import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import; public class Sn { /** * @param s * @param i * @param bytes * @return */ public static short getCRC(String s, int i, byte bytes[]) { CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); if (s != null) { for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) { char c = s.charAt(j); crc32.update(c); } } crc32.update(i); crc32.update(i >> 8); crc32.update(i >> 16); crc32.update(i >> 24); for (int k = 0; k < bytes.length - 2; k++) { byte byte0 = bytes[k]; crc32.update(byte0); } return (short) (int) crc32.getValue(); } /** * @param biginteger * @return String */ public static String encodeGroups(BigInteger biginteger) { BigInteger beginner1 = BigInteger.valueOf(0x39aa400L); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; biginteger.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) != 0; i++) { int j = biginteger.mod(beginner1).intValue(); String s1 = encodeGroup(j); if (i > 0) { sb.append("-"); } sb.append(s1); biginteger = biginteger.divide(beginner1); } return sb.toString(); } /** * @param i * @return */ public static String encodeGroup(int i) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { int k = i % 36; char c; if (k < 10) { c = (char) (48 + k); } else { c = (char) ((65 + k) - 10); } sb.append(c); i /= 36; } return sb.toString(); } /** * @param name * @param days * @param id * @return */ public static String MakeKey(String name, int days, int id) { id %= 100000; byte bkey[] = new byte[12]; bkey[0] = (byte) 1; // Product type: IntelliJ IDEA is 1 bkey[1] = 14; // version Date d = new Date(); long ld = (d.getTime() >> 16); bkey[2] = (byte) (ld & 255); bkey[3] = (byte) ((ld >> 8) & 255); bkey[4] = (byte) ((ld >> 16) & 255); bkey[5] = (byte) ((ld >> 24) & 255); days &= 0xffff; bkey[6] = (byte) (days & 255); bkey[7] = (byte) ((days >> 8) & 255); bkey[8] = 105; bkey[9] = -59; bkey[10] = 0; bkey[11] = 0; int w = getCRC(name, id % 100000, bkey); bkey[10] = (byte) (w & 255); bkey[11] = (byte) ((w >> 8) & 255); BigInteger pow = new BigInteger("89126272330128007543578052027888001981", 10); BigInteger mod = new BigInteger("86f71688cdd2612ca117d1f54bdae029", 16); BigInteger k0 = new BigInteger(bkey); BigInteger k1 = k0.modPow(pow, mod); String s0 = Integer.toString(id); String sz = "0"; while (s0.length() != 5) { s0 = sz.concat(s0); } s0 = s0.concat("-"); String s1 = encodeGroups(k1); s0 = s0.concat(s1); return s0; } public static void main(String[] args) { // if (args.length == 0) // { // System.err.printf("*** Usage: %s name%n", Test.class.getCanonicalName()); // System.exit(1); // } int i=0; int a = i +5; Random r = new Random(); System.out.println(MakeKey("weg", 0, r.nextInt(100000))); } }
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matlab ideal low pass filter
I In any cyclotomic ring, Ring-LWE is pseudorandom if ideal lattice problems are (quantumly) hard in the worst case. I Ring-LWE allows for much more compact and efficient encryption schemes than ...
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6. **文档编写**:"Ideal low-pass filter.docx"可能是对以上过程的详细描述,包括理论背景、MATLAB代码示例以及实验结果分析。阅读该文档将有助于深入理解理想低通滤波器的设计和实现。 理想低通滤波器虽然在理论...
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Yasunori Goto / QI Fuli Linux Development Division Fujitsu Limited 2018内核开发者大会
Write MATLAB code that will perform frequency domain filtering ...(a) Ideal LPF. (b) Butterworth LPF. (c) Gaussian LPF. (d) Ideal HPF. (e) Butterworth HPF. (f) Gaussian HPF. (g) Homomorphic filtering.
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