  • 浏览: 272816 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 杭州



1.1.1相对于1.1.0,这是一个比较稳定的版本了,行测试覆盖率重新提升到90%以上,build verify testcase 983个。



为了更好使用sort field martch优化算法提升parser的性能,fastjson序列化的时候,缺省把SerializerFeature.SortField特性打开了。反序列化的时候也缺省把SortFeidFastMatch的选项打开了。这样,如果你用fastjson序列化的文本,输出的结果是按照fieldName排序输出的,parser时也能利用这个顺序进行优化读取。这种情况下,parser能够获得非常好的性能。

|  | 序列化时间 | 反序列化时间 | 大小 | 压缩后大小 |
|java序列化| 8546 | 43199 | 889 | 541|
|hessian| 6643 | 10043 | 501 | 313 |
|protobuf|3008 | 1694 | 239 | 149 |
| thrift | 3182 | 1951 | 349 | 197 |
| avro | 3575 | 2095 | 221 | 133 |
| jackson | 3245 | 2986 | 503 | 271 |
| fastjson | 2292 | 1499 | 468 | 251 |

./run -chart -include=`cat serializers.txt | tr "\\n" ","`  data/media.1.cks


2、使用fastjson的序列化和反序列化替换java serialize,java serialize不单性能慢,而且体制大。

h3. How to get it?
If you're Maven user, just use our maven repository(http://code.alibabatech.com/mvn/releases/) with folloging dependency

h3. Downlaods
Source : http://code.alibabatech.com/mvn/releases/com/alibaba/fastjson/1.1.1/fastjson-1.1.1.jar
Binary :http://code.alibabatech.com/mvn/releases/com/alibaba/fastjson/1.1.1/fastjson-1.1.1-sources.jar
Subversion : http://code.alibabatech.com/svn/fastjson/
2 楼 yixiandave 2014-03-26  
1 楼 tywo45 2011-08-01  
下面这段是1.1.1生成的json串,IE解析不了(同样的内容用1.0.6解析是可以的):{"completed":false,"currentDbName":"BRSCFG_DB","currentTableName":"R_IPDISP","dbCount":5,"dbIndex":5,"exceptionOccured":false,"infoForShow":"","progressIndex":3,"saveResult":0,"synMsgChangeListener":{"dispathComleted":false,"responseList":[{"responseMsg":"ftp mdb sync: recv msg from omc!"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_FRG_IPDISP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPV6DISP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_INTERMEDIAIP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_BRSGLOBAL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_MAXCON is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPPD is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPDISP4_6_DYNAMIC is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SCTP Field MAXBURST: FieldType isn't compatible,TypeZDB=2,TypeMem=1!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SCTP Field MAXBURST: FieldLength 1 is smaller in Mem!"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_PORTATTIBUTE is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_STATICARP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_BFDAUTH is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_BFDSESSION is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_VPN_VRF is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_VRF_ATTR is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_VRF_RT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPGLOBAL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_INICFG is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_DNSSERVER is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_DNSPREFER is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_DNSGLOBAL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ACL4_NAME is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ACL4 is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ACL6 is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_MACL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_STATICNDENTRY is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_NDPREFIX is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_PREFIXDEFAULT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_MLDGROUP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_TUNNEL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPV6_INTF is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPV6_RIM is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_POLICYMAP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_POLICYMAPITEM is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_TUNNELNO is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_POLICY is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_POLICYATTR is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_PSK is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_XCHMODE is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_VERSION is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IKE_GLOBAL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPSEC_TRANS is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_CRYPTO_MAP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_CRYPTO_MAPITEM is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RMP_NAME is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RMP_MATCH_ACL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RMPPBR_SETIPNH is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RMPPBR_SETOTH is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IPE1PORT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_PPPCFG is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_MPCFG is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_FTPS is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_FTPC is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ETHERNETOAM is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_COMPATCFG is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_VRRP_GROUP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_VRRP_SECONDIP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_INTERFACE Field VRFID: FieldType changed! Zdb: BYTE, Mem: WORD!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_INTERFACE Field ACL4_NAME_IN does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_INTERFACE Field ACL4_NAME_OUT does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_INTERFACE Field CRYPTO_MAP does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_DES_BOARDINFO is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_NETCFG is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_LOMP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_NETYPE_DIS is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_APSGROUP is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_APSCHANNEL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_SDHSOHPARA is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_SDHHPPARA is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_SDHLPPARA is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RPT_RACK is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RPT_SHELF is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RPT_BOARDPLUS is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_RPT_DES_BOARDINFO is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_TCPTRANS is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_BOARDCOMPAT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_N7ISNITR is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_N7CLT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_LINKMONI is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_CLT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_R2OFFICE is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_OFFICEEX is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_IUADCHNL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SUBSYSTEM Field STATUS does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_MODULE Field STATUS does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_UNIT Field STATUS does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SUNIT Field STATUS does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_OFFICE Field TAG: FieldType changed! Zdb: BYTE, Mem: DWORD!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_OFFICE Field CLUSTERID does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_N7LS Field STATUS does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SIGROUTE Field RANGEMODE does not exist in ZDB!"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ST is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ST_DATA is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_PM_GLOBAL is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_PM_DATA is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ALARM is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_ALARMFILTER is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table: R_OBJECT is a new table, not exist in ZDB !"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SIUCFG Field SCMEDIALEDNUM: FieldLength 100 is longer in Mem!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SIUCFG Field SCMEBLACKSERVICE: FieldLength 12 is longer in Mem!"},{"responseMsg":"Table R_SIUCFG Field SCMEVCSKY: FieldLength 96 is longer in Mem!"},{"dbNum":5,"responseMsg\":\"{'dbNum':5,'type':2,'tFtpSyncResult':[{\"dbName\":\"BRSCFG_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"IPCONF_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"PLAT_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"OAM_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"SIU_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]}],"tFtpSyncResult":[{"dbName":"BRSCFG_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"IPCONF_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"PLAT_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"OAM_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"SIU_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]}],"ucpad":[0,0,0,0,0,0]}],"saveComleted":false,"syncCompleted":true},"tableCount":100,"tableIndex":100,"zdbSynResponse":{"dbNum":5,"responseMsg\":\"{'dbNum':5,'type':2,'tFtpSyncResult':[{\"dbName\":\"BRSCFG_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"IPCONF_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"PLAT_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"OAM_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]},{\"dbName\":\"SIU_DB\",\"failTblName\":[],\"failTblNum\":0,\"retCode\":0,\"ucpad\":[0,0,0,0]}],"tFtpSyncResult":[{"dbName":"BRSCFG_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"IPCONF_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"PLAT_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"OAM_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]},{"dbName":"SIU_DB","failTblName":[],"failTblNum":0,"retCode":0,"ucpad":[0,0,0,0]}],"ucpad":[0,0,0,0,0,0]}}



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