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Mapping Networks of Terrorist Cells

Mapping Networks of Terrorist Cells / Krebs
Incompleteness, Fuzzy boundaries, Dynamic

There is a constant struggle between keeping the network hidden and actively
using it to accomplish objectives (Baker and Faulkner, 1993).

As more information about the hijackers’ past was uncovered I decided to map links of three strengths (and corresponding thicknesses). The tie strength would largely be governed by the amount of time together by a pair of terrorists. Those living together or attending the same school or the same classes/training would have the strongest ties. Those travelling together and participating in meetings together would have ties of moderate strength and medium thickness. Finally, those who were recorded as having a financial transaction together, or an occasional meeting, and no other ties, I sorted into the dormant tie category – they would rarely interact. These relationships were shown with the thinnest links in the network.

degree, betweenness, and closeness.

Clustering Coefficient
Mean Path Length

It is possible that those with unique skills would also have unique ties within the network. Because of their unique human capital and their high
social capital the pilots were the richest targets for removal from the network.

Network to map
strategy& goals

All those things could build the relation with members in the group


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