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恩恩 按照上面的代码测试一下觉得很对
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <aes.h> #include <modes.h> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; using namespace CryptoPP; #pragma comment( lib, "cryptlib.lib" ) void AESBasicEncrypt(string input,string key,string output); void AESBasicDecrypt(string input,string key,string output); void AESCBCEncrypt(string input,string key,string iv,string output); void AESCBCDecrypt(string input,string key,string iv,string output); void XorCharArray(unsigned char *a,unsigned char * b,int length); int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc<2){ cout<< "the parameters has some error"<<endl; system("pause"); return 1; } //AES中使用的固定参数是以类AES中定义的enum数据类型出现的,而不是成员函数或变量 //因此需要用::符号来索引 string aes="AES"; string ECB="ECB"; string InvAES="InvAES"; string CBC="CBC"; string InvCBC="InvCBC"; string InvECB="InvECB"; cout << "AES Parameters: " << endl; cout << "Algorithm name : " << AES::StaticAlgorithmName() << endl; cout << "Algorithm Type : " << argv[1] << endl; if((argv[1]==aes||argv[1]==ECB)&&argc>=5){ cout << "Algorithm InputText : " << argv[2] << endl; cout << "Algorithm InputKey : " << argv[3] << endl; cout << "Algorithm OutputText : " << argv[4] << endl; cout << "Block size : " << AES::BLOCKSIZE * 8 << endl; AESBasicEncrypt(argv[2],argv[3],argv[4]); system("pause"); return 0; } if(argv[1]==CBC&&argc>=6){ cout << "Algorithm InputText : " << argv[2] << endl; cout << "Algorithm InputKey : " << argv[3] << endl; cout << "Algorithm IV : " << argv[4] << endl; cout << "Algorithm OutputText : " << argv[5] << endl; cout << "Block size : " << AES::BLOCKSIZE * 8 << endl; AESCBCEncrypt(argv[2],argv[3],argv[4],argv[5]); system("pause"); return 0; } if(argv[1]==InvCBC&&argc>=6){ cout << "Algorithm InputText : " << argv[2] << endl; cout << "Algorithm InputKey : " << argv[3] << endl; cout << "Algorithm IV : " << argv[4] << endl; cout << "Algorithm OutputText : " << argv[5] << endl; cout << "Block size : " << AES::BLOCKSIZE * 8 << endl; AESCBCDecrypt(argv[2],argv[3],argv[4],argv[5]); system("pause"); return 0; } if((argv[1]==InvAES||argv[1]==InvECB)&&argc>=5){ cout << "Algorithm InputText : " << argv[2] << endl; cout << "Algorithm InputKey : " << argv[3] << endl; cout << "Algorithm OutputText : " << argv[4] << endl; cout << "Block size : " << AES::BLOCKSIZE * 8 << endl; AESBasicDecrypt(argv[2],argv[3],argv[4]); system("pause"); return 0; } cout<< "the parameters has some error"<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } void AESBasicEncrypt(string input,string key,string output){ ifstream inputTextF; ifstream inputKeyF; ofstream outputF(output.c_str(),ofstream::binary); inputTextF.open(input.c_str(),ifstream::binary); AESEncryption aesEncryptor; char aesKey[32]={0}; unsigned char aesKey2[32]={0}; unsigned char aesText2[16]={0}; char inputT[16]={0}; unsigned char outBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]={0}; unsigned char xorBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; memset( xorBlock, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); if(!inputTextF){ cout<< "the "+input+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.open(key.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!inputKeyF){ cout<< "the "+key+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.read(aesKey,32); int end_pos,endNum=0; end_pos = inputKeyF.gcount(); memcpy(aesKey2,aesKey,end_pos); aesEncryptor.SetKey(aesKey2, end_pos ); cout << "key length : " << end_pos * 8 << endl; cout << "output encryption Text : " << endl; while(!inputTextF.eof()) { memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); inputTextF.read(inputT,16); endNum=inputTextF.gcount(); if(endNum<16){ for(int i=endNum;i<16;i++){ inputT[i]=16-endNum; } } memcpy(aesText2,inputT,16); aesEncryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( aesText2, xorBlock, outBlock ); for( int i=0; i<16; i++ ) { outputF<<outBlock[i]; cout << hex << (int)outBlock[i] << " "; } outputF.flush(); } inputTextF.close(); inputTextF.clear(); inputKeyF.close(); inputKeyF.clear(); outputF.close(); outputF.clear(); cout << endl; } void AESCBCEncrypt(string input,string key,string iv,string output){ ifstream inputTextF; ifstream inputKeyF; ifstream ivF; ofstream outputF(output.c_str(),ofstream::binary); AESEncryption aesEncryptor; char aesKey[32]={0}; unsigned char aesKey2[32]={0}; char inputT[16]={0}; unsigned char aesText2[16]={0}; unsigned char outBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]={0}; char ivArray[16]={0}; unsigned char ivArrayU[16]={0}; unsigned char xorBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; int end_pos=0,endNum=0; memset( xorBlock, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); inputKeyF.open(key.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!inputKeyF){ cout<< "the "+key+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.read(aesKey,32); end_pos = inputKeyF.gcount(); memcpy(aesKey2,aesKey,end_pos); aesEncryptor.SetKey(aesKey2, end_pos ); cout << " key length : " << end_pos * 8 << endl; ivF.open(iv.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!ivF){ cout<< "the "+iv+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } ivF.read(ivArray,16); memcpy(ivArrayU,ivArray,16); ivF.close(); inputTextF.open(input.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!inputTextF){ cout<< "the "+input+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } cout << "output encryption Text : " << endl; while(!inputTextF.eof()) { memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); inputTextF.read(inputT,16); endNum=inputTextF.gcount(); if(endNum<16){ for(int i=endNum;i<16;i++){ inputT[i]=16-endNum; } } memcpy(aesText2,inputT,16); XorCharArray(aesText2,ivArrayU,16); aesEncryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( aesText2, xorBlock, outBlock ); memcpy(ivArrayU,outBlock,16); for( int i=0; i<16; i++ ) { outputF<<outBlock[i]; cout << hex << (int)outBlock[i] << " "; } outputF.flush(); } inputTextF.close(); inputTextF.clear(); inputKeyF.close(); inputKeyF.clear(); outputF.close(); outputF.clear(); cout << endl; } void AESCBCDecrypt(string input,string key,string iv,string output) { ifstream inputTextF; ifstream inputKeyF; ifstream ivF; ofstream outputF(output.c_str(),ofstream::binary); inputTextF.open(input.c_str(),ifstream::binary); AESDecryption aesDecryptor; char aesKey[32]={0}; unsigned char aesKey2[32]={0}; unsigned char aesText2[16]={0}; char inputT[16]={0}; unsigned char outBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]={0}; char ivArray[16]={0}; unsigned char ivArrayU[16]={0}; unsigned char xorBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; memset( xorBlock, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); if(!inputTextF){ cout<< "the "+input+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.open(key.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!inputKeyF){ cout<< "the "+key+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.read(aesKey,32); int end_pos,endNum; end_pos = inputKeyF.gcount(); memcpy(aesKey2,aesKey,end_pos); aesDecryptor.SetKey(aesKey2, end_pos ); //设定密钥 cout << " key length : " << end_pos * 8 << endl; ivF.open(iv.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!ivF){ cout<< "the "+iv+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } ivF.read(ivArray,16); memcpy(ivArrayU,ivArray,16); ivF.close(); memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); cout << "output Decryption Text : " << endl; while(inputTextF.peek()!