
ubuntu tips

How to install Chromium on Ubuntu
Open your /etc/apt/sources.list file !
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add these lines at the very bottom of it:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
then upload and install:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
sudo apt-get install git
lsb_release -cs

tmux -S /tmp/pair attach

sudo update-alternatives --config editor

To open a port in UNIX/Linux you’ve to type this command in the terminal:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8124 -j ACCEPT
sed -i "s/Requests/Notification/g" `grep Requests -rl .`

ubuntu 调节亮度 /usr/bin/startkde 末尾添加下面这行:
echo 4 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness


    Ubuntu Tips: APE转Flac

    使用方法:下载后删除文件名最后的\".zip\"即可得到deb包文件。 博文链接:https://lgn21st.iteye.com/blog/207177

    Ubuntu Hacks - Tips and Tools for Exploring, Using, and Tuning Linux

    ### Ubuntu Hacks - Tips and Tools for Exploring, Using, and Tuning Linux #### 简介 《Ubuntu Hacks》是一本专为那些希望深入了解、高效利用并优化Linux发行版Ubuntu的用户准备的书籍。本书提供了众多技巧和...

    Ubuntu-unity-tips-tricks-rev-2 Ubuntu unity的相关配置操作说明

    Ubuntu Unity配置操作涵盖了诸多技巧和窍门,旨在提升用户的使用效率和体验。Ubuntu Unity是Ubuntu操作系统中的一种用户界面,它整合了多个应用程序和系统设置,使得用户可以更加高效地管理自己的工作环境。接下来,...


    You'll learn it all and more with the expert guidance, tips, and techniques in this first-ever soup-to-nuts book on Ubuntu. From the basics for newcomers to enterprise management for system ...

    英文原版-Ubuntu Kung Fu 1st Edition

    Award-winning Linux author Keir Thomas gets down and dirty with Ubuntu to provide over 300 concise tips that enhance productivity, avoid annoyances, and simply get the most from Ubuntu. You’ll find ...

    英文原版-Ubuntu Server Administration 1st Edition

    Administer Ubuntu Server in the EnterpriseRealize a dynamic, stable, and secure Ubuntu Server environment with expert guidance, tips, and techniques from a Linux professional. Ubuntu Server ...


    Ubuntu 手动更新内核终极教程 本教程旨在指导读者手动更新 ...本教程的优点在于提供了一个详细的指导,帮助读者快速地更新 Ubuntu 的内核,同时也提供了一些有用的 tips 和技巧,以便读者可以更好地掌握整个过程。

    Ubuntu The Complete Reference

    - **Navigating the Desktop**: Tips on using the mouse, keyboard shortcuts, and touchpad gestures to navigate the desktop efficiently. - **Customizing the Desktop**: Techniques for customizing the ...

    Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference: A concise companion for day-to-day Ubuntu use

    - **Efficiency Tips**: Tips for maximizing productivity and efficiency while using Ubuntu on a daily basis are shared. **File System Navigation** - **Understanding File Structure**: The book provides...

    Professional Ubuntu Mobile Development

    Book Description Ubuntu Mobile is quickly being adopted by mobile device manufacturers and provides Web browsing, e-mail, media, ...Reveals tips for handling common problems and executing solutionss

    英文原版-Ubuntu Powerful Hacks and Customizations 1st Edition

    This book provides you with practical hacks and tips that are not readily available online, in FAQ files, or any other Ubuntu book on the market so that you can customize your Ubuntu system for your ...


    ### 1.8 Tips & Tricks #### 1.8.1 安全加固 确保BIND9的安全性非常重要,可以采取多种措施,如禁用递归查询、限制访问、使用ACLs(Access Control Lists)等。 #### 1.8.2 性能优化 性能优化方面,可以通过调整...


    Discover tips and best practices to be followed for minimum maintenance of Ubuntu Server 3 Who This Book Is For This book is for a vast audience of Linux system administrators who primarily work on ...




    以下是一路安装时的一些tips: 安装ubuntu16时,最后会下载语言包,因为是用的国外的源,需要花费大量时间,因此可以先点击skip跳过。后面修改源再来继续安装。 在搜索里找到软件和更新,里面可以切换下载源,我选...


    jq用法jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor 主页安装ubuntu: sud

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