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Is it good news or bad news? I dont even know

今天的两件事,于我来说,不知道是什么。三大中的两大。但是,Being a friend, I have to say what is good for her. And ……that's why we are friends……and……just……friends.



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    - **添加新闻**:用户在AddNews.jsp页面填写新闻信息,通过Struts2提交到NewsAction,由NewsAction调用NewsDaoImpl完成添加,成功后跳转到AddNews_Success.jsp。 - **显示所有新闻**:ShowAllNews.jsp展示NewsAction...

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    - `news_content`用于存储新闻内容,包括`cont_id`(自增主键)、`cat_id`(类别ID,外键关联`news_category`)、`cont_title`(新闻标题)、`cont_content`(新闻内容)、`cont_pic`(新闻图片链接)和`cont_datetime`(发布...


    AG's News Topic Classification Dataset Version 3, Updated 09/09/2015 ORIGIN AG is a collection of more than 1 million news articles. News articles have been gathered from more than 2000 news ...


    The AG's news topic classification dataset is constructed by Xiang Zhang (xiang.zhang@nyu.edu) from the dataset above. It is used as a text classification benchmark in the following paper: Xiang Zhang...


    The AG's news topic classification dataset is constructed by Xiang Zhang (xiang.zhang@nyu.edu) from the dataset above. It is used as a text classification benchmark in the following paper: Xiang Zhang...

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    all_tree2=server.mappath("news")&"\"&chan;_data(now) if (fs.FolderExists(all_tree2)) then'判断今天的文件夹是否存在 else fs.CreateFolder(all_tree2) end if pass=chan_file(now) randomize ...

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