=EOF) { inputTextF.read(inputT,16); endNum=16; memcpy(aesText2,inputT,16); aesDecryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( aesText2, xorBlock, outBlock ); XorCharArray(outBlock,ivArrayU,16); //memcpy(xorBlock,outBlock,16); memcpy(ivArrayU,aesText2,16); if(inputTextF.peek()==EOF){ endNum=16-outBlock[15]; } for( int i=0; i<endNum; i++ ) { outputF<<outBlock[i]; cout << hex << (int)outBlock[i] << " "; } cout<<endl; outputF.flush(); memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); } inputTextF.close(); inputTextF.clear(); inputKeyF.close(); inputKeyF.clear(); outputF.close(); outputF.clear(); cout << endl; } void AESBasicDecrypt(string input,string key,string output) { ifstream inputTextF; ifstream inputKeyF; ofstream outputF(output.c_str(),ofstream::binary); inputTextF.open(input.c_str(),ifstream::binary); AESDecryption aesDecryptor; char aesKey[32]={0}; unsigned char aesKey2[32]={0}; unsigned char aesText2[16]={0}; char inputT[16]={0}; unsigned char outBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]={0}; unsigned char xorBlock[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; memset( xorBlock, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); if(!inputTextF){ cout<< "the "+input+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.open(key.c_str(),ifstream::binary); if(!inputKeyF){ cout<< "the "+key+" not found or error"<<endl; return ; } inputKeyF.read(aesKey,32); int end_pos,endNum; end_pos = inputKeyF.gcount(); memcpy(aesKey2,aesKey,end_pos); aesDecryptor.SetKey(aesKey2, end_pos ); //设定加密密钥 cout << " key length : " << end_pos * 8 << endl; memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); cout << "output Decryption Text : " << endl; while(inputTextF.peek()!=EOF) { inputTextF.read(inputT,16); endNum=16; memcpy(aesText2,inputT,16); aesDecryptor.ProcessAndXorBlock( aesText2, xorBlock, outBlock ); //加密 if(inputTextF.peek()==EOF){ endNum=16-outBlock[15]; } for( int i=0; i<endNum; i++ ) { outputF<<outBlock[i]; cout << hex << (int)outBlock[i] << " "; } cout<<endl; outputF.flush(); memset( inputT, 0, AES::BLOCKSIZE ); } inputTextF.close(); inputTextF.clear(); inputKeyF.close(); inputKeyF.clear(); outputF.close(); outputF.clear(); cout << endl; } void XorCharArray(unsigned char *a,unsigned char * b,int length){ for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ a[i]=a[i]^b[i]; } }
AESCipher.exe CBC ice.txt KeyFile.dat iv.dat outputCBC.dat AESCipher.exe InvCBC outputCBC.dat KeyFile.dat iv.dat outputCBCP.dat AESCipher.exe AES ice.txt KeyFile.dat outputAES.dat AESCipher.exe InvAES outputAES.dat KeyFile.dat outputAESP.dat AESCipher.exe ECB ice.txt KeyFile.dat outputECB.dat AESCipher.exe InvECB outputECB.dat KeyFile.dat outputECBP.dat
- AESCipher_test.rar (225.1 KB)
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- AES.rar (5.6 MB)
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终于找到了一个能在J2ME 上面用的了 J2me AES 加密解密 crypto-aes
这个"**crypto-js.zip**"压缩包中包含了针对Egret的AES加密解密库,并且带有.d.ts文件,这意味着开发者可以无缝地将这个库集成到Egret项目中,享受类型检查的便利。 **AES加密工作原理:** AES加密的过程主要分为...
要实现AES加密,我们需要引入第三方库crypto-js。crypto-js提供了各种加密算法,包括AES。在jQuery中,可以如下使用crypto-js进行AES加密: ```javascript var key = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(16); // 生成...
在uni-app中,可以使用JavaScript的crypto-js库来实现AES加密解密。首先,你需要通过HBuilderX引入该库,然后在uni-app代码中使用: ```javascript const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js'); const key = 'your_...
本压缩包"uniapp 前后端AES加密解密.rar"正是为了解决这一问题,它包含了在uniapp环境下实现前后端AES加密解密的方法。AES(Advanced Encryption Standard),即高级加密标准,是一种广泛使用的对称加密算法,具有...
在JAVA中实现AES加密解密,需要理解其工作原理、流程以及相关API的使用。以下是对AES加密解密算法及其JAVA实现的详细讲解。 1. AES算法简介: AES是一种块密码,它将明文数据分成128位的块进行加密。它有三种不同的...
在Java中实现AES加密解密,可以使用Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) 提供的`javax.crypto.Cipher`类。首先,需要创建一个密钥,这可以通过`KeyGenerator`类完成。然后,初始化`Cipher`对象,设置为加密或解密模式...
在C语言中实现AES加密解密是一项基础且重要的技能,特别是在嵌入式系统和低级别编程中。 AES的核心是一个名为Rijndael的密码,由比利时密码学家Joan Daemen和Vincent Rijmen设计。它的工作原理基于一系列的替换和...
### 知识点详解 #### 一、AES加密算法简介 **高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard,AES)**是一种对称加密算法...通过以上介绍,我们可以了解到如何在Java中实现AES加密解密的基本流程,以及相关的注意事项。
标题中的"C++/java/C#语言的AES加密解密"涉及到的是三种常用编程语言——C++、Java和C#在实现AES(Advanced Encryption Standard,高级加密标准)算法上的应用。AES是一种广泛使用的对称加密算法,它在信息安全领域...
本文将详细探讨如何使用JavaScript(JS)在HTML前端实现AES加密解密,并着重讲解AES的CBC模式及其填充方式。 AES,全称为Advanced Encryption Standard,即高级加密标准,是一种广泛应用于网络安全的对称加密算法。...
Android 平台提供了 javax.crypto 包,包含了 AES 加密算法的实现。 生成 AES 密钥 在使用 AES 加密之前,需要生成 AES 密钥。AES 密钥可以使用 KeyGenerator 类生成,代码如下: ```java KeyGenerator keygen = ...