode,
Serializable id) throws CallbackException;
* Get the entity name for a persistent or transient instance
* @param object an entity instance
* @return the name of the entity
public String getEntityName(Object object) throws CallbackException;
* Get a fully loaded entity instance that is cached externally
* @param entityName the name of the entity
* @param id the instance identifier
* @return a fully initialized entity
* @throws CallbackException
public Object getEntity(String entityName, Serializable id) throws CallbackException;
* Called when a Hibernate transaction is begun via the Hibernate <tt>Transaction</tt>
* API. Will not be called if transactions are being controlled via some other
* mechanism (CMT, for example).
public void afterTransactionBegin(Transaction tx);
* Called before a transaction is committed (but not before rollback).
public void beforeTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx);
/** * Called after a transaction is committed or rolled back.
public void afterTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx);
* Called when sql string is being prepared.
* @param sql sql to be prepared
* @return original or modified sql
public String onPrepareStatement(String sql);
5.2 Hibernate回调与拦截机制 5.3 Hibernate实用技术 第6章 Hibernate 实战——创建RedSaga论坛 6.1 目标 6.2 E-R建模还是对象建模 6.3 E-R建模及工具集 6.4 对象建模 6.5 项目的目录组织和基础设施 6.6 测试...
本书内容深入浅出,先讲述持久层设计与ORM,再由Hibernate概述、Hibernate基础Hibernate高级特性顺序展开,直至Hibernate实战,重点讲述了 Hibernate的基础语法、基础配置、O/R映射、数据关联、数据检索、HQL实用...
本书内容深入浅出,先讲述持久层设计与ORM,再由Hibernate概述、Hibernate基础Hibernate高级特性顺序展开,直至Hibernate实战,重点讲述了 Hibernate的基础语法、基础配置、O/R映射、数据关联、数据检索、HQL实用...
5.2 Hibernate回调与拦截机制 5.3 Hibernate实用技术 第6章 Hibernate 实战——创建RedSaga论坛 6.1 目标 6.2 E-R建模还是对象建模 6.3 E-R建模及工具集 6.4 对象建模 6.5 项目的目录组织和基础设施 6.6 测试...
在本章中,我们将深入探讨Hibernate的高级特性,特别是关于对象的持久化实现和回调与拦截机制。首先,让我们详细解析Hibernate的实体对象生命周期。 在Hibernate中,实体对象经历了三种不同的状态,它们分别是: 1...
Hibernate提供了回调和拦截机制,允许在特定事件(如对象保存、更新、删除等)前后执行自定义代码。这在数据同步、日志记录或其他业务逻辑处理中非常有用。 **配置二级缓存** 配置二级缓存需要指定缓存策略(如read...
#### Hibernate回调与拦截机制 Hibernate提供了一套强大的事件监听系统,允许开发者在特定时刻执行自定义逻辑。这包括但不限于实体的创建、更新、删除等生命周期事件。 - **Lifecycle与Validatable接口**:`...
9. **事件监听器和拦截器**:Hibernate允许开发者注册事件监听器和拦截器,对持久化操作进行自定义处理,如在对象保存前后的回调函数。 10. **多数据源支持**:通过SessionFactoryBuilder,Hibernate可以配置多个...
- Hibernate提供了对JPA规范的扩展,如`@PrePersist`、`@PostLoad`等回调注解,增强了实体的生命周期管理。 10. **性能优化**: - Hibernate提供了各种性能调优选项,包括批处理、延迟加载、懒加载等策略,以适应...
#### Hibernate回调与拦截机制 除了持久化实现外,Hibernate还提供了一系列的事件捕获和处理机制,允许开发者在特定时刻执行自定义代码,增强了应用程序的灵活性和扩展性。 ##### Lifecyle与Validatable接口 - **...